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Implants... A necessity for communication?

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posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 12:48 AM
Hey all,

For years the 'implant' has stood out -- in sensationalist literature regarding abductions -- to signify some form of 'rape', either psychological or physical. It has often been seen as an extremely negative thing.... It has either been seen as a cold-hearted tracking device or a device which allows mind control.

...But, what if humans need implants inorder to understand aliens? The recent experiments that resulted in monkeys that could control robotic arms made me think, "What if implants are just cybernetic devices that allow us to commuicate with aliens"? For years, the idea that aliens were 'telepathically' talking to abductees has served as a scoffing point for people who want to dismiss the phenomena... as it involved an extra layer of paranormalism... but, what if implants are really devices that read neurological signals and 'radio' them to a similarly implanted alien? If so, accounts of human to alien telepathy in abductions suddenly make scientific sense.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 12:52 AM
like plugs in the matrix..
except the more negativity you possess the feeding time begins for those who care not about you,your soul, or the true state of world affairs...

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 01:21 AM
Have you read up on Wilbert Smith? Smith was the guy who has become famous for that memo that defined flying saucers as being real and unknown vehicles. Anyway, he revealed how he personally recieved alien communications. Check out this site's info on him if you haven't before.

This is Smith's own words on how the aliens that communicated with him did it.

Smith�s reply to the interviewer regarding the subject of talking to aliens was positive.

�Some of the communications have been on a face-to-face basis but I have not been so honored myself. Some of the communications have been by ordinary radio, and I have received a few messages by this means. But by far the majority of the communications are by what we call Tensor Beam transmission, which uses a type of radio with which we are only vaguely familiar, and which I couldn�t possibly attempt to describe now. However, the mental images of the person wishing to transmit are picked up electrically amplified and modulated into a tensor beam, which is directed to the person to whom the transmission is addressed, and within whose brain the mental images are recreated. The transmissions are therefore very precise, and independent of language. I have had some experience with these transmissions myself and can say that they are like nothing within the conventional experiences of earth people.�

"Tensor Beam" communication is what he called it. Now I don't know if he really knew what was going on or not, but he has played a role in what some considered the documented proof of flying saucers. I have read various reports that he had a tendency to classify his own documents as "top secret" without authorization or reason, and that he died "insane", but there really isn't much to go on with that kind of talk either. Anybody that thinks aliens are coming here are automatically marked insane anyway.

Regarding alien implants. My own opinion is that if they are not just military scare tactics/disinformation, that they are a tracking and monitoring device that gives extraterrestrials key information on the subjects they implanted. Like health status and mental states.

[Edited on 20-10-2003 by heelstone]

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 05:22 AM
Were it offered to you, would you like an implant?

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 01:02 PM

good stuff man.

that which provides unconscious information on a living entity can be used to control it also.

posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 03:56 AM
I think all females should get implants, they just look so good.

And yes they are used primarily for mind control, mind control of hormonally driven men.

[Edited on 20-10-2003 by greenkoolaid]

posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by greenkoolaid
I think all females should get implants, they just look so good.

And yes they are used primarily for mind control, mind control of hormonally driven men.

[Edited on 20-10-2003 by greenkoolaid]

-clap clap clap-

Well done, the conversation has reached new lows.

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