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What Happens When Bird Flu Strikes?

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posted on May, 20 2006 @ 05:09 AM
In the event that the Bird Flu should reach the US, how many here believe that a military state would insue? It's my opinion that it could happen easily enough. All that would have to happen is that the President would have to declare a National State of Emergency, and have the Secret Service Uniformed Police come in and take over.

Once that happens, then there is practically nothing that can be done, since everyone will be quaranteened to their houses. I fear that should a pandemic reach the US, that a totalitarian police state may insue, and it might be one that the People cannot stop.

What could be done to curtail this possibility? Is there anything that could stop a pandemic from reaching here? Once quaranteen is put into place, how do we go to work to make the money to buy the food that we need to survive?

It's my opinion that should such a thing happen, the American People would lose all freedoms that they currently have, what few there really are. I'm merely trying to spark a conversation on this, since I've not seen one on this particular topic here before. Anyone that wants to say something please do. I look forward to any and all replies.


[edit on 20-5-2006 by TheBorg]

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 07:51 PM
I don't think the government would be able to exert that much control, they'll be dying at the same rate as the populous. It might actually be kind of a catch 22, where people are all looking for government help but none appear's.

I feel for people in populated area's who haven't got a clue how to fend for themselve's. Thing's will get very bad very quickly. We can only hope the kill ratio drop's when/if it mutate's successfully. It's been like 50% unmutated, but 6 out of the last 7, that doesn't sound good.

Plenty o' water and food and somethin' to protect 'em wit.

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 09:22 PM
this virus was created in a lab by THEM. if you dont know this, then God help you. switch off FOX CNN and everything.

bird are getting blamed because they can't really defend themselves against the accusations.

have you ever heard of a pigeon sueing the Feds?

neither have I.

well, even most people can't get to the courts, never mind the birds.

i guess what is likely to happen in a pandemic is this:

movement of ordinary people will be stopped totally. this is to stop the spread.

Troops will be deployed on the streets. law and order reasons.

people will be ordered to give up their right be bear arms. national security reasons. those who resists will face Waco type raids: their houses burned down with everyone inside killed.

at last the final experiment of mass medication will begin. everyone will be required to take certain pills, vaccines, serums and injections. even secret drugs . mind control campaign on the entire population. say no and marines will drag you to the consentration camps.

mass pits will be dug up all over the country where those who die due to government plan will be buried in mass graves. millions of bodies will be dumped in holes out side the cities. some will be burnt to prevent spread of disease.

troops will issue special black body bags to each home. this is so that you know what to do when your loved one is killed by the "virus"

some town will be destroyed after troops are evacuated due to unforseen disease mutation. mini nukes and tactical nuclear weapons will be used by the government to make sure no virus leaks from the place. just as in the movie "Outbreak" Dustin Hoffman. Go see it. Its scary.

food will be rationed. you will be given one meal a day. you will shout for help ntional guards will be deaf to your pleas. you can only pray: give us this day our daily bread.

schools will stay shut for long time.

children will be taken by force from parents. governemtn will say we cannot afford to lose entire generation. so its for survival of humanity. parents will have to be alone for sometimes.

this state of emergency is likely to last for years until every trace of the flu is eliminated.

normal courts and civilian judges will be removed. military will take over ever civil duty.

thats it for now.

there are a few more but my hands are getting tired, so...

God protect you all.

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 10:55 AM
I think maybe you're giving the government a little too much credit. There are 200 million gun's in America and 10's of million's of Veteran's. If you think Iraq insurgency is bad.........

But you're right, the chicken's are definitely taking the fall for this one! LOL


posted on May, 30 2006 @ 12:12 PM
Mr. Conspiracy,

Those are some interesting claims. Is there any evidence to substantiate your claims, or are they simply conjecture?

Just curious.

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by HimWhoHathAnEar
I think maybe you're giving the government a little too much credit. There are 200 million gun's in America and 10's of million's of Veteran's. If you think Iraq insurgency is bad.........

But you're right, the chicken's are definitely taking the fall for this one! LOL

But do all these really eager heavily armed Rambo's have the correct caliber weapons and ammunition to shoot a target as small as a virus ?? Ha-ha-ha.

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 06:22 PM
Really eager? Doubt it. HEAVILY armed? Not sure. Most are probably not Rambo's. Better off than most of the American Sheeple? Definitely. Basic Combat & Firearm's Training standard.

And of course you don't have to hit the virus....... If thing's get really nasty, isolation may be your only hope. The last cluster killed 6 out of 7, that's like an 85% kill ratio. That's approaching the death rate of Ebola. Potentially devastating.

I definitely wouldn't be counting on the government to deliver me a clean glass of water, much less protection from crazed looter's/ the infected!

posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 02:09 PM
i dont think it will happon,i think it should tho its about time the world got a kick in the ass but i dont count on it happoning.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 02:42 AM
I don't know why everyone wants something like this to happen. When you all contract Bird Flu, it'll be too late to seek help. I'm not in any mood to die from Bird Flu. I'll stop getting around chickens everywhere if I have to, and I'll encourage anyone else that cares about stopping this thing in it's tracks to do the same.


posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 05:39 PM

I don't know why everyone wants something like this to happen.

Who is 'everyone'. I think only StephenR said anything about wanting it to happen.

posted by TheBorg
I look forward to any and all replies.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 06:01 PM
What would happen in the event that the Bird Flu should reach the US?

Look at Europe and Asia, they already have the bird flu. It would probably not be much different in the US. Spots where the bird flu is found will be temporarily put in isolation. I don't think there will be much more to it. We in Europe haven't really noticed much of the bird flu. We hear it on the news all the time that they have found the virus here and there, and that those places have now been isolated. A month or two later (maybe even quicker) the isolation will be lifted again. They'll cull a lot of birds and some businesses will have a hard time. "Normal" people will only notice if they live inside a bird flu zone. Maybe people will notice when they're out shopping as other meat will cost more because of the higher demand for replacement meat. And fish... Salmon might get more expensive I guess.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 07:10 PM
Recently, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) ran a supercomputer simulation to try to determine how the H5N1 virus might propagate through the U.S., the results of the simulation can be found here.

Images and a quicktime movie of the simulation can be found here.

The simulation is based on a scenario in which the virus is introduced to the U.S. by the arrival of 10 infected travelers in L.A.

90 days after the introduction of the virus to the U.S. the situation would look like this:

Red areas indicate a 10% infection rate.
Green areas indicate a 5% infection rate.
Red areas indicate a 1% or less infection rate.

Pretty scary if the simulation is correct, I guess it all depends on how accurate the simulation is.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 09:18 AM
The simulation seems a little rejected...

So barley anyone in LA gets it when it arrives in LA... BUT the entire rural state of Ohio is infected along with sparsley populated northern Michigan?


posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Slap Nuts
So barley anyone in LA gets it when it arrives in LA... BUT the entire rural state of Ohio is infected along with sparsley populated northern Michigan?

No, not exactly. If you are just looking at the graphic that I provided, it may seem that way though.

The graphic I posted was from day 90 of the simulation. At that point, The virus would have already made it's rounds through L.A. and would be clearing in that area, while areas such as Michigan and Ohio would be at the height of the infection.

If you take a look at the Quicktime Movie of the simulation, the propagation of the virus becomes much easier to understand.

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