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Destroying the physically strong by being mentally strong

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posted on May, 20 2006 @ 08:38 PM
How does one attain telekinetic powers? I can understand that through birth is one way. But there must be some way to build this greatness.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 08:43 PM
What is the primary reason for your interest on this subject?

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Arkham
How does one attain telekinetic powers? I can understand that through birth is one way. But there must be some way to build this greatness.

Forget that nonsense. Just always remember this.

"A glass jaw is always a glass jaw, no matter how big the opponent."

Toughen yourself up and work on your hand skills. Think Bruce Lee.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 09:33 PM
Pyro: I feel as though I would be enlightened. It would take me one step closer to my personal perfection or needed isolation.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 11:05 PM

When what you've asked about on this thread is combined with the feelings you express in this other thread, it suggests that something is profoundly and perhaps dangerously wrong.

I agree with what FlyersFan said on the other thread. You should consult a doctor -- and if it's the kind of thing that works for you, maybe some sort of spiritual counsellor as well.

When someone confesses to feelings of profound alienation and wants to know how to destroy "enemies" at the same time, things are definitely not right.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 12:00 AM
I an understand your feelings of isolation - I have also gone through some pretty terrifying experiences in the modern social landscape.

However - being "enlightened" does not nessecarily mean you have "special powers" - it means you are able to come to an objective and balanced perspetive of the world at large and your place within it.

Developing "psychic abilities" is not as glamorous as most people think - I have an advanced state of telepathic ability and must rely on medication to still the voices and extensive mediatational techniques to keep unwanted information at bay.

Because of this, I have gone into a voluntary hermitage where I can come to terms with the reality of my situation.

More often than not - the need to develop oneself is to ome to a better understanding of who one really is.

That being said - what kind of "psychic powers" do you wish you had and how do you think it would better help serve you in your personal and social life?

Perhaps we can come to some sort of compromise regarding your current situation?

*edited for spelling

[edit on 21-5-2006 by Pyrotechnocracy23]

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 05:16 AM

I am not religious but a good bit of advice I got years ago when I was really into this stuff, remember this:

"You reap what you sow".

Worked for me.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 08:03 AM
I don't understand what the title has to do with telekinesis. There are lots of sites and books out there that can help you develop psychic powers, but there is no way you are going to be able to suddenly harness them strong enough to do much harm to anyone, nor should you.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 10:02 AM
Though it is understood. You have taken my words out of context. But my context was hard to understand. I apologize for that. I actually did go to a doctor. He said I way depressed. But, and this is key now, the root of my depression was my habit of telling myself that I wasn't good enough, the need to be perfect. But the difference is, perfectionist are also usually socialist. I am the opposite. As I said, I seek isolation. So I need to be able to do everything by myself. But, according to my doctor, I couldn't be smart and strong. So I want to combine the 2. As for the title of the thread. The masses conception of strong in the world is to be very muscular. To be only able to defend yourself physically. There is, in the ignorant publics eyes, no liminality inbetween the 2. But, if my mental powers make up for my physical drawbacks. Then I can live in Isolation. My morality codes allow me to control my anger. Do not worry about others. For I plan to find a doorway from the civilized world. My doctor said that that is the only way I will be happy. To be strong on both, the physical and mental planes. This is one of my problems. No matter on the internet or in the real world. People begin to think of me as very mentally unstable. I just have to watch for the truth to slip out. THe attainment of telekinesis also helps me in a mental sense. Telekinesis isn't something that the foolish can aquire easily. To have it is to be strong, mentally. So many humans believe that muscles are the only way to go. If I aquire this, it, in a sense, will destroy the physically strong. Their belief that if you aren't big, your screwed, will be skewed. My intent was never to cause them physical harm. Yes, I am an angry soul, but I have learned to control that. I would never use it against humans. I am not the true justise who makes the decision of who will be struck down. Being glamorous isn't my concern. But to be strong in this world even though it isn't possible for me to build muscular strength is. It is the same reason I am continuously seeking knowledge. Because it isn't normal for humans to be that way. Not only do I wish to seperate myself from people physically, but mentally as well. THe entire problem is my fault. And I humbly apologize. Just, please understand one thing about me, I may be a malevolent soul. I do not harm those which I do not have a right to. I do this not for power, but for isolation. On an ending note, though, it is sort of obvious. "Destroying physical adversity by being mentally strong" (I am not crippled or anything like that, but, for some reason, My muscles won't build.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 02:11 PM
you say that you cannot gain muscle. but you are wrong because you can.You may be doing the exercises like at home sit ups press ups etc... but after a while you just stop, you give up. Then you start getting into the parnormal world, wanting these abilities others have. am i right so far?
Quite a few people teenagers/adults probably go throught this.
You might be starting to think really deep about things, about this world, doing searches on the internet for things such as paranormal abilities etc...
Tell me if any of this can relate to you? (and im not being nasty to you or anything i just want to know)

