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Global Warming?? HAHA

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posted on May, 17 2006 @ 12:58 PM
I only have a few minutes to type this but i just wanted to express my feelings about global warming. Global Warming is NOT happening. ONE volcanic eruption puts out over 100,000 TIMES the amount of flourocarbons EVER produced by mankind put together in all of HISTORY. Volcanic eruptions have been going on for millions of years and we still have a healty ozone layer. So how would humans be destroying it?? How can we destroy it when we are living how we are meant to live? We are being ourselves so how could the past two generations of humans be destroying the ozone.

[edit on 17-5-2006 by jason7]

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 17/5/2006 by Umbrax]

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 01:35 PM
Global warming is not happening? What rock did you crawl out from?

Global warming is a very real phenomenon that has been well documented.

the only thing in question is the cause.

While volcanoes do have an effect on global climate, its the OPPOSITE effect. Volcanoes have been known to cause global COOLING.

Your post shows great ignorance of ecology, science, and nature in general. We are not behaving as we were intended to behave.

The ozone is a completely different subject that does not directly relate to the global warming trend. It does have some relation to global climate in reference to other factors contributing to warming. But the destruction of the ozone is not whats causing the warming, nor is deterioration of the ozone caused by errupting volcanoes. It is the production of carbon dioxide with is allegedly causing the warming.

Kindly think and do a bit of study before you post on here. You will look less foolish.

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 01:38 PM
Well, in case you haven't noticed, glaciers are melting all around the world at an ever increasing rate.

The question is, do humans cause that? I think not.

when we are living how we are meant to live? We are being ourselves so how could the past two generations of humans be destroying the ozone.

Well, only a few thousand years ago, we could barely make fire, now were sending spaceships to the outer planets (and beyond). All that became possible in only two or three centuries.

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 01:42 PM
Even that post has me a little steamed. (there goes another glacier).

yep, the climate does one thing well, it changes, over and over.
If anyone thinks it has stabilized, just for the comfort of us humans, they are kidding themselves.

And whats even worse, we argue about the cause, rather than preparing for the effects.
Short sighted humans, we are..

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 01:54 PM
Someone explain to me how all the volcanoes around the world are starting to all rumble at the same time. And we just had another earthquake while they were testing tsunami warning systems yesterday. So we have tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanoes all simultaneously happening at the same time and seemingly increasing in frequency. I would think these "geographical" symptoms have nothing to do with "meteorlogical" symptoms at all. Our weather and our land are 2 very different things. I tend to think we're being lied to about global warming. I think the earth's core is heating up (hence, multitudes of volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis) and so is our sun (it's getting brighter). Too many bad things are happening to our planet all at once and I seriously doubt "global warming" is the root cause.

I still wonder about the Planet X theory......something is messing with our planet.....and not just the weather.

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 02:14 PM
I would say it is. Jeez for the past 5 years we have been setting record tempatures all over the world. Today for example its 31degrees celcius. Seasonal temps for this part of northern Canada are around 12C with the previous record being 14C.....

you can go back to bed now child.

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 02:20 PM
A nice and simple explanation of how humans HAVE messed up the global climate...

Hardly refutable.

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Nemithesis
A nice and simple explanation of how humans HAVE messed up the global climate...

Hardly refutable.

LOL, the government "hardly refutable"?
I think you're on the wrong website.

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 02:51 PM
As a "whole" for this topic, I have to agree that we as homosapien's are in fact effecting our enviorment in many different ways with all the very recent technologies of industrialism and intuative experiments that we have decided to take on as a flurishing race, just without a real "Cause and Effect" scenario.
I do also believe that the "Mother Earth" has a way of doing thing's on her own and is in opened to constant change and repair. She's doing what she has been doing since the dawn of our planet,"Evolving" and ever changing. The Earth has been doing this as a cycle for ever and is about to give us the opportunity of having witnesess to the event's this time around. Now, "Do I think that the Iceage is upon us? Am I saying that the Natural disasters will most assuredly increase in size and devistation? Or, maybe the world is coming to a global death?", Read between the line's that are already drawn out for us, we just can't accurately predict the over all event's that are about to take place. Though the perverbial "Ball" is rolling, we just don't have all the information that we need to create a "Cause and Efect" scenario. The only real thing that we can do is "Be Prepared", and go from there.

