posted on May, 14 2006 @ 01:42 PM
ive never taken the subliminal stuff seriously. after tryin it a bit and searching through tons of information to help me raise my consciousness to a
"higher" level, or to try to tap into my latent human abilities(from control of bodily functions, to psychic abilities). i just found that
subliminals is probably a way to go, but not necessary and not really worth the time spent. i find that just daily practice and creating your own
rituals, with your own symbols and meanings behind them, is more effective. dont look at subconscious programming as some godly way to something
special. its not.
if you look at most spiritual practices that have a history of people obtaining that something special. its done by just daily ritualistic practice.
dont seperate yourself into parts. tryin to attack awake consciousness and subconscious levels of the mind. it just takes away from the truth of the
whole, and is merely a waste of effort. just focus on results and what you want and practice that # daily like taking a shower or watching your
favorite show. thats how much a part of your life i believe you should make it, in order to truly see the results you want, and dont forget the
emotion behind it too. you dont take a shower because you do. you take it because you dont wanna stink and be ridiculed and looked down upon and
laughed at. all that is not something you think about when your showering, but there is a lot of emotion behind it, thats why you do it, and thats the
same type of emotion you should add to your practices.
just my opinion though