I would like to present my best case against flu shots, and I wanted to get your best opinions to the contrary. If you agree, that is cool too, but I
am most interested in knowing what you all believe:
Flu Shots are bad and here is why:
According to Hugh Fudenberg, MD, the world's leading immunogeneticist and 13th most quoted biologist of our times (nearly 850 papers in peer review
journals), if an individual has had five consecutive flu shots his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is ten times higher than if they had
one, two or no shots.
As another user here pointed out, he is listed in the PubMed database as an author, and there are a ton of abstracts, so his credentials are
noteworthy at least. Some more on the specifics of the problems it causes itself:
According to a published study in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons by Mark Geier, M.D., Ph.D., and president of the Genetic Centers of
America and his son, David Geier, president of Medcon Inc. and a consultant on vaccine cases, "Thimerosal in Childhood Vaccines, Neurodevelopment
Disorders and Heart Disease in the United States,"
the rate of exposure to these chemicals exceeds EPA limits. If the CDC wants to criticize the link to Autism and other Diseases, that is fine, but
there are a few things no one can dispute:
"The EPA limit is 0.1 micrograms of mercury per kilogram body weight per day. It doesn't take a genius to do the calculations when on their day of
birth children are given the hepatitis B vaccine, which is 12.5 micrograms of mercury. The average newborn weighs between 6 and 7 pounds, so they
would be allowed 0.3 micrograms of mercury - but in this one shot they are getting 12.5 micrograms. That's 39 times more than allowed by law. And it
gets worse when you consider that children are getting multiple vaccinations at 2 months. And this limit is for oral ingestion and not injection,
which is much worse." According to Mark Geier.
This is true regarding the EPA limit. Please see the google cache to the EPA website (which is down for some reason currently):
There is actually a little more to this too. The above has to do with the Hepatitas B vaccine. Check out the actual label inserts from a prominent
Pharm that produces these vaccines:
And this:
Note the relevant line in their ingredients: Each dose contains the preservative thimerosal [(mercury derivative), 25 �g mercury/dose] (12.5 (or > .5
depending on which "presentation" you receive) for the newer children's dose).
According to the EPA, a kid that is 7 pounds is 3ish Kgs, and if their limit is .1 �g/dose/kg, the most that vaccine can have according to the EPA is
.3 �g. It has .5 or less (with the new formula) which is a LOT better when taken alone, but with other vaccines, I am afraid their "trace amounts"
add up. The older formula had 12.5 micrograms! Now lets take for example a typical male, weighing 170lbs (77Kg). The most that person could ingest
per/day is 7.7 �g per day according to the EPA. Currently it is 25 �g!!! That isn't dangerous? It is according to the EPA, link to disease or no
link, it is dangerous, and it breaks the law. This is only for 1 vaccine as well. There are several vaccines administered to kids at that age, and
many of them all at once! One thing to note though is that Thimerosal is 46% Mercury (because it is a derivative), so the 25 micrograms is actually
12.5, but still too high according to the EPA.
Also, note the other chemicals on the insert. Anything stand out to you??? Like maybe formaldehyde (carcinogenic) and Polyethylene Glycol
p-Isooctylphenyl Ether (a close cousin to a chemical used in Antifreeze)? If thimerosal doesn't do any damage, this stuff could. I haven't even
seen any studies on it, however I would be curious anyway. Do we really want this stuff in our bodies?
According to the EPA,
5.6mg/kg of body weight/Day of formaldehyde is required before any incidence of tumor occurs. I want to know how much is in these vaccines? Assuming
you weigh 170 pounds, that is like 77Kg, which comes out to 431.2 micrograms/day to be toxic. Keep in mind that is just one dose. For this
company's benefit, I will not look at Polyethylene Glycol p-Isooctylphenyl Ether because the more recent formula of this vaccine seems to not have
that chemical in it. Why did they take it out I wonder? Oh, maybe because it was dangerous???
Then there is the question as to why there isn't more information out there on this? In fact, the CDC denies that thimerosal is toxic, but they
asked Pharms to drop it anyway?
That doesn't make sense to me. According to Rep. Dan Burton:
"One reason this isn't getting the attention it needs is that the Food and Drug Administration has very close ties to the pharmaceutical companies,
as does the Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] and the Centers for Disease Control. I've said in the past that in some cases it appears
that it's a revolving door and people leave government health agencies and go to work for the pharmaceuticals, which I think have undue influence on
our health agencies. Of course, they may not want to look at this because there's a possibility that large claims would be filed and the
pharmaceutical companies would have to cough up the money to take care of these kids who have been damaged."
No, you mean to tell me that the industry has been greasing the govt. wheels to spin in it's own direction? That is preposterous! (disclaimer:
Although I slam the CDC on this issue, I recognize that they are by and large a very good organization on the whole spectrum of medical issues, and in
most cases I would trust their word. The issues discussed above, and later don't help me on this issue though.)
"The FDA, CDC and HHS should put out in a very public way the dangers of mercury, but as soon as they do it will amount to an admission that their
mercury is causing these problems. So the reports that come out of the FDA, CDC and HHS use ambiguous terms. Well, if they're not sure, and there's
the remotest possibility that mercury in vaccines could cause autism, they ought to get thimerosal off the market. Too many kids are being ruined for
life because of this stuff."
For anyone who is still discounting all of this, imagine if the chemical in question was cyanide? Wouldn't you be up in arms, no matter how much was
in that vaccine? Mercury is just as bad folks. Having said all of that, I think that vaccines have a very STRONG potential to be VERY VERY good, and
have been historically. That is undisputed. My only wish is that these chemicals were removed. What is my recommendation if you want to get a flu
shot without he chemicals? First of all I don't have a good one. Second of all I am not a doctor, so take what I say for what is is worth k? The
best thing I can think of is to demand the most recent shots available (which would probably be the only ones administered to you anyway), and demand
to check the insert shipped with the vaccine. Check what chemicals are in that vaccine. If there is trace amounts, or less of thimerosal, you (as
an adult) will be safe at those levels. In other words, ask for the smaller pediatric doses if they will allow that. For children, don't let them
get more than 1 shot per day. Remember the EPA guidelines.