As for the poster of this thread, I have to agree with some of the input by the poster's and say that the thread creator is rather "Silly" none the less, it is a real occurance on our planet and it is definately going to place's that have not been able to be wittnessed by such technologies that we have in this day and age.

Global warming is real,and so is the facts that the earth is changing,"She's got a tummy ache, and she's about to take an antacid to "Gitter Dun!!"LOL

Just my thought's and my inturpretations of the whole thing at hand..

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 03:36 AM
Some of you need to grow up and stop calling members names b/c they haven’t gotten all the facts

Jason7 global warming is occurring and has been occurring for thousands of years, the rate has remained fairly constant this whole time though with new monitoring data we have seen just how much it fluctuates. While the earths average temperature is getting warmer there are places that are actually cooling down. Mankind’s involvement in this has had a impact though we are not the cause of global warming, more likely we are keeping back an ice age.

While volcanoes do produces many FC’s the ones that “eat” ozone are chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) they also produce large amounts of CO2 but in the storms that follow eruptions the carbon is fixed back in to the earth.

The honest to god truth is that we do not know what will happen or if humans are really to blame only time and history will tell.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 10:17 PM
I agree with jason.
I think that the human race is a completly ignorant one, to think that something
as small as use could cause any kind of change is ludicrous. Dinasuars farts produced
more polution ! I think you people should wake up and do some research on where global wamring came from, youll find its a political agenda...dont be fooled by them.
I agree there are changes, but we have nothing to do with it !

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 11:00 PM
why haven't he replied yet?

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 11:37 PM
We of course are having an effect, to think othrwise is delusional. Nearly all life systems are in decline except for man. We strip the world of its forests and oxygen giving trees to wipe our rears, and at the same time have all the waste from our over polution with heavy and light industry. The amount of fresh water wasted for manufacturing is mind boggling, our over fertilization and sewage that get into our waterways. I havnt even mentioned the internal combustuin engine, let alone what happens when a plastic manufacture burns and produces tons of hydrogen-cyanide into the atmospere, it goes on and on.

The governement is being controled by corporations or else you would know we are in trouble, not just have speculation. We are in an unsustainable condition at this point. We need a sustainable new industrial revelution.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by zerotolerance
Someone explain to me how all the volcanoes around the world are starting to all rumble at the same time. warming" is the root cause.

Just because there is a major eruption in Indonesia does not mean "all the volcanoes " are going off. If that were to happen then yes, I would be very worried. That there is activity around the world in regards to earthquakes and volcanoes is nothing new, there is always activity.

We are however due for some major events in the U.S. speaking in a geologic time frame ie 1- 10,000 years. Yellowstone from what reports I remember is overdue for a major eruption and the Cascade region is ripe for events. Those events however could happen centurys or even longer from now.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 12:20 AM
Another fear based tactic to promote the consumption of sunscreen and scare stupid people away from elistist hot spots so they an continue to film television dramas like "the OC" on beach locales with a minimum of public interference.

Makes sense to me.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 12:53 AM
You guys have no excuse for your ignorance, or denial/rejection of reality. You own computers and know how to use them, so get off your lazy rears and do some research to get the real facts pertaining to global warming and mankinds role therein and stop spouting nonsense.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 01:01 AM
I take it I am to assume our respective theories aren't as important as yours merely because we have not followed your personal methodology?

Shame on you, Astronomer70.

Everyone is entitled to their perspective.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 06:43 AM
Do you believe in global warming astrom ?

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 09:25 AM
I didn't realize part of Zero's quote was left, implying that they said Volcanoes and earthquakes were caused by Global Warming. Please Edit, my apologies. This is the correct post.

Originally posted by zerotolerance
Someone explain to me how all the volcanoes around the world are starting to all rumble at the same time.

Just because there is a major eruption in Indonesia does not mean "all the volcanoes " are going off. If that were to happen then yes, I would be very worried. That there is activity around the world in regards to earthquakes and volcanoes is nothing new, there is always activity.

We are however due for some major events in the U.S. speaking in a geologic time frame ie 1- 10,000 years. Yellowstone from what reports I remember is overdue for a major eruption and the Cascade region is ripe for events. Those events however could happen centuries or even longer from now.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 09:44 AM
I thought only Bush and his neo-cons believed that there was no such thing as global warming.

But lo and behold! We have another on the band wagon - Jason7!!

[edit on 21-5-2006 by mikesingh]

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