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The Da Vinci Code Movie -- ATS threads about the Da Vinci code

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posted on May, 14 2006 @ 08:22 AM

Da Vinci Code Threads on ATS

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
Dan Brown's extensive research on secret societies and symbology adds intellectual depth to this page-turning thriller. His surprising revelations on Da Vinci's penchant for hiding codes in his paintings will lead the reader to search out renowned artistic icons as The Mona Lisa, The Madonna of the Rocks and The Last Supper

The Da Vinci Code is Evil!
Now look, I have not read the book but I would suppose that people would understand that it is just a book and that many of the information is based on factual speculation and legends rather than fact. It's just like Fahrenheit 9/11, people see it and if it dosen't agree with their point of view they think no one should read/see it.

The Da Vinci Code Movie
Found out the book is going to be made in to a film, surprise surprise catholics and christians are not happy. they say they will allow the film to be made and not kick up a fuss as long as they 'change the plot'... one question: since when did catholics and christians rule the world?

So-called Da Vinci code proves religion is false
Once I determined that the Bible and other ancient writings were written in allegory, I began to work on determining the true meaning of these works in much the same way that a codebreaker would break a code. My interpretations reveal that religion was founded by those who were once known as Sophists and their objective was to enslave mankind through psychological manipulation

Dan Brown and Priory of Sion
He basis part of his book on the "Priory of Sion", which many claim to be a 'fake' secret society. Here's one of my questions, is the Priory of Sion related in any way to the infamous "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"? Which is also reported to be a fake SS. And, how do the informed feel this all relates to the Synagogue of Satan (SS, or SOS)?

Davinci code movie, Draconi devil??!
I am assuming those who read this know where the word Draconi comes from/is associated with. Watch the flash trailer and see the words draconian devil. I was very surprised to see this!!

My theory on the secret behind Rennes-le-Chateau
I have studied eschatology since I was a very young girl. In particular, I have spent a great deal of time with the Revelation. One thing that confused me for a great deal of my life is how the great apostasy foretold by John would take place. The definition of apostasy being to renunciate your faith.

Da Vinci Code goes on trial without a defence
Why are they trying to "prove" that the author was wrong, since he has written a novel, a work of fiction.
or did he? What are they so scared of, that they have to prove to the world, that "da vinci code" is not right?

Who says Da Vinci knew?!
So I finally had some time to read Dan Brown's Da Vinci code. Now I understand what all the hype is/was about. Still I was a bit disappointed. There was not a single "new" theory or conspiracy Dan Brown presented to the reader. I've heard all the theories/legends/conspiracies before. Dan Brown only collected all of them, interweaved them with each other and presented it in an interesting roller coaster ride story. I'll give him that

Da Vinci sheds light on origins of religion through symbolism
While recently investigating the correlation between phi and 14th century art I discovered a small hidden treasure of Da Vinci's use of the Vesica Piscis in correlation with one of his mirrored dissections to shed light on the adaptation of pagan origins through-out Modern Christian beliefs in 300 b.c. by Cornielus the Great when he combined the newly formed Christian religion with the pagan sun worhship of Sol Invictus.

Can anybody give me a background on the da vinci code?
What is it all about? and i hear that a secret society watches over jesus decendents if he was married in the first place and has anyone found out who are the real decendents of jesus.

The Last Supper - DaVinci Code
One of the claims made was that Priory of Sion grandmaster Leonardo Da Vinci painted Mary Magdalene on Jesus' right side in his painting, The Last Supper. My question regarding this is pretty simple. Usually when making such claims we see (and think) this version of the painting...

The Da Vinci Code
I'm sure this has been discussed but since I'm new, forgive me for bringing it up again. What were your thoughts on The DaVinci Code? I loved it and need to read it again since I'm finding out more about the Illuminatis.

Da Vinci Code Sequel
According to author Greg Taylor, Brown's next novel will delve into the threads of Masonic influence which have run through American history. Part of this history includes the secretive Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which may be connected to the Ku Klux Klan through a mysterious group known as the Knights of the Golden Circle.

