posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 09:16 PM
From reading the 2000 PDF report Heflin was on Walnut Avenue given that the shadows of the telephone poles fall to the left and Walnut Avenue runs WNW
to ESE. the Smoke ring was seen roughly at the intersection of Walnut Avenue and Myford road. So the location of Heflin in the above post must be
adjusted for his location.
The original position of the images #2 and #3 for stereo viewing are posted wrongly, which is why so many said they were having trouble getting them
into stereo. #2 should be on the left side and #3 should be on the right, opposite of what they are in the first post. You only really see this
discrepancy plainly on the left side of the images and you will notice that the wing on the window and mirror correctly go 3-D when placed with the #2
image on the left side of the pairing.
edit on 12-10-2011 by majicbar because: bad typing, extraneous number 3