posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 06:45 AM
The election was most definitely stolen. A key players in the operation was none other than Florida's own Kathleen Harris, who removed tens of
thousands of elligible voters from the voter list. Kind of a coincidence that GW Bush's brother was the governer of the state of Florida at the
Does anyone have that a link to that flash movie that explains about the numbers involved, etc?
Our president was not elected, he was selected. It has been demonstrated several times on ATS that the entire Bush family has royal bloodlines. For
the next election, it will likely be a forced choice, either because of severe terrorism, threat of nuclear war, or simply because the candidates all
stand for the same globalist policies.
By the way, it is strange what Hitler said about state-sponsored terrorism. Curiously enough, GW Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush funded Hitler
through the Rothschilds, big surprise there. Oh, and his father was head of the CIA. Fascism is fascism.)
And when Bush was elected, there was already talk about how he would probably end up finishing his daddy's war in Iraq. Suddenly there are lies
about WMD's, healthy WMD experts suspiciously committing suicide, and an attorney general who would like nothing more than to pass legislation that
effectively erases the 1st and 2nd amendments.
The election is the least of our problems.