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 04:22 PM

Destroying the physically strong by being mentally strong

First your title above. I thought you were going in the direction of "Work hard or work smart." But after reading the post itself...

Originally posted by Arkham
How does one attain telekinetic powers? I can understand that through birth is one way. But there must be some way to build this greatness.

I'm really not sure where your going with this.

1st. It's not 'greatness'. It just is.
2nd. Anything possible to one person is possible to all. (Not physicaly - a 100 pound person is not going to be able to lift as much as a 300 pound person no matter how great their training. But you know what I mean.
3rd. I feel as if those who have the right conditioning are more apt to achieve these things most people find unatainable.

Animals, babies, people born mentaly impared to the point of "You can tell by looking", people with injuries that have left them mentaly impared to a large extent...
Do you know what all of these things have in common? I'm not speaking of the lack of mental capability to do math or read and spell.
They have an innoces that allows them to be unselfish and empathetic - and this is where the good stufff resides.
Reffering to the innocence and basic goodness. (true, some mentaly impared are not the typical that I'm speaking of) But innocence is hard to come by now days. It may be all but impossible to keep your children innocent, much less keep yourself innocent in the day of raunch - but, you are what you take in. What kind of movies do you watch? What kind of friends do you keep? What do you like to listen to on the radio or talk shows? Is any of it or all of it edifing? Is it even close to 'not bad'? It's a very difficult thing now days.
Unselfishness is hard to come by now days as well. Everyone is out to take care of themselves and maybe help freinds and family - but always out for themselves and to gather a little pat on the back if something is offered. Law suits are wide spread, food stamps and government help are rampid - everyone wants to take what they can get - especialy when they think it's somehow owed to them.

Sigh. I think it would take far too long and would probably not make sence to most. I'm sorry - I'm going to have to leave this post unfinished. But the point was, we all have what it takes - but people as a general rule are too selfish and they refuse to have faith in something greater than themselves or science... that's why these things aren't accesable.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 04:27 PM
As far as mental and physical health - go find yourself a practitioner that can work with you on ALL levels. The physical level is the least of the problem. All things start in other areas. (accept for accidents of course)

You need to change all negative to possative.
You need to clean yourself up energeticaly and from there mentaly and emotionaly will follow.

Most problems are worked on backwards. You need to start at the starting gate and watch the healing transform you physicaly as well.

Do search for someone in your area that can work with you dayly at first, then several times a week. From there, you should gt to a point in which you can be trained to do dayly treatments on yourself.

Best of luck

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 04:39 PM
Ok, I went looking for a book that might help explain things. I have to tell you, I haven't found a single book that I can agree with 100%. And the truth of the matter is this... 99% truth with 1% lie is mor dangerous than 100% lie. We can easily detect something that isn't true - but when we are unlearned in an area and are not capable of discerning truth from untruth - it can really boob things up.

Let me suggest doing a search on the 7 main chakras. That will give you a good begining into what exactly you'll be dealing with anyway.

Let me know if you have any questions. If I'll go looking through my old notes and see if I have anything left on the computer that I can copy/paist into a thread for you - but I think most of what I learned was not written down.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 07:19 PM
Your doctor told you you couldn't be both mentally and physically strong?


Find a new doctor as soon as possible.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 10:06 PM
I'd imagine gaining telekinetic or whatever abilities is at least 1000x more difficult than bulking on muscle.

If you want to be powerful go to gym a lot and study healthy eating, exercise, etc. If you want to win a fight study martial arts intensely.

