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mothman and maybe a new insight to what they are

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posted on May, 15 2006 @ 08:13 PM
i found this link that talks all bout mothmen and how there usually by the tnt area and that make me think that maybe the goverment is hiding something there and mothman is a guardian for that place or something like that because it talks about how it chases people that were up at the tnt place maybe mothman was tryin to chase them away but that is just my opion on mothman

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 03:54 PM
Hey, i know what you mean while i was doing alot of research about moth man that old tnt factory agent orange factory came up alot from witnesses saying it took its kills there to eat and chased people away from there regular, i didnt think about a link between it hope something comes up

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 10:14 PM
it just goes there like a bird goes to its nest. Even monsters need a place to spend the night. I doubt it had anything to do with tnt or somthing in the building itself (which i believe was abandoned and anyone could visit it at any time with a 99% chance of NOT seeing mothman)

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 06:56 AM
The mothman wasn't the only occurrence in that area, there were also reports of people feeling terrified by nothing (just walking through an area maybe 2 or 3 metres long, then feeling fine.

People also apparently had prophetic dreams, like someone saw christmas presents floating in the river, then the bridge collapsed on christmas eve.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by hiii_98
Even monsters need a place to spend the night.

The statement/quote of the year!

Dude, I almost spit soda on my monitor when I read that. If nothing else, this thread is entertaining.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 12:32 AM
pics of the mothman on this site:

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by denynothing
i found this link that talks all bout mothmen and how there usually by the tnt area and that make me think that maybe the goverment is hiding something there and mothman is a guardian for that place or something like that because it talks about how it chases people that were up at the tnt place maybe mothman was tryin to chase them away but that is just my opion on mothman

Wouldnt the goverment be able to guard it with other means? I mean like 5000+ men from the Army with machineguns, tanks and helicopters?

But then again engineering a monster, training it and putting it to guard a facility might be cheaper.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by Faust
pics of the mothman on this site:

any pros wanna contest these pics?

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 05:25 AM
People assc. with the Mothman are now dead

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 10:26 AM
after i saw the mothman movie there was another disc called the real mothman it was quite intresting showed you the old factory where most people see it, but then again like its being said might just need a place to put its head down after terrorising the nebourhood

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 02:17 PM
Personally I thing that it could be the 'angel of death' somehow--kind of like a grim reaper. To me, that makes sense because he would be considered a 'destroyer' and surely a good place to hang out would be at a TNT factory. I don't know, though.

Pretty scary.

The movie with Richard Gere was particularly thrilling to me. Even though you never see the thing.

I think, that if they truly exist, whatever they are, then they've got to be one of the most truly terrifying energies that we've got in these parts.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 02:22 PM
I think that was a good link--a much better answer is truly I don't know when we don't know. I say this because where I live we have that type of thing with the thunderbird that is leathery winged and huger than a hang-glider! You feel it when it passes over you and it also invokes the same sort of primal fear I conceive of the mothman having. And the chupacabra (which also sometimes are around these parts, within 10 miles there was one about a year ago maybe).

Jersey Devils I don't know anything about I bet they're just as scary.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by angelslayer

Originally posted by Faust
pics of the mothman on this site:

any pros wanna contest these pics?

I'm no pro...

In the first picture on the top left, you can see what is supposed to be the Mothman on the bridge span farthest from the camera. You can only see some sort of shape that looks a lot like the shape that is on the top of the span that is CLOSEST to the camera. Maybe Mothmans wife? That would explain why he is so far away from her.

In the second picture, where the figure supposedly jumps/flys off the bridge, there is no time span given between it and the first picture, but the space formerly occupied by the mothman is now a lot brighter and fuzzier (as is the whole picture, looks like the camera was moving when the picture was taken). Either the cloud opened up a little bit, or someone is trying to hide a copy/paste.

The other 3 pictures are (IMO) worthless. You can't take digital pictures that are fuzzy and dark to begin with and somehow magically extract minute details out of them. If these were good quality optical photos to begin with, then maybe you could enhance something worthwhile out of them, but when you start with a questionable source, you can't then make even further changes and then consider the outcome to be anything credible.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 03:00 PM
The purported mothmen are very similar to the reports of flying humanoids.

In light of this, there is a really good chance that they are one and the same thing

I saw a documentary which addressed the flying humanoids. When viewed up close, they clearly have the face of Zetan-Grey aliens.

Nothing supernatural here.

Just an occasional warped Grey who dons an antigravity suit and who seeks to terrify the populace for sadistic pleasure. Like the recent incident in Mexico when a flying humanoid terrified a young male police officer by slamming into the windshield of his small vehicle. The officer was not badly hurt from being forced off the road but was found shaking afterwards.

From the Grey's perspective, this is probably no more malicious than the common prank that many people here do called cow tipping.

Nevertheless, in my view, the Greys constitute some really sick puppies psychologically.

[edit on 5-6-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 04:54 PM
I think perhaps there are other dimensions in this world other than out own, perhaps the moth man escaped from his and landed in ours accidentally and was so confused and scared it went on a terror rampage? (that sounds like a good ol' hollywood script to me!)

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 10:52 PM
One question. Why would a tnt 'area' need to be guarded? Whats there? Why get a 'mothman' whatever it is to guard it when if there is really something there to be guarded, when you can just use people?

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 02:20 PM
in the movie the mothman is painted as some kind of prophet but if you ever talk to someone who seen him or had a first hand experience they will tell you that he was scary and never tried to make any contact or tried to scream or stand and stare. its just weird as making a movie about a scary monster than a prophet would have being better

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by MudCloud
One question. Why would a tnt 'area' need to be guarded? Whats there? Why get a 'mothman' whatever it is to guard it when if there is really something there to be guarded, when you can just use people?

well, If you got a few guys with guns, you could go on a 100 person dash and completely infiltrate the place. If you got a Monster, No one is going to go anywhere the freakin' thing.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 01:34 AM
Im thinking the Mothman is a completely unique creature that lives there and is either chasing them out of its home, or protecting them on something. What about the reports of sightings that DIDN'T have bad things happen to them?

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 02:53 AM
The problem with the mothman is he just doesn't have a cool name, nor does he do many public appearances. Batman was already taken, so what else flies at night. Mothman, i expect to see some bugman pounding his brains out on streetlights or flying into oncoming headlights. Seems like mothman had a taste for dogs, another strike against him. Then there was all that negative publicity when the bridge collapsed. How about birdboy ? I don't think that title has been taken. Seriously, this flying humanoid needs to be updated, to be made a serious proposition because it does have the capability to cause serious harm. It is a constructed entity composed of numerous smaller alien people. They are intelligent and they cannot be captured. The can and will disappear right before your eyes. These people are bioelectric. Like an electric eel or catfish can generate a electrical charge that can stun, burn and in some instances, kill. These people are shapeshifters, their manifestations are only limited by their knowledge and their size. Never make the mistake of thinking they are just animals, that is the fastest way to become a victim.

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