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If god did not want Adam and Eve to do it, how would they reproduce?

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posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by jezebel
I think that originally they would have had sex just for pleasure, without procreation being a concern.

Regardless of what we may think about Adam & Eve's thoughts about sex *before* the Temptation, we should also consider that Adam already was likely to have *some* idea that sex led to reproduction. After all, God gave Adam dominion over the animals & Adam even gave names to them all...He was bound to notice what they were doing...

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 12:37 AM
Adam was like a little kid. He saw what was going on around him but was still innocent. When Adam and Eve ate the apple they were not innocent any more. So before they ate the apple i do not think they knew what sex was.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by Rahizial
Wont most christians tell you that everything is preplanned? God already knew they would eat the apple and learn of sex. God wanted them to do that. Why would god punish them for something he wanted done? Well we cant understand the plans of an eternal being on a mental level far above us.

How the # does eating an apple make you learn sex?

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 03:06 AM
Viagra Apple.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by 10DeadInside10
How the # does eating an apple make you learn sex?

It makes perfect sense, just like the rest of the bible, doesn't it?
Sure! If you really stretch your imagination, you can pretend it makes sense anyway.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by ilovepizza
Adam was like a little kid. He saw what was going on around him but was still innocent. When Adam and Eve ate the apple they were not innocent any more. So before they ate the apple i do not think they knew what sex was.

Why do we assume that one cannot be innocent if they have sex? One of the factors which causes the loss of innocence is our crossing into adulthood, because of the potential to have children. If having children isn't an option, such as 2 young kids experimenting with their sexuality, then it hasn't caused a loss of innocence. Sex is not purely for reproduction. If it was, procreation would be more like that of most other mammals. It would lack the spiritual & orgasmic significance that we can share with each other.

Another reason for the "loss of innocence" involved with sex, is the pain the woman experiences when she loses her virginity. According the the Adam/Eve account, the pain Eve was cursed with was in conception and childbirth. Prior to "the fall" the loss of virginity would not have been painful. Thus, the trepidation and doubt a girl feels before her "first time", about getting pregnant or sex being painful, would not exist. This is not to say that boys don't feel scared or doubtful about their first time, but it's more a fear of ability to perform or getting someone pregnant (as explained to me by guys). Think about it, sex with no pain, disease, conception, or sin. What would then make it anything other than innocent? BTW, dolphins have sex for pleasure, rather than just to procreate. Would you consider them to be anything other than innocent?

Also the "apple", as 10DeadInside10 called it, or the fruit of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil, would not have taught them about sex. The result of "eating the fruit", which was probably symbolic, was the ability to perceive the difference between good and evil and have the desire to know the secrets of all the mysteries in life. Hence, our unquenchable desire to dissect and explain everything around us, rather than just appreciate it's existence. Prior to "the fall" Adam & Eve would have been like babies, unaware of the dark nature of man. They would have acted without thought to possible negative repercussions, because they wouldn't have known what negative repercussions were. If you've ever watched a babies eyes, looking in amazement at the world around them, unaware of the dangers it may hold, you can understand how Adam & Eve would have seen things.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 05:34 PM
I don't believe the Bible ever said it was an apple did it? I thought it said ," You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die. (Gen. 2: 16)

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by TgSoe
I don't believe the Bible ever said it was an apple did it? I thought it said ," You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die. (Gen. 2: 16)

That is what it says, but the apple is what people imagine, and fruit is fruit. I actually thinkthat "the Fruit" is meant in a context like, "fruit of the spirit", rather than literal fruit. But, I guess as long as you understand the meaning behind the story, it doesn't matter what you visulaize in order to grasp the concept.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 07:33 PM
I know people have pondered over the meaning of it for years. Its obvious that it doesn't make literal since, maybe it is some type of spiritual riddle. What could the forbidden fruit be? And, what is signifigant about it being in the middle of the garden? What if you exchanged garden for circle and forbidden fruit for blood sacrifice? Now that sounds like something that might open the mind up to other dimensions.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 08:09 PM
The fruit used doesn't matter. It was the DECISION that is the important thing.

So God could of said "You can climb any tree in Eden but that one" or "You can go to any cave in eden but that one"

God created in Adam and Eve beings with choice, if they didn't have choice they would have been animals, non cognitive.

But with choice comes freedom. God wanted them to choose between Him and whatever "knowledge" represented (even that doesn't matter, its God or something else). By having that choice and choosing God they were free. When they chose something else then they had to accept the cost.

