posted on May, 13 2006 @ 08:34 AM
I had a dream that a super-nova happend about 2012-2027 to Earth,
and the sun had exploded leaving, a black hole
that was a cylinder shape.
We all went through this cylinder shape and out of the other end we came into a another universe.
the sun looked smaller than the usual one and it looked younger. Earth had a different orbit to the one in its old one and scientists say that the
earth would starve of oxygen in about 22 days because of it climate changes. Scientists started to look at mars's orbit around the sun
they had realised that mars was in the same orbit as earths orbit would have been. We started to wonder if life would start to develop there
while people preached as the Earth came to the end of its life Scientists went up to find trees developing fast in the mars's
soils and water developing from the ground like spings of fresh clean water spirting from the ground
[edit on 13-5-2006 by UM_Gazz]