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Dolphin,Alien link,Dolphins know more than we think

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posted on May, 14 2006 @ 09:43 AM
Dolphins have those telepathic powers,an echo location.

Im sure theyve seen hundreds of UFO's in the water,and just because they dont speak an understandable human language doesnt mean there not aware of alot of things going on in the world. mabye dolphins have some other hidden powers that we dont know about. We dont know THAT much about the oceans so anything could be happening down there

but thats just my theory

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 09:57 AM
I can't help but think:
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 10:08 AM
I wasnt thinking about that. but theres some science fiction to back me up,lol

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 10:26 AM
We always assume that Aliens, if they visit Earth, will engage in contact with the most intelligent species on the planet. Arrogantly we always seem to assume it's us, but how advanced is a civilisation constantly at war with itself and it's environment? We have technology and experience to make life on the planet better for everyone and everything but greed seems to take control. I actually think human beings are pretty primitive on the whole, imagine people's faces if they realised that Aliens were visiting Earth and were communicating with the most intelligent species, it's just not us

I think you bring up a perfectly valid point, a measure of intelligence should not be the technology a species has, it should be how and what it thinks. Who knows what dolphins think? We can barely understand ourselves.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 10:34 AM
Well said AgentSmith!

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[edit on 14-5-2006 by sanctum]

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 10:49 AM
exactly. many animals in the world dont used advanced technology but they have other abilities they adapted.

a dolphin could easily kill a human. but there inteligence level is so high thy dont have a reason to.

they prbably loved the fact that we try to comunicate with them, or let them play in shows at sea world.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 11:36 AM
That's pretty intresting.....If you recall that Star Trek Movie were that Gigantic Cylinder Looking Ship Comes to Earth...And "Talks" to the Whales of Earth....? Sorry I don't know much about that Movie but it occured something like that.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 12:22 PM
Yes since i watched that movie as a child ive allways thought the same thing, whos to say if aliens are visiting earth, its pretty much bigheaded of us to assume where the most intelegent spiecies on this planet and that the aliens have come to comunicate with us, so yes whos to say there visisting the earth to contact us instead of another spiecies.

best part of star trek IV is when Chekov walks up to a police oficer and asks in his Russian accent "Where do you keep your Nucwhyer wessels" set during the same time as the cold war

[edit on 14-5-2006 by u4ria]

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 12:29 PM
I read in a recent post here that dolphins had been trained by the US Navy to attack underwater terrorists (yeah I know it sounds silly) - don't know if there's any truth to this, but if dolphins went along with this then they're obviously not that clever!

I also read that they make about 300 clicks per second, which would suggest a somewhat large vocabulary.

Then again most of what you read on the internet is rubbish, likely including this post

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 12:37 PM
dolphins cant be trained. what they do is on there own. They do it willingly. just like if i told you to kill your self you would do or not do it willingly.

or if you think of it as us controling them,what about a big dog getting ready to attack its controling you by making you back up,or get scared

[edit on 14-5-2006 by DalairTheGreat]

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 02:00 PM

dolphins cant be trained. what they do is on there own

Oh look, there's an opinion, but wait one sec there... its pretending to be a fact! Call the internet police!

On a more serious note, there are better sources than wikipedia for this but I thought it summed it up nicely. I'm not saying its true, I'm just saying it's interesting based on the topic of this thread.

Military Trained Dolphins

[edit on 14-5-2006 by Nova]

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 04:19 PM
theres not "trained" to find mines or divers or anything else,there "trained" to alert humans about it. dont you think theyve been swiming around long enough to have know n the mines where there.

and just because they can be trained doesnt mean there not smart,people can be trained to do things,that doesnt mean there not smart


posted on May, 14 2006 @ 07:03 PM
I'm not disagreeing with the OP except...

Dolphins have those telepathic powers,an echo location.

Where did that come from? Echolocation isn't telepathy. Its the ability to produce sound, which bounces off objects in the environement back to the source, which then creates a picture of its surroundings.

If you were to call that telepathy then are you saying bats are telepathic too? And are in contact with aliens?

