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Amazing Picture. Your All Going To Love This.

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posted on May, 16 2006 @ 11:55 AM
I'm REALLY hard pressed to see why a good old film camera is going to be able to penetrate an alien cloaking device or reveal something that can't be seen with the naked eye.

This is the first time I've ever seen the part about the MIB.

Yes, that seems to be new.

The big thing is that the picture is normal, there wasn't any editing done to the film. The story was that there was no one there when the photo was taken.

IF we beleive that story, then we've gotten something really strange. But, why should we beleive the story?

[edit on 16-5-2006 by Nygdan]

posted on May, 16 2006 @ 12:02 PM
It doesn't look so ominous closer up. Someone in a light hooded sweater, probably, facing the other way. Some kind of light cap or scarf combination covering up the face or back of the head. Nothing too creepy.

The story was that there was no one there when the photo was taken.

Yeah, well, you hear that a lot. In the old days, though, when it took two weeks to get the photos back from the drugstore, I'm sure they wouldn't remember if somebody happened to stroll by in the background just has the picture was taken. I know most people tend to focus on the subject of the picture, and not pay much attention to what's going on around or in back of the subject.

[edit on 16-5-2006 by Enkidu]

posted on May, 16 2006 @ 12:44 PM
If you look really close, you can see the profile of the subject of discussion. there is a very eery and ominous feeling to this Pic. I have got a feeling that the photo wasn't faked and that the being in the picture is of different origin's other than mother earth.
As for the profile?
Look at the photo with opened mind, look to the right side of the head and you will see the profile that I am speaking of. You can make out the being's eye socket and brow line, and below, following with the outline of the being you can make out a nose , mouth and a chin line as well.
The photo and in it's self is very strange, but there is something here folk's, It is not a man with his back turned to us with a "Beekeeper's" suit on. It something that is standing with it's back toward's us and is facing over his right shoulder.
Take another look at the pic and you will see what I mean.
"Great Thread!!!'
Quite an amazing photo and on further self annalysess it is something out of the ordinary for sure.

posted on May, 16 2006 @ 12:53 PM
i agree, this photo does see to have some thing about it, if it was a 'prop' that was added then i would of thought it would at least be a good one.

As the original story mentions, the figure wasnt visible originally, strange; as Nygdan says that an old camera could bring up this otherwise invisable element but some how it may be did?

Has the little girl ever clarified the story?

who knows the answers?....either way i still find this interesting.

good find.

posted on May, 16 2006 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Allred5923
You can make out the being's eye socket and brow line, and below, following with the outline of the being you can make out a nose , mouth and a chin line as well

I fail to see those descriptions 'Allred5923'. But honestly i cant make anything out when it comes to the head part. Its not at all clear..and so i can only make a few guesses. But when i look at the rest of the parts i 'feel' like its the back of that person's head (covered with something?!).
Look at the body shape and the bend arm..and that whole pose of standing. It looks like totally like a man standing facing his back to the camera and looking off into another direction.

BTW.. whatever he is wearing..looks real tight! hehe maybe a superhero of that period. And looks like he dint quite make it huh? Hmm..but if he did.. i wonder what we would have called him!

posted on May, 16 2006 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Allred5923
There is a very eery and ominous feeling to this Pic. I have got a feeling that the photo wasn't faked and that the being in the picture is of different origin's other than mother earth.

Oh, come on! A "feeling?" No offense, but you are nutz!

posted on May, 16 2006 @ 07:14 PM
Why does it look like a spaceman?.Please explain!!

As i said this guys back is to the if it was a helmet, it,s on backwards.

and where,s his breathing apparatus on his back?.that would be kinda hard to miss
it looks like a guy doing a running turn playing footie to me

posted on May, 16 2006 @ 08:05 PM
First off this photo has never been thoroughly discredited.

Second the original film was never made available for independent testing.

Third there are three versions of the MIB story(all by Mr. T).

You can also find it under the Cumbria spaceman and the Columbia spaceman.

Also Jenny Randles filed an FOIA to the MOD. IIRC she got some docs back concerning the Blue Streak rocket test which were conducted near the site of the pic.
And then there's the Australian Blue Streak test(same year I think) where they supposedly saw similar beings.
And those were the only two places where Blue Streak was tested.

Enkidu has a side by side comparison on my "Tin Foil Alien" thread of this spaceman and the Falkville one.

