posted on May, 12 2006 @ 07:29 AM
I will admit, if this was a year ago, I would be confessing my guilt. But, I realised (thank God) what a waste of money, health and er... something
else I haven't thought of, staying in the pub is. Most of my "friends" go to the pub twice a week and get royally rat-arsed. They used to call me
up and ask if I was "up for a few (yeah, right) drinks". We used to start drinking at about 6pm and "walk" home at about 2am. Hell, at around
Christmas 2004, we used to go to the pub every day.
Two words: No thanks!
I don't even like being drunk anymore, it just makes me feel sick. Sure, it used to be fun but now it's beyond pathetically pathetic. Now I only
drink at parties, which is about... 4 times a year.
I don't understand the mentality of some people who think drinking is "cool". All those people who are supposed to be adults who go out every
weekend and get wrecked... it just doesn't make sense. Why would you want to waste hard-earned money on crap that you'll probably only puke up
Edit: I'm glad I realised all this while I'm still young. (18 years young on June 1st, don't forget.
[edit on 12-5-2006 by xeroxed88]