So if the choice was not there they would be in a prison, if they could not make a choice they would be animals. This way they were free. Unfortunalty they wanted more and were encouraged by satan to break God's requirement.

BTW to an earler post. Of course all races come from a single race!
To say otherwise would make races different species, but they are not.

Racial characteristics come from environmental adaption.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by heelstone
The apple only gave Adam and Eve knowledge, correct? They knew some things already, such as how to have sex. But they did not have shame or any other things that come with age/knowledge. They were basically adult kids. That is at least if you consider any part of the Bible, especially the Adam and Eve story real.

Let's try this one more time.

The knowledge was that of good and evil. Sex isn't evil, and it wasn't something that had to be learned through eating the forbidden fruit. It takes a really imaginative while at the same time extremely misguided mind to think that God made the two sexes, yet did not expect the car to get parked in the garage, so to speak. The sin comes from sex outside the boundaries God laid down, and Adam and Eve would have been withing those boundaries, obviously. Your assumptions of how Adam and Eve were is a bit askew, and a little assuming for a latter generation human who can't even begin to wrap his mind around the concept of being the prototype human, much less walking and talking with the Creator of the Universe before sin caused a separation between us.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by ilovepizza
Adam was like a little kid. He saw what was going on around him but was still innocent. When Adam and Eve ate the apple they were not innocent any more. So before they ate the apple i do not think they knew what sex was.

How could they *not* know when the animals around them knew how to reproduce? What the apple represented (which was not actually an "apple"; it was described as the "fruit" from the tree of knowledge...I have no idea how it became common belief that it was specifically an "apple") was the knowledge that went *beyond* normal living within the nature of the world that God created. In simpler terms, it's a *metaphor*, not an actual historical event.

The "knowledge" gained at that point was the mentality to imagine & create technology to re-mold the environment to the will of mankind. This went far beyond the level of knowledge it takes to survive in nature as it is. In this aspect, the Australian Aborigines, remote African Tribes & the American Indians (for a few notable examples) were "still in Eden" before the "white scum invaders" encountered & conquered them. Living within the nature of the planet God created was the "good", but humanity trying to conquer nature & changing the nature of the world into something else was the "evil".

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 08:39 PM

so god says "let us create man in our image" according to the king james version.
However as stated previously there are hints that people, were around outside of eden previous to this.
Perhaps Adam was not the first man, just the first man created in "their" image.

[Edited on 21-10-2003 by NephraTari]

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 08:43 PM
"Their" image, we are. You have a body (Christ), a spirit (The Holy Spirit), and a soul (God the Father).

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 07:12 PM
Whatever it means I imagine that what most of us have been allowed to see is a watered down version. Providing it wasn't watered down to start with. It looks like to me man would have been created in a labratory starting with the bone structure, then adding organs and muscles and everything that makes us up. When the first was finished another was tried, with slightly different shapes and colors. But where in the world would all the materials have come from.

How the designer got humans, animals and plants to reproduce from a small egg or seed is unfathomable, for me atleast. I guess its a whole lot easier to just say out of clay God made man and breathed life into him. But then it really doesn't make a lot of sense that God made an entire woman out of one rib from the man, does it? Where did all the other marvelous features come from that he put on her? In other words if he could make the rest of her with nothing to work with but a rib why would he have needed a rib to start with ? He could have just said, Shaboom!! And poofed her into existence. Far as that goes he would not need the clay to make the man if he could make the woman from one rib.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by ilovepizza
I know adam and eve did not think about sex untill they both ate the apple. How did god expect them to make babies if they did not have sex?

I also wonder how adam and eve kept warm. It must have rained and with no clothes they would die of cold.

This is a serious thread mod's, supermods, and admin. OK

[Edited on 19-10-2003 by ilovepizza]

you froget that the garden was perfect. take plesent ville for instance, 75 degrees all the time and no rain.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 08:49 PM
Adam? Eve? Eden?

OHHHH Come ON!!!!!! This story is to prove that women screw up evrything and they are to blame for all of humanity,,,They are evil and cannot be trusted,,,

Remeber when this supposed story surfaced,,,,,This was all coming from a time when the woman was inferior and not treated as an equal! Humans have an instant fear of snakes which would automatically make them fear it.(Evil) At that time,,man had no faults and feared only GOD,,and Government!!! This would be a comforting explanation of man and why we have our faults,,,

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