Judge Add His Own Code to "Da Vinci" Ruling
Judge Peter Smith has added his own 'secret code' to his judgement in a copyright infringement case. Lawyers and conspiracy buffs across the globe are trying to decipher this code!

DaVinci Code took Over my Life
On a weekend away from home I was browsing through the malls and finally cracked, I picked up a copy of Brown's DaVinci Code. The next evening I was driving home from the trip about three hours from home. My girlfriend decided she would drive the rest of the way, so I thought it was a chance to finally open the book and see what all the talk was about.

Mary Magdalene - sister wife of Jesus
The reason for Jesus consumating a sister marriage is that he was from the line of Judah, and the line of Judah was the line of the Hyksos pharaohs of Egypt, as has been explained in another posting. The marriage of a pharaoh to a sister or a daughter was usual practice (even compulsory) among the Egyptian royalty, because the royal inheritance was through the female line (as it is in Judaism

Leonardo DaVinci was actually an alien
I read somewhere (and need to find that source and post it here) that it has been theorized that Leonardo DaVinci was an alien and that is why he was so far advanced than anyone else of his time with regards to all of his inventions, most of which couldn't even be made because we didn't have the technology to do so (i.e. airplane, helicopter, etc....).

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 12:18 PM
Why All The Confusion?

I am convinced that we must be in the end times. Why else would all of this propaganda be coming at us now? I feel it is the work of the Devil, meant to test our Faith. If one's Faith is strong, then the Da Vinci code is meaningless palaver.

Those of us who believe in GOD are soon to be removed from this planet during the Rapture and will spend eternity with the King of Kings. Those of us who spend our days looking for "hidden codes", etc, will be left behind to deal with the wrath of the "Antichrist". It's all been written. Good Luck to those of you who have not accepted Jesus Christ as your savior -- you'll need it.

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 11:32 PM
Frankly, I don't understand all the hoopla. I've read Holy Blood, Holy Grail at least three times and this whole thing is old news. (VERY old news.) Tales of Jesus having desendants is NOT NEW AT ALL! Where do you think all the Crowned Heads of Europe find their "divine right" to rule??

As far as having to protect the desendants names...WHAT'S THE POINT???

If Jesus had kids, this should counter his claim to divinity, which voids any privilege or uniqueness in his offspring...right? Another thing...if the Knights Templar had anything to do AT ALL with this secret, why perpetuate the tale of Jesus as divine, and the Grail as a cup? Why have a Jesus legacy at all? Good Grief, even the Pope has called this book a good yarn...but nontheless a book of fiction.

Even Dan Brown says it's fiction!!

What else do you whackjobs need??

In the words of William Shatner..."Get a Life!!"

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 12:08 AM
I'm in agreement with you Axisjon, I believe that the DaVinci Code is a work of the Devil just as the Bible tells us, there will be many led astray by false prophets and the works of the Devil.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 02:15 AM
Well, someone has to convice my gf that this is bullshi7 because she really believes it.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 02:47 AM
I guess you have your work all cut out for you then if someone has to convince your girlfriend, lucky you!

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 10:12 AM
The DaVinci Hoax is a sad commentary on our society and our education systems.

So many people believe a fictional book (Dan Brown says it is fictional, and recently Ron Howard reiterated his movie is fictional).

I wonder if the same people read Dr. Seuss and believe there really is a hat-wearing cat that talks in rhyme.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Axisjon
Why All The Confusion?

I am convinced that we must be in the end times. Why else would all of this propaganda be coming at us now? I feel it is the work of the Devil, meant to test our Faith. If one's Faith is strong, then the Da Vinci code is meaningless palaver.

Those of us who believe in GOD are soon to be removed from this planet during the Rapture and will spend eternity with the King of Kings. Those of us who spend our days looking for "hidden codes", etc, will be left behind to deal with the wrath of the "Antichrist". It's all been written. Good Luck to those of you who have not accepted Jesus Christ as your savior -- you'll need it.

