posted on May, 18 2006 @ 11:49 PM
Iran already tried that and it was quite effective. After that event the national oil storage reserve was created to prevent such a thing from
happening again.
Its more then enough to allow our military to operate if another country ever tried something like that. They might not publicly state it but the US
has a policy that it will go to war to protect strategic oil supplies around the world.
You mention Latin American countries Im sure you are talking about Venezuela. President Chavez talks alot but hasnt done anything Venezuela only
supplies about 15% of US oil imports. The largest amount of oil we import by far from any country comes from Canada, which I dont think we have to
worry about them holding us hostage with their oil supplies.
Oil supplies can be a Achilles’ heel for any country. But you try to negate that weakness with reserves a strong military and friendly suppliers
like Canada.