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Teacher put on leave for saying 9/11 was inside job

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posted on May, 18 2006 @ 01:23 PM
A teacher has been put on administrative leave for expressing his opinion to another teacher that 9/11 was an inside job!

A substitute teacher by the name of Tom Mustric was put on administrative leave for voicing his opinion about 9/11.
He was talking to another teacher...


posted on May, 18 2006 @ 01:30 PM
Sweet! Hope he gets fired. Then he can sue and maybe this will get the attention it deserves.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 01:35 PM
Unless he was voicing his personal views to students as fact I don't see how this should hold up . Such a sorry period of time we have entered.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 01:36 PM
Well it appears he is black listed in other schools already, so this is probably an ongoing issue with the individual.

If this was just a mutual conversation and this opinion arose, I would see no justification in punishing the individual. But I am under the impression that this is deffinately a hot topic with the man and its affecting his work.

Speculation but fingers are pointing in that direction.

If I had a child in school, I would want the teacher to present both sides of the story. Allow the child to decide for themself, obviously 9/11 is not something administrations are going to see as two-sided but you can see what I am getting at. A teachers opinion should not be fed to his/her students, a teacher should remain neutral while influencing the minds of our children.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 01:36 PM
So when was the constitution changed in the US?

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by chissler
If I had a child in school, I would want the teacher to present both sides of the story.

He wasn't talking to the students. He was talking to another teacher.

In the video, he says he would never even share this opinion with his students.

This man has an opinion. That's all.

And I get the impression that this school put him on a list, not that he was on a list previous to this job.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by chissler
If I had a child in school, I would want the teacher to present both sides of the story. Allow the child to decide for themself, obviously 9/11 is not something administrations are going to see as two-sided but you can see what I am getting at.

The problem here is, well, if a teacher discussing his personal feelings is punished, then what will happen to a student who has a different opinion then the official version.If students begin a discussion in class regarding 9-11 and one or 2 students say something not in line with the official version can/will a teacher report them too? Can they be suspended? This is getting scarier by the day.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 01:51 PM
Ok, but as I did say in my original post I was speculating to the fact it seemed to be a hot issue with the individual. For him to be blacklisted in different schools, something is obviously wrong. He would not be targeted for no reason at all.

I assumed influencing the students was a possible conclusion. Assumed wrong if thats the case.

I agree with his argument, I do believe the government did get its hands dirty on and around September 11th. We share his opinion. But with the role he holds, he should tone down his opinion while at work I believe.

None of us can indicate how often or severe the man discussed 9/11, if he is determined to prove the government played a role in these events then it is quite possible it is effecting his work. Alot of people have devoted their time to uncovering the truth of 9/11, this could be the case here as well.

I don't believe it is simply conversations he is having with co-workers that has directly caused him to be put in this position. If it is, then shame on the administration.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 01:59 PM
Well it seems at least in this area Icke seems to be correct about no need for sheep dogs. The teacher that found offense at his remarks and reported them to the higher-ups probably got some sort of commendation. Sad really. I'm hoping that all his students know the real reason he's now gone. He may have never mentioned his feelings about 9/11 to them before this happened, but now what's to stop him? Oh the irony!

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 02:02 PM
I could at least see the motivation behind silencing this man if it was students (which I could at least understand, being on here), but another teacher??? That is ridiculous. If this is all it's about, and there aren't other issues that we are not hearing, than shame shame on the school's administration.

I hope he gets a hefty lawsuit settlement out of them. Then buys a billboard facing the school pointing out both sides to the 9/11 story.
If only revenge was that easy.


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