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Breaking: UFO or 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann

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posted on May, 26 2006 @ 01:10 AM
hmm nobody died yet..?


posted on May, 26 2006 @ 01:13 AM
He is this:

UPDATE MAY 25, 2006:
According to informed sources, contacts in the American intelligence services confirm the existence of a time window of 48 hours, centered on May 25th at midnight GMT, for the impact a comet fragment south of the Azores.

This corroborates information of an evacuation exercise of the U.S. Congress to occur later in the day of May 25th, information which reached us this morning.

As a measure of precaution, I suggest the authorities do the utmost to protect the populations of the Atlantic coastlines. -- Eric Julien

So we can only wait for drump this guy

MOD EDIT: Source coming, edited quote to "ex" tags.

[edit on 5/26/06/26 by junglejake]

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by chinabean
hmm nobody died yet..?

I thought I did, but it turned out to be gas.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 01:55 AM
Here is a new comet site has some information and good links hope this helps

MOD EDIT: Made link clickable

[edit on 5/26/06/26 by junglejake]

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by Hexxx
Here is a new comet site has some information and good links hope this helps

MOD EDIT: Made link clickable

[edit on 5/26/06/26 by junglejake]

Wow, is that source ever misleading! On the front page, it states,

New Information from the National Data Buoy Center!
Click here to read the article

We have received news of developments in the Atlantic ocean of 40+ foot tsunami waves.

The article it links to, however, is from the National Data Buoy Center and states the wave height is 10.2 feet with no mention of anything involving a 40+ foot wave or waves. However, the site is not exactly lying, as they never say the information of the 40+ foot wave comes from that site. They just don't source the site.

I would not suggest that site as a legitimate source of information.

Last 24 hours:

Previous observations MM DD TIME
kts GST
kts WVHT
ft DPD
sec APD
05 26 0500 WSW 19.0 - 9.8 6 - - 30.02 +0.01 55.9 54.1 54.5 - - -
05 26 0400 WSW 21.0 - 9.5 6 - - 30.01 +0.00 56.1 90.1 54.7 - - -
05 26 0300 SW 22.0 - 9.8 6 - - 30.01 -1.48 55.9 54.1 54.5 - - -
05 26 0200 SW 22.0 - 9.5 6 - - 30.00 -0.01 56.3 54.3 55.0 - - -
05 26 0100 SW 22.0 - 9.5 6 - - 30.00 -0.02 56.1 54.1 54.9 - - -
05 26 0000 SW 22.0 - 9.5 6 - - 30.01 -0.01 56.1 54.1 54.9 - - -
05 25 2300 SW 20.0 - 9.2 7 - - - -0.00 55.9 54.1 54.7 - - -
05 25 2200 SW 20.0 - 8.9 6 - - 30.03 +0.01 55.8 54.1 54.5 - - -
05 25 2100 SW 20.0 - 8.9 6 - - 30.02 -0.02 55.6 54.1 54.3 - - -
05 25 2000 SW 18.1 - 8.2 6 - - 30.02 -0.01 55.6 54.1 54.3 - - -
05 25 1900 SW 17.1 - 7.9 6 - - 30.03 -0.01 55.2 54.1 54.0 - - -
05 25 1800 SW 15.9 - 40.4 6 - - 30.04 +0.02 55.0 54.1 53.8 - - -
05 25 1700 WSW 14.0 - 7.9 6 - - 30.03 +0.01 55.2 54.1 54.0 - - -
05 25 1600 WSW 14.0 - 8.2 7 - - 30.03 +0.01 55.2 54.1 54.0 - - -
05 25 1500 SW 15.9 - 8.2 6 - - 30.02 +0.02 55.2 54.1 53.8 - - -
05 25 1400 SW 17.1 - 8.2 6 - - - +0.03 55.4 54.1 54.5 - - -
05 25 1300 WSW 15.0 - 7.9 6 - - 30.01 +0.04 55.4 54.1 53.8 - - -
05 25 1100 WSW 15.9 - 8.5 7 - - 29.99 +0.03 55.2 54.1 54.0 - - -
05 25 1000 WSW 14.0 - 9.5 7 - - 29.97 +0.02 55.0 54.0 53.8 - - -
05 25 0900 SW 9.9 - 8.5 7 - - 29.96 +0.01 55.0 54.0 53.8 - - -
05 25 0800 S 7.0 - 8.2 7 - - 29.96 +0.04 53.8 54.0 53.1 - - -
05 25 0700 SW 7.0 - 8.5 7 - - - +0.04 53.8 54.0 52.3 - - -

source as of 0600 GMT on 05/26/2006

EDIT: Formatting is being a pain, that list at the start of the external quote is the legend, and corresponds to the number of columns over each piece of data lies.

