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British UFO hacker will be extradited to the U.S.

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posted on May, 11 2006 @ 08:01 AM
The funny thing is, his story and "details of the system" was flawed and incorrect. He was basically a script kiddie who "beefed up" his story and made "mountains out of mole hills". He said he had evidence, but refused to show it to the public.....yet, he claimed the US is keeping information secret, but is refusing to show the "evidence" he has
other words, he is an idoit and has landed himself in trouble for making his story sound better
we have a word in the UK that sums up people like him, its called "twat". I hope the states throw the book at him

[edit on 11-5-2006 by infinite]

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 08:39 AM
LOL i totally agree with you infinite, hes a complete script kiddie, a 30+ one at that, i bet he wishes he stuck to hair dressing.

How he "hacked" into these systems and just how easy it was is why he's not going to be able to make any deals in terms of offering his assistance in hacking or computer security for the government. Wether he's capable of anything more we dont know, but it looks to me as if he just read Hacking for dummies and watched the matrix too many times.

If i was him and found something amazing like the photos he was talking about i would a dsl line in a flash and i'd certainly have a few backups lying around and hidden away.

For those of you who cant veiw that video i found the same video with google videos heres the link.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 09:31 AM
The said damage that he caused is a bit extreme. Unless every computer in the NASA space center broke down because of him, the damage was definatly not that high. And he should not have to pay for their security upgrades either. It's not his fault that they had poor security. They should've had that upgraded in the first place.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 11:01 AM
some people (not necessarily in this thread) seem to be of the opinion that his claims of finding evidence of ufo's and non-terrestrial officers were made-up.

my question is, why would he make it up? to garner attention? to "throw off the scent"? i'd like to hear others' theories. personally, i think he did find evidence of that stuff, because i can't see any advantage for him to make that stuff up, in the context of this story. especially when he mentioned that he tried to use it as leverage against the US gov't. he said it didn't work and that he didn't plan that out too well.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by DerekpacIsAlive
The said damage that he caused is a bit extreme. Unless every computer in the NASA space center broke down because of him, the damage was definatly not that high. And he should not have to pay for their security upgrades either. It's not his fault that they had poor security. They should've had that upgraded in the first place.

I totally agree. But there is something I've been wondering about. Maybe it wasn't actually so easy to get in. He could just be playing dumb with the government/press in order for them to not take him as a major threat. If he said that he had been doing this since he was 17 and had been white hatting all over the net, I'm sure he'd be dead right now, lol.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 11:24 AM
We need more people like the British UFO hacker.
Let's break this UFO secrecy wide open. Next time YOU TAKE A DESKTOP IMAGE. And post it all over the internet.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by moog synthesizer
We need more people like the British UFO hacker.

you implying that we should encourage more script kiddies to break the computer crime laws, then lie about the story so they can get extradited to the States to face terrorism charges?


posted on May, 11 2006 @ 02:24 PM
Is it not funny only days after his interview with the BBC Ministry of Defence comes out with a report that there is not any U.F.O.'s coincidental dont you think?? Link is below:

Bottom right hand corner there is a report on this...

I believe the guy who hacked into NASA's Computers more than I do this Report by the Uk Defense Department....

And LOL Ii really think they are using this guy as a scapegoat, Why cant he be proscecuted in this Country, rather than being extradited to the U.S.A.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 02:42 PM
It just seems some of us are looking to hard to debunk his story. It has holes...most do. I don't think making up UFO stories and goverment cover up's these days are going to gather you much backing from any media outlet. This guy has done something worth the U.S. investing bringing his rear over here to stand trial. As far as those in power plugging his pie hole before he discloses national security..No way! To them he is making himself look like a fool by what he is claiming. He has something worth the U.S. governments time, What? We will NEVER KNOW that you can count on. And if he really does have the sort of info he claims then he will be the next poster child for computer hackers that you can take to the bank.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by stumason
From what we have heard hear, all he did was gain access to unprotected computers and swipe a few files. No malicicous "damage" was caused. I reckon the $700,000 they claim he did is actually the cost's they incurred beefing up security on their DoD systems so a dude with a dial-up connection and an aversion to sunlight couldn't just log on and download sensitive files.

Damage my hairy white bum.......

If you read the news story, you'll see that he stole passwords. You might guess that once a security breach is detected, there are usually certain procedure followed, reviews, countermeasures etc. In one case a system was down for a week. If you see traces of a hacker on your system, you seriously need to asess damage and make sure they didn't leave a trapdoor for future attacks.

So come on, he did cause damage, and no, it's not a small matter.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Aelita

Originally posted by stumason
From what we have heard hear, all he did was gain access to unprotected computers and swipe a few files. No malicicous "damage" was caused. I reckon the $700,000 they claim he did is actually the cost's they incurred beefing up security on their DoD systems so a dude with a dial-up connection and an aversion to sunlight couldn't just log on and download sensitive files.

Damage my hairy white bum.......

If you read the news story, you'll see that he stole passwords. You might guess that once a security breach is detected, there are usually certain procedure followed, reviews, countermeasures etc. In one case a system was down for a week. If you see traces of a hacker on your system, you seriously need to asess damage and make sure they didn't leave a trapdoor for future attacks.

So come on, he did cause damage, and no, it's not a small matter.

Exactly what I said, if you read my post.

The definition of damage, to me, would suggest he maliciously did actual damage to the systems himself, not mean that the "damage" was just their security procedures kicking in once they realised that they're network was poorly protected, resulting in downtime.

For example, is some spotty gimp who just logs onto a piss-poorly protected network to pinch a UFO file actually doing damage to the system?