I don't want to seem racist or anything, but who says that Christianity is right? If you take a close look at Jesus' life you can see that he contraficts himself many times. There is no evidence that god exists, or the Devil. Who says we all go to Heaven or Hell? A load of people acting on assumption and belief. Do Catholics control the world? No. We are a diverse world with many cultures and religion and this is just one of them, not the 'rulers of the universe'. There is no proof of this and The bible could be a work of fiction too.

I repeat, this theory ONLY applies to Christianity.

Im sorry, but this is an absolutely AWFUL theory and purely assumption, belief, and in my opinion, bull.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Axisjon
Why All The Confusion?

I am convinced that we must be in the end times. Why else would all of this propaganda be coming at us now? I feel it is the work of the Devil, meant to test our Faith. If one's Faith is strong, then the Da Vinci code is meaningless palaver.

The film "The Da Vinci Code" is a slick piece of A-list Hollywood filmmaking, based on a slick piece of pulp-thriller novel writing. It's my sincere belief that neither Ron Howard or Dan Brown are propagandizing for anybody other than their bank accounts.

Somehow, the book managed to capture the zeitgeist of its times, and became one of those weird lightning-in-a-bottle pop phenomena that can't be planned or predicted. It entertained millions and millions of people, but I truly doubt that it really changed anyone's life, other than, perhaps, to give them pause and ask questions. Think of it in terms of religious science-fiction or religious alternate history. Fun to toy around with, but not a substitute for the real thing.

It otherwise is pretty much "meaningless palaver," and really shouldn't scare anybody, regardless of the state of their faith.


posted on May, 18 2006 @ 04:51 PM

It otherwise is pretty much "meaningless palaver," and really shouldn't scare anybody, regardless of the state of their faith.

I agree with Baack, but only to a certain extent. Mainly, this is only a small player in the scheme of things. However, to say that this is not a player at all would be saying that almost anything that happens day to day is a non-player. This is untrue. It is a culmination of events that changes things. As for the popularity of this book, it shows the state that people are in. Christians should be afraid. The world is changing, and not in their favor. Tough luck unfortunately for them. You have controlled much of the world for long enough.

It is good to see a piece of material come and slap the christian community in the face. They have been doing it to people for thousands of years. No, I am not being controlled by satan. I am not disillusioned. You are. You have been for far too long. It doesn't offend me that you think I am. It makes me feel bad for you. You can not believe that there is any fault in your religion. My beliefs are not perfect, but you know what? They are my ideas. They are not ideas fed to me through a manipulative, high and mighty, and self-righteous cult. Yes, I said cult. The biggest cult that ever existed. Created to control the masses. Created by powerful men to maintain their power over the people.

The ideas in this book are very intriguing, but remember people, this isn't the first time they have been presented. And it won't be the last. As long as there are people, we will argue over our beliefs. You will present evidence of why I(and people like me) are wrong and I will present evidence of why you are wrong. It won't end. And everyone will feel as though they are getting attacked.

Oh....and if you couldn't tell, I enjoyed the book and I am sure the movie will be great. May god have mercy on my soul.......

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by dave_54
The DaVinci Hoax is a sad commentary on our society and our education systems.

So many people believe a fictional book (Dan Brown says it is fictional, and recently Ron Howard reiterated his movie is fictional).

I wonder if the same people read Dr. Seuss and believe there really is a hat-wearing cat that talks in rhyme.

Hmm, this reminds me of another book...oh whats its called...The bible thats it!

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Axisjon
I am convinced that we must be in the end times. Why else would all of this propaganda be coming at us now?

It's not propaganda, it's entertainment. And we're no closer to the "end times" now than when "Godspell" and "Jesus Christ Superstar" were hot on Broadway. Hey, moon-eyed Christians have money, too!

