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Austrailian ultra modern Airbase. Aussie 51?

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posted on May, 17 2006 @ 12:45 AM
In the images above I was on Google earth in the area of Mount Hollister I beleive in its called in Western Austrailia. The coordinates are in the images frames. This base is highly modern in features somewhat comparable to the surrounding odd structures and such like at the Area 51,Nevada vincinty. Seems to be over a large area with many advanced features/facilities. In two of the images which are just to the south of the base and within its operating area
is a very strange circular test or ??? area with the strangest ground markings. I tried looking for more info quickly on google search but came up with little in the specs about this base. Any Aussies or anyone have some info on the any functions at this base?

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 12:56 AM
Will try and source some info for you.
With areas like Pine gap and other facilities here in Australia and our CLOSE ties with the US over intel it wouldn't surprise me if co-operative bases have been set up here.

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 01:53 PM

Ive found the name of the base is Learmonth Air Base RAFF. The linked article above is a story stating it is a mothballed field. What I find intriguing is how well kept and up to date it is for only 4 guys supposedly working/ running the place. Strange also is that the USAF/NASA have a solar array of some type there as well. Ive also added more pic's of the surrounding bldgs and such and beleive this place to be ultra secret US/AUS/??? advanced clandestined base. The google images suggest no real signs of non use. Other than no visible aircraft. In fact looks very much up to date as well as some of the top $$$ bases of the US/Brit/Rus that have hundreds of working personell. Strangely the circular compound to the west suggests an underground entrance or facility of some type to me.
As strange to me in the pic link above is the designs of the exposed main bldg or enrty bldg with strange colored odd designs about the structure. And I thought the US having a Pyramid building on a base was weird.

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 04:59 PM
So clandestine that it appears in the RAAF news? Sorry guys, Learmonth is simply a bare base, one of three the RAAF maintain.

RAAF Bare Bases

The bases do have caretakers, but are regularly exercised. During these exercises, maintenance is carried out, which is how the bases stay in such good shape.

The circular areas with structures are OLAs (Ordnance Loading Area), where the F/A-18s and F-111s are refuelled and rearmed. Other buildings not connected to the runway have perimeter defences around them (gun pits) and/or communication relay points. Fences as well create the illusion of odd shapes.

Underground facilities are not new. In fact, it would be stupid not to have key facilities underground. Sector operation command posts for example. This happened in World War II, and happens today. It is simply a good tactical move, not necessarily an indication that anything tip top secret is going on.

If you have a look at any of our bases, especially fighter bases such as Williamtown, Amberley and Tindal, you'll see pretty much similar structures and layouts. The bases are very modern, but really nothing special at the end of the day.

Hope the above helps.

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 12:25 AM
I'd love to know that something interesting goes on in australia since i live here myself.

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 06:36 PM
I actually posted this a while ago.

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Nventual
I actually posted this a while ago.

Yes I see by your links you got a lot more valuable responses. I still find this bases and that circle structure to the south to very clandestine. First off the base and facilities looks like a billion dollar modern project. Yet for being ultra modern it is closed down. Strange. Also in a article about the place the Aus. services claims four men are care takers and are the only staff of such a huge,secret and high $$$ facility. I dont buy it. I belive we have found another high tech area 51 type deal here. The fact no one lives there and the Ghost town image portrayed is highly suspicious. I have a lot of strang imagery in most of my posts that mainly lies in the US but this one in Aus. is on par with Tonopah and Area 51 easily. And even more intriguing. I dont buy the offical story on this one no matter how many try to de bunk me.


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