[edit on 5/26/06/26 by junglejake]

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 02:21 AM
There's a 70 foot wave now from a different bouy, big wave moving getting bigger?
Can you guys tell me what these numbers mean?

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by Hexxx
There's a 70 foot wave now from a different bouy, big wave moving getting bigger?
Can you guys tell me what these numbers mean?

The comet site may have updated, but their links don't say anything about their claims. The M5 buoy they claim was destroyed links to the information up to this last hour. The information indicates 1.5 meter waves with a period of 6 minutes.

This site is counting on you not to actually click on the links they provided, but instead to just accept what they have to say. Check all three links. If you have any specific questions about the data, ask away. Nothing in it indicates anything unusual, and nothing comes anywhere close to the 70+ ft. waves they're now claiming, unless 30 inches means something completely different than 30 inches.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 02:26 AM
From NDBC site

Azores Buoy

Interesting 40ft swell this afternoon...wave height increasing steadily after the swell.

Hmmmm...maybe...just maybe...

NAH!!! is a bit odd yes?

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 02:34 AM
Ha! Wow do I ever feel foolish! I was looking at the pressure on that hour by hour listing, not the actual height of the waves

That actually is odd, it goes from 8 feet to 40 feet to 8 feet again at 1800 hours GMT.

I think I may need to get to bed before I do anything more along those lines...Sorry about that, Hexxx.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 02:37 AM
C6NI7 00 54.0 -171.4 280 18.1 - - - 29.62 - 42.8 - - 6.2 2 - - - - - - ---- -----
C6NZ3 00 46.3 -8.5 280 15.9 - 70.5 0.0 30.39 +0.03 56.7 56.3 55.9 2.5 - - - - - - - ---- -----
C6RT 00 35.0 -9.0 80 18.1 - - - 30.12 +0.00 68.0 - - 12.4 - - - - - - - ---- -----
C6SD9 00 39.0 -10.3 20 28.0 - - - 30.24 -0.01

WVHT is wave height in feet scroll way down you will see the 70ft wave

Text Red

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 02:40 AM
According to one of the links on the site

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 03:00 AM
Could it be because of the fact that the wave heights went back down to 10 ft?? LMAO

Deep Ocean swells are NOT UNCOMMON! Why I dunno but in perusing the site (NDBC) it is interesting to note that swells of significant size occure quite frequently with no cataclysmic effects.

Any mariners out there who can explain?

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 03:04 AM
No there still on the site

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by Hexxx
No they are still on the site
No there still on the site

"They're" deirdre. If it's a psychic it's way off course for a prediction though. "Um but there was a small wave" lol. I'm getting annoyed at the random predictions whereby they go at great lengths to explain something that won't happen. Well maybe they're a day off and I'll have to post underwater.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 03:32 AM
for those comparing The End is Near site to the SL in May site:

According to EJ's Lat & Long. estimates the only data collected is totally unremarkable.

The lat & long. of the 40 ft waves is actually WAY off from EJ's predicted and publicized area (lost city fault at lat-30o long-38o)

The 70ft wave is WAY off as well...nearly into the Indian Ocean.

Looking around the NDBC site I found several big swells in the pacific too followed by swells MUCH smaller...

So there yah go.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 03:39 AM
You dumb asses sit there being critical and you don't even understand the scientific asepect of it.

The comet blew up a few years ago so there are thousands perhaps millions of fragments hanging off from its tail by gravity. The comet already passed us but some of these pieces are burning up in our atmosphere that's what the "meteor shower" is all about that's going on right now.

Julien is a bit out there for me talking about flying UFOs and what-not but the guy has a point. He's saying that there ARE fragments that are nearly a hundread feet and if they don't burn up completely and hit the Earth as truck-sized or bigger it WILL cause major problems

The wave reports already indicate that some of these are hitting us. What else is to come before it's over... just because Julien was wrong about the date and time doesn't mean nothing will happen.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 03:40 AM
[spam] has information about the wave reports I just mentioned

[edit on 26-5-2006 by kinglizard]

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by blackJAXX
You dumb asses sit there being critical and you don't even understand the scientific asepect of it.

Down boy. We're just past the last name-calling session, now you're starting it all over again?

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 03:51 AM
it is a fact that calm water lakes swell up from time to time. The water rises in the middle as high as a house, then settles back down. This is a way lakes refreshen themselves and stir the hot/cold water around to get into balance.
This could be happening in the open seas also.. so this random 70ft swell could be a natural occurance.

Interesting info though.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 04:00 AM
Way to use that logic blackJaxx!!!!!!!!!

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