When compared to a bona-fide attack by, say, the Chinese (who do actual attack US systems all the time) who would implant viruses, delete stuff and generally doing real "damage", I would say that this guy is being hard done by.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by theBman

Does the name Kevin Mitnick mean anything to you? If not this is a good place to start.

The US doesnt have the best track record when it comes to hackers let alone terrorists. And even if he does get a fair trial i dont think it'll take place for a long time, he will most likely be interrogated and left in solitary for 4/5 years before he goes to court.

yes, I know, hackers are often jailed in the US. I know all to well about that.

my point wasnt the current view on hackers, it was this idea that somehow since bush has been in office, it is impossible to get a fair trial.

just as with this massaui chracter....he listened to the propaganda coming from combined BBC & al jazeera news sources and didnt cooperate instead of telling the truth believing the propaganda he would be killed anyway.

this wasnt the case and is now begging for a new trial which has been denied.

The guy is oviously an idiot, but my point is the propaganda being spewed from europe about the "evil empire" may have contributed to this man never seeing much daylight ever again.

I have heard the same thing in this case....

"If they extradite me to the US I will be sent to guantanamo bay"

please!, the only people buying that or those that have beef with the current admin.

The guy is obviously making an appeal to those brits who wish to make a political statement in the hopes they will decide not to extradite him.

So far it hasnt worked.......

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 03:49 PM
Is it just me but with those eye brows dont he look like a Romulan with a bit of ear surgery??

IMHO. He read a copy of hacking for dummies at the library, where he goes due to his aversion to sunlight, look at his skin tone. The multitude of sites he is alleged to hack into, across all the military and NASA, I believe is indicative that he is a chancer. Anyone good at the game wouldnt have slipped up as much as this guy did. I think that he was a low level threat across a wide area of networks and this is why an example has been made of him by the allies of freedom and democracy.

I see an analagy with housebreaking. If a guy breaks into a house on your estate its annoying to that individual householder. The rest of you would be a little more vigilant but what the heck its not statistically significent. But if he caused the same level of damage to the majority houses in that estate dang right you would take action.

I hope he does live out his life and does not die suddenly.....otherwise I can feel a "black ops hit conspiracy" coming on....

Still if he gets banged up T'Pau may beam him up....

Just my 2 euro cents.......

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 08:44 PM
>He said he had evidence, but refused to show it to the public.....yet, he claimed the US is keeping information secret, but is refusing to show the "evidence"

My impression when this story first broke was at first he was being downplayed, but then when it became clear the US was going to start extradition proceedings he began to talk more about what he saw and started giving interviews with NPR, BBC, The Guardian, ect.
He was a shy, reserved person hacking out of curiosity and smoking joints. He also was on a slow dial up connection when he came across the high resolution images at NASA for example.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by moog synthesizer
We need more people like the British UFO hacker.
Let's break this UFO secrecy wide open. Next time YOU TAKE A DESKTOP IMAGE. And post it all over the internet.

Can't we just mass e-mail public-political officals about it?

Besides, I think some of his claims are true. But like it was mention above, they probably "insisted" he didn't cause even a lite panic, because he may have been had battery or been threated at some possible level, just speculation.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by moog synthesizer
>He said he had evidence, but refused to show it to the public.....yet, he claimed the US is keeping information secret, but is refusing to show the "evidence"

My impression when this story first broke was at first he was being downplayed, but then when it became clear the US was going to start extradition proceedings he began to talk more about what he saw and started giving interviews with NPR, BBC, The Guardian, ect.
He was a shy, reserved person hacking out of curiosity and smoking joints. He also was on a slow dial up connection when he came across the high resolution images at NASA for example.

I undertstand what you're saying, but his story still doesnt make sense to me. I know that if I found some kickass high res nasa images showing ufo's etc or some other form of proof I would get it! If I was on dialup I guess I wouldnt be going to sleep that night
I think if you could really produce some irefuttable proof of ufos people would really rally behind you and potentially keep the wolves away?

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 11:57 PM

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 12:10 AM
Thanks for the link moog I'm watching it now and find it very interesting. He says he thinks we will see mainstream antigravity technology in 7 years

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by warpboost
I undertstand what you're saying, but his story still doesnt make sense to me. I know that if I found some kickass high res nasa images showing ufo's etc or some other form of proof I would get it!

Or you could try reading about the actual case. That would help you undertstand more.
As far as antigravity. That's just his opinion. I don't trust the current corrupt system (Hardiharhar..) is going to lift the veil on UFO secrecy anytime soon. Sudden disclosure, a watergate type scandal would be the best thing so people suppressing this technology will be treated like Mussolini after W.W.II.

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by spencerjohnstone
Is it not funny only days after his interview with the BBC Ministry of Defence comes out with a report that there is not any U.F.O.'s coincidental dont you think??

No, it was written in 2000 and was released on the Freedom of Information Act. Its another UFO file that states the same thing, look through the MOD and you will find numerous files on UFO.

I believe the guy who hacked into NASA's Computers more than I do this Report by the Uk Defense Department....

I dont, cause if it was true, you wouldn't of heard of this and this guy would have disappeared. Secondly, if he was such a "elite hacker" how come he wasnt offered amensty by working with the US Government? there are a number of cases where caught hackers have been given jobs. And if i recall from my hacking days, i dont remember seeing images on systems, especially governmental, due to what i was using *i wasn't using script kiddie programs". Majority of elite hackers using some sort of shell program, telnet, SSH, Unix, etc. Linux is perfect for it.

The reason why he is being extradited is causing he is your typical script kiddie who doesnt understand that if you pissing around on a Government system you cover your tracks. And, if your not smart enough to cover them, don't damage files. He hasn't seen anything, he doesnt know any secrets, he isn't the messiah of your "UFO Cult", just a script kiddie who thinks he is a real hacker.

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