There are plenty of books out there with religious themes. Check out Tom Robbins's "Another Roadside Attraction" for a bit of fun.

"End times." Ha. What a load.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 10:11 PM
Ron Howard may call the movie a work of fiction, but 'ol Dan Brown says the book is based on many "facts." Trouble is, there are so many errors or lies about certain architecture and works of art that to call what he writes "facts" is a lie in and of itself.

I just watched a one hour special, which, admittedly, had some religious people who were asked their opinions, but there were at least 7 other non-religious scholars who, to me, proved beyond a doubt that there's about as much factual information in Brown's book/movie as there is in M. Moore's Faranheit 9\11, and Algores upcoming "documentary", remembering, of course, that it was Moore's crap-ola that brought a new meaning to the word "documentary."

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by zappafan1
Ron Howard may call the movie a work of fiction, but 'ol Dan Brown says the book is based on many "facts." Trouble is, there are so many errors or lies about certain architecture and works of art that to call what he writes "facts" is a lie in and of itself.

I just watched a one hour special, which, admittedly, had some religious people who were asked their opinions, but there were at least 7 other non-religious scholars who, to me, proved beyond a doubt that there's about as much factual information in Brown's book/movie as there is in M. Moore's Faranheit 9\11, and Algores upcoming "documentary", remembering, of course, that it was Moore's crap-ola that brought a new meaning to the word "documentary."

I've said this once. Allow me to say it again. Disconnected facts do not a documentary make. Issac Asimov and Robert Heinlein used mountains of disconnected facts in their works of fiction. Any decent writer throws in a handfull of facts to make their work more believable. (Or to at least show they done SOME homework.) That's just half of what makes reading fiction fun!

Everybody, do yourself a favor and accept it for what it is...a good yarn...PERIOD!

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by Toelint
Frankly, I don't understand all the hoopla. I've read Holy Blood, Holy Grail at least three times and this whole thing is old news. (VERY old news.) Tales of Jesus having desendants is NOT NEW AT ALL! Where do you think all the Crowned Heads of Europe find their "divine right" to rule??

Atually they claimed that God put them or their anscestors on the throne, not htat they are descended from Christ.
Other than that, though, you are correct. The Tales he mentioned are quite old and unoriginal.

As far as having to protect the desendants names...WHAT'S THE POINT???

If Jesus had kids, this should counter his claim to divinity, which voids any privilege or uniqueness in his offspring...right? Another thing...if the Knights Templar had anything to do AT ALL with this secret, why perpetuate the tale of Jesus as divine, and the Grail as a cup? Why have a Jesus legacy at all? Good Grief, even the Pope has called this book a good yarn...but nontheless a book of fiction.

God's can have kids, so I don't see your logic there.
And the Grail as a "cup" is supposedly used as "hidden symbol of the Sacred Feminine" that the church would have otherwise banned(I am NOT defending this logic just pointing it out).

Even Dan Brown says it's fiction!!

What else do you whackjobs need??

In the words of William Shatner..."Get a Life!!"

Actually, while they do need to get a life, in the beginning of the book Dan actually says it's based on certain facts that, as it turns out, simply aren't true. That is why a bunch of people have a problem with the book.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by tayzerWell, someone has to convice my gf that this is bullshi7 because she really believes it.

OK, tell her we have detailed record of the Nicinien council and that she shoudl look at them.
They contradict what Dan Brown says happened.
No one debated the Divinity of Christ in that meeting or ordered that he be worshipped as Divine. They did debate about whether or not Christ coexisted with GOD before Existance.

Also we DO have earlier writings that show Christians worshipping Christ.
And the Roselyn chapel has showed TV reporters their floor and there IS NOT STAR ON IT!

Oh, and the Fraimed painting the the female character picks up in the novel is 6.5 feet tall, not 5 feet tall.
And weighs about 250-300 lbs.

And then point out that Leonardo didn't paint a fresco of the Last Supper.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by tracer
I'm in agreement with you Axisjon, I believe that the DaVinci Code is a work of the Devil just as the Bible tells us, there will be many led astray by false prophets and the works of the Devil.

