posted on May, 17 2006 @ 02:51 PM
As a "whole" for this topic, I have to agree that we as homosapien's are in fact effecting our enviorment in many different ways with all the very
recent technologies of industrialism and intuative experiments that we have decided to take on as a flurishing race, just without a real "Cause and
Effect" scenario.
I do also believe that the "Mother Earth" has a way of doing thing's on her own and is in opened to constant change and repair. She's doing what
she has been doing since the dawn of our planet,"Evolving" and ever changing. The Earth has been doing this as a cycle for ever and is about to give
us the opportunity of having witnesess to the event's this time around. Now, "Do I think that the Iceage is upon us? Am I saying that the Natural
disasters will most assuredly increase in size and devistation? Or, maybe the world is coming to a global death?", Read between the line's that are
already drawn out for us, we just can't accurately predict the over all event's that are about to take place. Though the perverbial "Ball" is
rolling, we just don't have all the information that we need to create a "Cause and Efect" scenario. The only real thing that we can do is "Be
Prepared", and go from there.
As for the poster of this thread, I have to agree with some of the input by the poster's and say that the thread creator is rather "Silly" none the
less, it is a real occurance on our planet and it is definately going to place's that have not been able to be wittnessed by such technologies that
we have in this day and age.
Global warming is real,and so is the facts that the earth is changing,"She's got a tummy ache, and she's about to take an antacid to "Gitter
Just my thought's and my inturpretations of the whole thing at hand..