posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 08:01 AM
Society sucks,it has a depressing effect on most people,and everything is manipulated to keep them busy enough to not notice what the problem is.
The doctors prescribe anti-depressants,lotta money in it,and tell you that you have a chemical imbalance in your noggan,the doc is the one with the
But the truth of it is that you don't have to grow up,you don't have to play the game,you don't have to buy a hot-tub to impress your
neighbors,all you have to do is live your life and try not to get sucked into the belly of the beast,which really isn't that hard to do.
Unless of course you are one of the many "materialistic dummies" who is willing to work their life away for "Stuff".
Not me,not anymore.
Been semi-successful,lost everything,been there,done that,learned my lesson.
You should see the looks I get when someone is bragging up their motorcycle or their car or their house or whatever,and say,"The guy who designed
the bike or car loves you,you make him rich".
I don't get these loyalties people have to things like football teams,Ford,Chevy,Name brand #...............
Lifes too short,live it,stop enriching someone who does not care about you at all by being vain and working yourself to death for stuff.
The best one is "He who dies with the most toys wins",yeah right!,He who dies with the most toys wins the "stupid ass who wasted his life working
for toys to leave his relatives to fight over" award.
Gee, I wonder who profits from that?