To overcome an opponent with your mind, study psychology.


posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 05:42 PM
I mean my own personal perfection. I want to be smart and strong enough to live without the help of anyone. To seek my own hermitage. My personal perfection is to know everything humanly possible. And to be able to defend myself against multiple opponents. Martial arts aren't possible. And working out for a year and not gaining anything means I can't grow muscle. Believing in the chakras would mean becoming a plague to my own family. Making me need to leave. I don't intend to hurt anyone. There is no alturistic definition for any words I usually say. Greatness is, in my definition is my perfection. To function as my own team. For one reason, I don't like being around humans. Please don't take any of this rudely.

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Arkham
I mean my own personal perfection. I want to be smart and strong enough to live without the help of anyone. To seek my own hermitage. My personal perfection is to know everything humanly possible. And to be able to defend myself against multiple opponents. Martial arts aren't possible. And working out for a year and not gaining anything means I can't grow muscle. Believing in the chakras would mean becoming a plague to my own family. Making me need to leave.

I am a perfectionist myself (or so others claim) and I also seek inward instead of outward.

One thing I could tell you about your body work out is this; You either ain't doing the work out the right way or regulary. Because ANYONE - and I mean, ANYONE - can build up muscles. You have muscles in your body at this very moment or you'd be a flat rubber doll in a wheel-chair.

You'd need to tell us more than that you've been training for a year. And don't overdo it; Tell us straight out what you do everytime you worked out, when you worked out and how often you worked out.

You have to remember you also need proteins in order to build muscles.

There might be a part of this in which I misread, because part of me is thinking if you meant you had trained for one year in martial arts.

Another thing I do not understand is why would "believing in chakras" become a plague in your family? And why would it even require you to leave your family if you believed in chakras? You might have misunderstood chakras. Please explain this to me :/

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 07:15 PM
The reason that I cannot build is because I have a light body frame. My father has the same problem. He is a farmer, but not as strong as most farmers. But let's not get off the point. Telekinesis is unhuman, or at least in my opinion. And my own goal in life is to defy my profiling of being human, (Spiritually, not physically). After reviewing, I don't want a large, obtrusive body. Plus, on the venture to learn the art of telekinesis, much knowledge would be gained. My desire is to obtain much knowledge as possible. I trained in lifting. But I am not concerned with building anymore. My goal isn't to hurt people, but to be better. (I don't say that to be mean). Since my belief is that humans are evil. So, I don't want to be human. This is majorly in a philosophical sense. Most people disregard be because of my age. As for the plague thing. My ignorance makes me think that chakras are religious. My family is deeply rooted in christianity. Anyone to view differently is viewed as a paraiah (spelling?) and often shunned. Many people misinterpret my personality entirely. Thank you for giving me time to explain myself and giving me a second chance before the die is cast and the eyes of judgement are opened.

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Arkham
Telekinesis is unhuman, or at least in my opinion.

And my own goal in life is to defy my profiling of being human, (Spiritually, not physically).

Plus, on the venture to learn the art of telekinesis, much knowledge would be gained.

My ignorance makes me think that chakras are religious. My family is deeply rooted in christianity.

I was thinking you're just deeply depressed that one gets at your age. But its not my place to tell you what you are.

I might add; Telekinesis is not unhuman. If it was unhuman, we wouldn't be able to do it. It is probably seen as being 'unhuman' in society and the social, but in truth it is just as human as your body. Only difference is that it is buried deep behind your subconscious. Or soul. So it is just ignorant to assume those who practice it are anything other than human.

One cannot become anything but human, you're merely thinking that because tele-, psycho- or cryokinesis, for that matter, is so hard to do and it doesn't mix well with the society, (seeing the history of time with witches burned at stakes) that it is thus 'unhuman'.

I'd also like to ask what knowledge would be gained by telekinesis. *Question for Arkham*.

And btw. if you are aware of your ignorance, and it says chakras are religious... Why are you even listening to your ignorance? If you actually know your ignorance is saying such, and you know ignorance is something to be looked past. Then frankly it is not your ignorance telling you to look away from chakras my friend, it is your stupidity.

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 11:59 AM
You got my point on the unhuman thing. I want something that is viewed as unhuman by the main culture. The goal is hence. Perhaps I should have put that my goal was to defy socieitys view on humanity.

As for the knowledge of kinesis, most that can actually do it uderstand much about the brain. Or at least those who I have seen know much, especially about the brain and how they think it works. I have never seen an idiot with telekinesis. Plus, it would help to sharpen my concentration. (Quit dismissing my questions as childish)

My ignorance and what is fact are mixed until justified by a knowing source.

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