posted on May, 21 2006 @ 02:29 PM
I don't believe the next century is going to be another American century. But assuming that the world makes it through the next century, it's seems
as though this century is going to be Asian. So I was wondering what this Asian century would be like. How would the world work with a dominating
China for instance and where would the west, the middle east and russia stand. Here are some good questions to think about:
1. Would the U.N. survive?
2. What would be East Asian foreign policy?
3. Where would democracy be?
4. What of decling European and Russian populations, would they fix this?
5. Is religion the future again?
6. Would Israel survive? and if not would there be a one-state solution?
7. A unified Muslim world anyone?
8. Chinese military bases on Japanese soil?
9. East Asian or Chinese military bases around the world? Such as the Mid-East, Africa, or even Europe?
10. Divided States of America? Or American confederation.
11. United North America?
12. United Latin World?
13. Rise of some African Nations?
14. Who would the East Asians war with? Europeans or Latins? I heard that the Chinese tried to set up colonies in the Americas.
15. Who will dominate space?
16. Will Russia go Communist again?
17. An end to warfare?