1)Except that the bible doesn't mention the Works of Leonardo or Dan Brown.

2)Nor are either of those two false prophets.

3)Anyone who finds their faith "challenged" or is "Led astray" but a work of fiction that cant' even get it's basic facts right(see my previous posts) needs to try researching things and thinking, since it is obvious they aren't.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 12:09 PM
All of you religious nuts scare me. Remember, the Romans and Greeks believed just as strongly in their gods as you people do in yours. So strongly in fact that the early catholic inventors of Christianity had to borrow some of the more favored holidays, such as the mid winter solstice celebration (Christmas) and the spring time fertility festivals (Easter) in order to convince the uneducated masses to join in. The ideas of Christianity are all borrowed from earlier so called pagan rites and rituals.
As for the "Theory of Evolution" just being a theory, it is. But a theory is not something that is not proved. Life is full of the proof that evolution is still very much an ongoing process. People who chose to keep their heads firmly planted in the sand and believe that the bible is the literal truth, need to answer the many conflicting statements throughout the bible. Genesis is loaded with them. I could spend hours pointing them out, but the so called faithful will simply choose to deny them and fall back on it being the devil's work to confuse them. The devil, by the way is a mainly Christian invention. As for The Da Vinci Code, it was a good book, and probably a good movie. I however, do not have such little faith in by beliefs that I need to go protest a movie. These people doing this are probably a lot of the rent-a-crowd people that show up at every event. The Catholics don't want to loose their grip on their cash cow population.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 06:05 AM
I couldn't believe it yesterday when I heard some Christian groups were picketing outside theaters showing "The Da Vinci Code". If they are so sure of their beliefs, why do they appear threatened? This brings to mind an experience I had about five years ago.

After reading "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" and "Bloodlines of the Holy Grail," I tried discussing these alternative theories with my Minister brother at a family gathering one night. Challenging him with what I felt was some of the compelling "evidence" presented in these books, his only defensive was "the Bible claims otherwise."

When I first learned that Jesus probably wasn't the son of God like I'd been raised to believe. I felt betrayed and very angry about being lied to, then became extremely depressed. In reality, I'd really hoped that my Brother could convince me I was wrong that night. Instead, he only reaffirmed what I feared to be true.

After an hour or so of debate, my brother who'd been a minister of his own small church in Lake County CA for over twenty years, acted like a cornered rat, lashing out, panicking and franticly seeking escape.

A few days later my brother had a nervous breakdown. My sister-in-law blamed my "attack" against him for triggering it. Surprised that a seasoned minister lacked the integrity of his beliefs, I never-the-less felt guilty for shattering his fragile faith.

It wasn't until a few months ago when we were brought together by our Mother's passing, that I learned what the real culprit behind my brother's emotional collapse was. Turns out it was the result of severe withdrawals from the sleeping pills prescribed by some "quack. Ambieon's only one example of the pharmaceutical "pushers" dangerous new "TV" drugs.

But regarding "The Da Vinci Code" controversy, it doesn't matter if it's religion or some other conspiracy theory, most people are afraid to think outside their warm safe place. And when their safety net is weakened, they become frightened and hateful instead of thoughtful.

"Narrow mindedness is laziness to the extreme!"

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Axisjon
Why All The Confusion?

I am convinced that we must be in the end times. Why else would all of this propaganda be coming at us now? I feel it is the work of the Devil, meant to test our Faith. If one's Faith is strong, then the Da Vinci code is meaningless palaver.

Those of us who believe in GOD are soon to be removed from this planet during the Rapture and will spend eternity with the King of Kings. Those of us who spend our days looking for "hidden codes", etc, will be left behind to deal with the wrath of the "Antichrist". It's all been written. Good Luck to those of you who have not accepted Jesus Christ as your savior -- you'll need it.

and people thought that WWII was the end times also and look what happened.

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