posted on May, 11 2006 @ 10:09 AM
Let me tell you a little story.
There was once a little boy living in a small town of poverty. He loved his God. Every night he made prayers. Asking for a roof to live under, food on
the table, love from his family and general wellbeing. He never asked for anymore. All of which was granted every day.
But one day the little boy and his dad had a major disagreement. It was extemely awkward for the boy. That night, he prayered to his God to saying
that the only way to help his situation is if his dad died as soon as possible. (Yeah, selfish)
Guess what? next day the father was found dead.
The boy grew up hating his God, never to ask for anything again, yet still beliving in his existence.
Now the little boy has grown up and has found 'peace' with his anger.
Still he belives, doesn't pray or go to church. He believes that God understands his choice to do so.