posted on May, 15 2006 @ 09:45 PM
Not 100% sure if this belongs here, but it is something current.
Bush's speech tonight on Illegal Immigration was a failure. The President and the Senate are not listening to the American people. The House of
Representatives, seems to be the only one listening.
Now while I am all for the House bill, after listening to Bush's speech, and some thinking over the last few days. I think I have a solution that
will make the Conservative base, and those who want Amnesty....
While i disagree with most of what Bush said, I do agree we have to stop the flow of Illegals. I also agree that it is impossible to round up 11-20
million people and deport them. But I have come to a comprimise on the issue. Please hear me out, and give me your feedback. Good and Bad!
1) While it may be immposible to round up 11-20 million Illegals and deport them, what about having them round up themselves. What if the US sets a
date for all Illegals to report themselves. Once done, they will be deported. And for 2-5 years be not elligable to apply for citizenship. Once
they turn themselves in, they will be fingerprinted, have DNA drawn, and also a retina scan. They are to go back to their country of origin and apply
at the end of the line.
2) Those willing to help build a border fence. And as far as I'm concerned, it should be a DRACONIAN border fence, will have the 2-5 year period
waved, and be able to get in line behind all those who have already gone through proper channels.
3) Those who do not turn themselves in, by the deadline, and any Illegals who are caught after the deadline, will be barred forever, from becoming a
US citizen. The choice is simple. Register and go throught the proper channels, or be barred forever.
4) Increase the amount of LEGAL guest workers, and the amount of LEGAL immigrants to the US. But if you break the law in coming hre and are caught,
you are entered into the database, and barred from forever from coming here.
This will take some big money to make happen. But create the data base.. With fingerprints, DNA, and retinal scans, we should be able to weed out
those who are here ILLEGALY.
Those who follow the program, will be given a chance in the future to become citizens. Those who contribute to a DRACONIAN wall on the border, will
only have to go to the back of the existing line.
5) Any person, company who hires unregistered Illegals,, should be fined and possibly jailed. Shut down the incentives for Illegals to come to the
US, and they may stay away.
While this solution may not be perfect. It will give the US an idea of who is here, by those turning themselves in. And in by doing that, although
they may have to leave, they are given the chance to come back. For those who do not register, then they are to be treated like the CRIMINALS they
Those who don't register will IMMEDIATELY be deported, once found. IF this is not possible, then they will be jailed on working Farms, where even in
incarceration they can be productive.
I'm also willing to let those who register, bring along their immediate families. Those who don't, will be incarcerated in this country and work
the jobs, that Americans don't want, to earn towards their release. Rest assured their release will be DEPORTATION to their country of origin. But
while on the work farms, they will earn no money, to send home. They will be working off their sentence.
6) As for those who voluntarily turn themselves in...You say they do jobs,, Americans will not do. Then make the able bodied people on WELFARE do
these jobs. The money they earn will be deducted from their Govt. check. If the able bodied, do not want to work, Then they recieve NOTHING!!!
And for those who cry about this injustice....I'm willing to help these AMERICANS better themselves. All they have to do is be willing to show that
they are willing to work.
And for any of you over the age of 30, these WERE the jobs we took in high school!! It's time America learned that nothing is free.. Even if you
have to work a SH*TTY job,, prove to me you are willling to work. And I'll bend over backwards to help you.
Now this is my idea to solve the illegal immigration problem.
But 1st and foremost, stop the flow at the border. Once this is done, I'm willing to compromise on what to do with those already here. But until
the US Govt. is willing to stop the flow at the borders,, then I propose these solutions and only these. If the Govt is willing to shut down the
borders, then and ONLY THEN am I willing to negotiate about what to do with those who are here!
BUT, I think my solution answers both problems. Please give me your thoughts on this. Positive or negative!!!