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Originally posted by Jugg
There's no room in society for religious extremists.
Originally posted by Nygdan
I can't beleive that you started a thread, then, after someone worked out an answer to your questions, you responded with....nothing. Are you planning on making a sensible response to WhiteChapel's post??
Originally posted by White Chapel
I'm not even going to bother, this guy is obviously trolling and just looking for a fight. It's the same old boring refrain: "people that believe in God are stupid and I'm the enlightened one, I can't believe these people are so blind and woah is me I have to live near them." The whole episode is one big YYYAAAAWWWNNNNN....aren't we on to a new "intolerance of the week" episode? Let's see, we've gone through blacks, women, gays, and the believers. I think we are sort of on to immigrants but some people are hanging on to the anti-faith banner.
Originally posted by Jugg
Okay, so im going to drop af few questions here.
I will only accept answers that you can back up with a valid source, a scientific source, from at NON-BIAS website, book or the like.
1. First of all, are people like Kent Hovind reliable sources?
2. Are ALL dating methods faulty?
3. Did men and dino's co-exist?
4. How was Noah able to collect all animals, were the earth one big land mass?
Is IC a valid argument for what? Yes, there are hundreds of thousands of things that are IC, both in biology and outside of it. Whether or not this evidence against abiogenesis is debatable.
5. Is Irreducible complexity really a valid argument? Is there really anything that is Irreducible complexity?
Interesting assumption. Should we assume the same about you given the mulitple errors contained in your OP, that I conveniently bolded for you. If illiteracy isn't a valid assumption, what is... perhaps an education that's not gone beyond the fifth grade. Please let us know.
5 simple questions. And if you answer using a bias'ed source i must assume you are unable to read.
To aswer me these 5 questions you creationists must know, you need to look it up in scientific sources, do this for me, and will give you a BIIG hug
Originally posted by BeefotronX
1. First of all, are people like Kent Hovind reliable sources?
Well, I don't read him.
2. Are ALL dating methods faulty?
Those that are based on uniformitarian assumptions are faulty.
3. Did men and dino's co-exist?
Yes. There isn't much evidence for this, but there is the widespread presence of myths about dragons, which may be corrupted descriptions of dinos.
4. How was Noah able to collect all animals, were the earth one big land mass?
5. Is Irreducible complexity really a valid argument? Is there really anything that is Irreducible complexity?
It has become something of a buzzword that people sometimes attach too quickly to things. However, the fact that something that appears impossible to evolve incrementally could actually be evolved using additional components that are later lost does not mean the system was necessarily formed naturally, as the mechanisms of natural evolution have demonstrated to be incapable of producing the present biosphere from whatever it supposedly originally began with.
Originally posted by AlnilamOmega
I'll try to tickle my brain here.
1. First of all, are people like Kent Hovind reliable sources?
-Who the... is he another talking head or something?
3. Did men and dino's co-exist?
-Possibly. The more interesting question would perhaps be "Were there humanoid dinosaurs?"
5. Is Irreducible complexity really a valid argument? Is there really anything that is Irreducible complexity?
-Honestly I Have never heard of it, but I can postulate that the term means something along the lines of "Scientific Jargon that Demonstrates a Lack of Understanding by the Scientific Community of the Topic at Hand"
Originally posted by Jugg
Okay, so im going to drop af few questions here.
I will only accept answers that you can back up with a valid source, a scientific source, from at NON-BIAS website, book or the like.
1. First of all, are people like Kent Hovind reliable sources?
2. Are ALL dating methods faulty?
3. Did men and dino's co-exist?
4. How was Noah able to collect all animals, were the earth one big land mass?
5. Is Irreducible complexity really a valid argument? Is there really anything that is Irreducible complexity?
5 simple questions. And if you answer using a bias'ed source i must assume you are unable to read.
To aswer me these 5 questions you creationists must know, you need to look it up in scientific sources, do this for me, and will give you a BIIG hug
"Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth." (Genesis 7:2-3)
"Pairs of clean and unclean animals, of birds and of all creatures that move along the ground, male and female, came to Noah and entered the ark, as God had commanded Noah." (Genesis7:8-9)
Originally posted by Prot0n
People should have to validate their beliefs if they wish to push those beliefs as facts and force those beliefs into every aspect of our live's in whichever way's they can.
I understand that they can't answer these questions in the factual sense or through using validated scientific sources, as such don't exist. They will however turn to thier prescious bible and say SEE! It says so right here in such and such verse. Which is usually followed by five minutes of huffing and puffing with a scary beady eyed look that seems to stare right through you.
Personally, I think we should isolate them and ridicule them. FFS, atleast the adults. I understand the kids don't know any better and are more influenced by what their friends and family believe's. But god damn, the adults should atleast have a somewhat tiny ammount of common sense in them.
If it starts an argument, so be it. So what. They feel they have every right to push their beliefs upon the rest of mankind in some religous attempt to "save" us, then we to have every right to argue thier silly pagan originated beliefs. If they wish people to stop attacking thir beliefs, then they can stop trying to push their beliefs as facts. Respect works both ways. They want it, they can earn it. If we use the past 2,000 years of their history as an indicator, I'd say this will never happen.
PS : I'm far from mature. Ask anyone on ATS
[edit on 16-5-2006 by Prot0n]