Two and three above are points to ponder. Especially since it should be the claiment who brings the proof.(we've had this same problem with much other supposed evidence)
Good luck figuring this one out, it's a mess.
(sorry no links, pulled this outta the old hat)

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 12:52 AM
i see a person facing away standing behind her. not a big deal

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 01:24 AM
He's about to Slide into another dimension, in the future they wear white spandex type suits becuase they travel faster than light. He's got something over his head, might be a helmet, or just some type of hat to keep the hair out of his eyes when the wind blows.

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by promomag
He's about to Slide into another dimension, in the future they wear white spandex type suits becuase they travel faster than light. He's got something over his head, might be a helmet, or just some type of hat to keep the hair out of his eyes when the wind blows.

its a guy in a white ball cap and white shirt faceing away from the camera... look at the way his right arm is bent.

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 05:50 AM
What bothers me about the picture is the angle of the "person" in the background.

He/it stands with an angle, which is more or less equal to the angle of the ground... Now what kind of person can stand on both feet at an angle? You try it! Get a surface with a definite angle where you can stand. Now try and stand at an angle that is the same as the surface, i.e. sideways - without extending your arm.

Difficult isn't it. A normal person will always stand so that his head is 180 degrees to gravity. That is how we keep ourselves from loosing our balance. Simple science.

I can think of two explanations.
The photographer took the picture at an angle, i.e. the girl is sitting at an angle and the photographer took the photograph so she would "sit upright".
Or my favorite explanation - It (the "alien") is a prop.

But sure enough, on the picture in question there was a figure in a silvery white space suit projecting at an odd angle into the air behind the girl's back, as if an unwanted snooper had wrecked the shot.

Odd angle indeed.

[edit on 17-5-2006 by Gemwolf]

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Gemwolf
What bothers me about the picture is the angle of the "person" in the background.
I can think of two explanations.
The photographer took the picture at an angle, i.e. the girl is sitting at an angle and the

Indeed, this is on a marsh, after all, which means it's (mostly) dry swamp which means it should be as level as the swamp/lake it came from. Also, I think you had the spine a bit off-center.

Now it just looks like a normal person standing upright, with weight on one leg. Try it, you tnd to lean just a few degrees.

Notice the dimensions I added: the average human adult's head is 1/7 of his/her total height; that works outs perfectly in this instance.

I always saw it as a white nylon windbreaker, puffed-out in the breeze.

I worked for 4 years for a consumer division of Technicolor, explaining to customers how their vacation pictures got fudged up, and I know I heard it at least weekly: "Well, it certainly wasn't like that when I took the picture!" (Typical reply: "We're sorry, Ma'm, but I assure you we didn't retouch your film to add that (person/tree/firetruck), have a free roll of film.")

posted on May, 17 2006 @ 09:32 AM
Those that get an eerie feeling when viewing the pic should think about the reason behind their feeling. I believe that they will find it's because of the story with the pic. Think about it. If you viewed the pic without the story, do you really think you would get the same feeling? I would venture to guess that, no you wouldn't.

The story is driving the feeling as well as knowing the subject prior to reading. Meaning if you are looking for strange pics and stories, you are already preconditioned to feel the way you feel. Furthermore, most weird stories start out with text to prep you for a pic. Getting you worked up so you will see what they want you to see.

Hey, don't feel bad. I have had these feelings happen to me many times. It's just a matter of going back and really thinking it thru.

Something I just thought of: When I saw the movie Signs (

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 09:10 PM
So... bottom line, hoax or real deal?

in my opinion im leaning towards hoax.

but there is that layer of doubt that reminds me that anything is possible.

It's just still too close to call officially.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 10:34 PM
It looks like Boba Fett caught in his long underwear.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 11:23 PM
I don't believe this one is true, ive seen it on TV before and read up on it etc.

Its been discussed on ATS before.

[edit on 15-6-2006 by dawa]

posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 08:35 AM
The photo is old by the looks of it and that thing behind her looks like a toy i might be wrong but it doesnt really look real

posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Allred5923
Look at the photo with opened mind, look to the right side of the head and you will see the profile that I am speaking of. You can make out the being's eye socket and brow line, and below, following with the outline of the being you can make out a nose , mouth and a chin line as well.

I do see what you mean here. You can see an outline of a face, it has its back turned but its looking to the right. Although the face is shaded, I do find it odd that there is that bit of detail to it. Since it has a face outline it is a person or being.

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