posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 01:43 AM
You all know, whenever anyone speaks of oil, they should always start it with....for example..the thread title should say.."Massive oil drug IV
supply under Antarctica".
I mean literally, everyone talking about oil all sound like drug addicts talking about some new from of pot or meth or coke, and then actually some
get defensive and rediculous, it mimicks the reactions exactly like drug addicts.
All those so called supplies found under Antarctica, the gulf, in Russia, under the bed, in the sewer, whatever, are NOT going to solve anything
because those supplies will run out 10 times faster with the exponential world wide population growth and the fact that those supplies are just like
the current ones, they will run dry.
So why is all this focus and effort pointed at a solution that is no solution but just adding another problem to an already exsisting problem that
only gets prolonged with another problem????
None of you make any sense at all, nor does the energy department, or the goverment, or politicians who are all in the back pockets of big oil, and
everyone knows, the only ones to benefit from oil are OPEC and big oil companies.
Again, sounding like addicts so hooked on the oil tit IV that it is all folks can talk about, and not even recognize that continuing to use depletion
resources doesnt solve anything, it only prolongs the problems for your kids and their kids to deal with. Nice thing to leave your own kids and your
grand kids with...goes to show how much people care for their future off spring to carry on.
There are hydrogen cars TODAY. There are hydrogen power generation units TODAY. There are practical was TODAY to get off the oil drug IV and oil tit
Why arent any of you demanding this? Why is everyone so addicted to the oil drug IV and cant even look at the permanent solution that is available
TODAY, and demand it from the leadership and industry TODAY!
There is more than a supply problem people.
1. There is not enough refineries to process the current demands with the current supply source, so adding more source wont solve the lack of refining
2. To meet the demand curve, which remember, grows exponentially every 6 months, those refineries would have to be built and completed every 3 months
for the next 10 years just to be barely behind the growth demand curve.
3. During all this time, those new supply sources wont even be able to begin delivery in the quantities necessary to meet that demand curve within the
first 10 years.
4. By the time 10 years goes by, the growth and demand curve will have already exceeded the "dreamland" expectations out of these new finds, and we
will be right back where we started all over again.
It doesnt take nuclear science or a slide rule to clearly see how we went from the 70's crisis to today's crisis, and will repeat that same result,
like we are in today, in the next 20 years and then what?
Isnt it better to go with a permanent, and practical, and readily available solution than to continue to do the same thing that got us here in the
first take that back..for the 2nd time again?
Why should the US provide trillions of dollars to OPEC over an energy source they already know will go dry, and they are already well ahead of the US
in moving to the next resource..hydrogen!!!
Will we have to depend on others for hydrogen energy when on both coasts we are surrounded by vast oceans of that hyrogen source?!!
Is this nation just a forever consuming baby that desperately needs to be sucking a oil tit and never grow up to provide for itself????
There are permanent solutions to this energy problem right now, and will make this nation completely energy independant right now, and give all of us
the ability to have nice huge vehicles that are green, made right here in America, powered by American energy that is renewable, and brings back the
much needed jobs to industry right here in America.
Again, all those antiquated 1800's ways of powering the world is a relic and will only prolong the current problems for your kids, grandkids and
great grandkids to have to deal with.
Do you want to leave that kind of future for them?
That is exactly what will happen.
The first oil crunch got left by those who today are our great grand-generations ago, here you are, dealing with it. Now put yourself in the shoes of
your kids, their kids and the kids' kids and they will be right where we are today. THAT is what you will find in those oil drug IV supplies under
the Antarctic.
Make the demand for REAL, practical and available change now, and get off that addiction America!!!!