posted on May, 17 2006 @ 04:59 PM
So clandestine that it appears in the RAAF news? Sorry guys, Learmonth is simply a bare base, one of three the RAAF maintain.
RAAF Bare Bases
The bases do have caretakers, but are regularly exercised. During these exercises, maintenance is carried out, which is how the bases stay in such
good shape.
The circular areas with structures are OLAs (Ordnance Loading Area), where the F/A-18s and F-111s are refuelled and rearmed. Other buildings not
connected to the runway have perimeter defences around them (gun pits) and/or communication relay points. Fences as well create the illusion of odd
Underground facilities are not new. In fact, it would be stupid not to have key facilities underground. Sector operation command posts for example.
This happened in World War II, and happens today. It is simply a good tactical move, not necessarily an indication that anything tip top secret is
going on.
If you have a look at any of our bases, especially fighter bases such as Williamtown, Amberley and Tindal, you'll see pretty much similar structures
and layouts. The bases are very modern, but really nothing special at the end of the day.
Hope the above helps.