posted on May, 10 2006 @ 11:26 PM
Yes, they are getting very good at shielding themselves. So basically nobody can ever investigate ANYTHING the NSA does???
Ok, the wiretapping was proven illegal...but there is no way to investigate or arrest anyone? What kind of system do we have here?
You can't look into what the NSA does, so that gives them free reign to do whatever, whenever, to whoever they want. The public will forget about
the wiretapping, and we will all have our phone conversations, email, any electronic medium monitored from now on.
My old fashioned grandma says "If you don't have anything to hide you will not mind". Well I think differently: I have nothing to hide, but I
still don't want my private conversations stored in a database somewhere, where some curious person with the right job can look at the records and
see who I have been talking to, where my money is going, what kind of toilet paper I buy, etc.
This really drives me nuts...but noone freak out, because "We are doing it for your protection"
Amazing system we have here. I joined the Army, so I accepted the fact they owned me then, but now that I am a civilian I EXPECT my freedoms, but we
are losing them all!!!
Please someone, show me a bright side!!!!