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 07:53 PM
you read wrong i didnt say anything about them have echolocation as a telepathic power,those are two different things

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 09:38 PM
If Dolphins were as smart as some claim they would avoid those Tuna nets they get caught in all the time. Also Creatures like our selves with advanced intellegence would not perform tricks to amuse their masters. Dolphins may have intellegence and possibly basic social skills like grouping and protecting one another caring for their young etc. But they are no where near the intellegence of the the human race well most of us anyway. We have advanced civilization and technologies and we were specifically equipped with the tools to accomplish what we have up until this point in history. Dolphins on the other hand were not equipped naturally like we were for instance we have fingers and thumbs these allowed us to build other tools neccisary to advance our selves. Dolphins lack the basic fundamentals to be as god like as man.

Now thats not to say that they won't infact evolve possibly over time and aqquire the tools neccisary to build a civilization eventually but that is not going to happen for hundred of thousands if not millions of years down the road. Dolphins have been proven to understand basic forms of mathematics among other things bringing them to the status of second most intellegent species on Earth. However they really aren't all that smart.

If ET made contact it would be with the overlords of planet Earth and that is Man. We have conquered this world and have even visited other spacial bodies outside our tiny world.

Comparing us to an Interplanetary or Intergalactic species would be like Comparing Dolphins to us. There is no comparrison though we would appear to be monkies to an advanced form life elseware I think Humanity is intellegent enough to comprehend what they would have as opposed to them being completely incomprehensable.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by The_Doctor
If Dolphins were as smart as some claim they would avoid those Tuna nets they get caught in all the time.

Not like us smrt humans who never get cought in bear traps, or land mines, or anythingelse accidentally.

Also Creatures like our selves with advanced intellegence would not perform tricks to amuse their masters.

Then why does Hollywood exist? Cirque du Soleil?

We have advanced civilization and technologies and we were specifically equipped with the tools to accomplish what we have up until this point in history.


Dolphins on the other hand were not equipped naturally like we were for instance we have fingers and thumbs these allowed us to build other tools neccisary to advance our selves. Dolphins lack the basic fundamentals to be as god like as man.

What good would thumbs do underwater? Not nearly as much as echolocation. you don't have that do you?

None of what you said says anything to dolphin intelligence.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 10:52 PM
exactly, point proven.

just because dolphins dont have 5 apendages doesnt meant anything.

lol stephen hawking would seem retarded to the average person not know ing about him

posted on May, 15 2006 @ 05:44 AM
Dolphins do not have telepathic powers. It's like the snake charmer myth. The hypnotic stare of a snake doesn't really exist. Or maybe bumble bees uses telepathy to communicate in a hive with those big eyes? Nope. It's based on movement. I did a search after reading the ATS article on Dolphins and they don't stare down their prey, or have telepathic powers, and even the sonar claim is controversial as you can read with the quote below. Dolphins, Killer Whales are intelligent at catching fish. A good documentary about Dolphins is In the Wild - Dolphins With Robin Williams

Other researchers remain unconvinced, says New Scientist. "If they can prove it, I'd hate to be negative," says Pete Tyack from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution near Boston. But Tyack thinks the dolphins may be using sound merely to locate their prey, not to stun it. "The underwater world is unfamiliar to us and you have to be careful with interpretations," he says.

[edit on 15-5-2006 by moog synthesizer]

posted on May, 15 2006 @ 05:52 AM
sonar burst to stun fish*

posted on May, 15 2006 @ 09:22 AM
We assume aliens will contact humans because we are the only species with intelligent speech. Intelligent as in, sylables that form words, thats can be interpretted and understood. "bark, bark, bark" doenst constitute speach, and neither does any other animal sound made in nature. It's possible that some animals have interspecies communication, but even so it's normally by smell or body language. A cat marks it's territory to ward off other cats, it doesnt go around and tell all the other cats to stay away verbally.

Dolphins are in no way telepathic, if they were they wouldn't get caught. It's just like wales, people say wales are telepathic and intelligent, yet they're beached all the time. Dolphines certainly do have interspecies communication, by sound even, but its not enough to label them as supreme being on the earth.

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