posted on May, 11 2006 @ 03:13 AM
I really don't want to be the first to reply - but I am so I'll say what everyone is thinking... I'm not attacking you - I'm on your side.
1. What is the purpose of the thread?
Let's say the purpose is that you wanted to share your experience with fellow ATSers.
2. Why don't you give us any information? You've been on ATS a looong time. Much longer than I've been here. You should know the requirements to be
taken serious by now. How were you contacted? What was said? Why did they contact you, i.e. what was the purpose of the conversation? Why did they
contact YOU and not someone else?
I'm sorry to say that it's this kind of post that gives believers in extra-terrestrial life a bad name.
I may ask what you were smoking, but that would be insulting, wouldn't it? Please share your experience with us, but in much more detail and with
better quality. We really want to take you seriously.
Edit: I did a quick "history check"... And well... Err... Ignore what I said above.
[edit on 11-5-2006 by Gemwolf]