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Posted in a volitile page by Shane and moved here as requested.
This Elitist Liberal Dribble is becoming quite amusing. Enlightened, Knowledgeable, and Wishing to not knowingly spread false information. Ha! I guess that was thrown out the window in this Topic.
Lets for one dismiss this notion that Israel uprooted masses of peoples.
Is a guy named Mark Twain known to any of you? Mark Twain visited Jerusalem and the area in the 1860's and wrote in his book "The Innocents Abroad". Buy his book and read it.
His remarks, of the region?
"A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds"
"hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."
"a silent mournful expanse"
"we never saw a human being on the whole route"
"a desolation"
Masses of Arab's? Funny In the 1900's, the area had a population totaling 120000 Arabs, that covered Israel Proper, and 600000 Arabs if including the West Bank and Jordan (According to the Ottomans). Most of which did not even live in Palestine, but in other areas. The Land was purchased from these Migrant Owners, and at a premium rate. The influx of wandering Arab's started to arrive once the Balfour Declaration was in it's infancy, and just prior to the State or Israel. They were seeking Medical Assistance and Opportunities for Advancment. Israel was clearing Swamp Land, and began agricultural farming, bringing more Arab's into the area. All these poor displaced people, we forget never lived there anyways
Oh, and this is good to. Are their any Arabs Speaking people here who would wish to confirm or deny this. Exactly what does the Word Palestine mean? All Arab words have meanings and most are based from the Koran. Where did this word ever come from?? Certainly not Arabs.
And to that matter, the Arab States had generally regarded Palestine as part of Syria, until late the last century.
But who gave this area this name?? The Romans and it was as an Insult against the Jew's who stood against the Holy Roman Empire. The word actually derived from Israel's worst Enemy, the Philistines, but evenually changed to Palaistaina, and further to become Palestine.
To further this premise try this:
Exactly who ran the Palestine Post for all those years?
Exactly who played in the Palestine Orchestra?
And I wonder who made up the Palestine Brigade Regiment?
Arab's? Well surprise, it was the our Jewish Brother.
Until this century, Palestine was a word which refered to the Jews.
And this is just a Tipped of FACT in respects to this matter.
It doesn't even account for Jews have always lives in Israel since it 1st became a nation.
It doesn't even account they have a Kingdom Claim dating back 3500 Years.
It doesn't even account the Original inhabitants are all long dead and buried cultures. (Philistines, Phoencians, Canaanites and none where Arabs)
Anyone who wishes, I'd be pleased to educate you on this, in it's own Topic.
But you are being fed a line of crap from Revisionist Historians and the MSM, and unfortunately, you seem to be enjoying the meal.
Ignorance is Bliss is a better term to use for the degenerating topic. This in a site that the emphasis is on, Ignorance Denied. Strange how that works isn't it.
And Agian, to the Topic, do none of you care that a Terrorist State and a Sponsor of Terrorists, will be getting Nukes? Wakeup people. Get your heads out of the Fuzzy Speak, and use some common sense.
Originally posted by Crackity_Jones
if only they gave Hamas a chance then, ya' never know, some good might come of it.
that all grievences be forgivven and forgotten, and a peace plan set out from there,
Originally posted by Crackity_Jones
.... and i think both sides of theis conflict have jumped the gun so many times that it has escelated into a massive thing, where inevitabley, one side has been victorious...
I dont wish to look back to the past too much, im more concerned with what happens now, as the simple saying goes.."wipe the slate clean, and do it better this time", if only we can do this concerning this conflict, i summise that ALOT of the problems will ber resolved...
Originally posted by Crackity_Jones
sorry if any of my views are a bit..Niave...and also if my history aint great, after all, im only 13
Originally posted by Nygdan
Hamas has openly and repeatedly stated that their mission is to destroy isreal.
Why the HECK should israel "give them a chance"????
Israel give the palestinians a chance every single day, a chance to stop bominb israeli citizens and agree to peace. Each and every day, they reject it.
Sure, it should. And the yehudis offered peace, many times. Its been rejected, every time.
it is permissible to lie for the sake of the Land of Israel
By: Yitzhak Yizernitzky
Commentary: This remark by Shamir was quoted by Akiva Eldar in an article about Israeli lies to cover up the atrocities committed by their armed forces.
Originally posted by Malichai
There was a nation called Palestine, and it existed right where Israel is today.
Originally posted by Malichai
Hamas has said they will recognize Israel and end all hostilities in exchange for a withdraw to the 1967 pre-war borders.
They ask nothing more than for Israel to give back what they took when they invaded in a sneak attack.
The Hamas cease-fire has been unbroken for over 18 months.
The Palestinians have always offered peace, and Israen NEVER has offered to withdraw from all the occupied lands,
Originally posted by Shane
Originally posted by Malichai
There was a nation called Palestine, and it existed right where Israel is today.
Hello Malichai
So, let first deal with your misconception. 'A nation/people called Palestine'
I had believed the Historical accounts, (NOT FABRICATIONS OF A ZIONIST) were quite easy to follow.
First the Romans, and thru history until as you note, the Ottoman and lastly British.
So, the Palestinian people, (The Jews) have had a presence in what is known as Israel today, for about the last 3500 Years. Either as a Nation and/or State or under occupation detailed as a protectorate.
No Arab can claim this. This is Historial Fact. This is nothing of some Zionist invention. (We'll deal with them later OK?)
We just need to at least find the common things that are Factual Malaichia inorder to present this great debate to enlighten eachother and the masses wishing to consider this.
BABY STEPS, we will need to do this in BABY STEPS.
So with this said, Am I wrong?????
Originally posted by Nygdan
No one can force them out.
Originally posted by Malichai
It was relevant as a reply to the falsehoods you posted.
Originally posted by Nygdan
Originally posted by Malichai
It was relevant as a reply to the falsehoods you posted.
What falsehoods?
Originally posted by Nygdan
They have been offered that, just not for all the territory that they'd like to have.
From among the several authorities of international law who have questioned the validity of the Mandate, the views of Professor Henry Cattan may be quoted:
"The Palestine Mandate was invalid on three grounds set out hereinafter.
"1. The first ground of invalidity of the Mandate is that by endorsing the Balfour Declaration and accepting the concept of the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine it violated the sovereignty of the people of Palestine and their natural rights of independence and self-determination. Palestine was the national home of the Palestinians from time immemorial. The establishment of a national home for an alien people in that country was a violation of the legitimate and fundamental rights of the inhabitants. The League of Nations did not possess the power, any more than the British Government did, to dispose of Palestine, or to grant to the Jews any political or territorial rights in that country. In so far as the Mandate purported to recognize any rights for alien Jews in Palestine, it was null and void.
"2. The second ground of invalidity of the Mandate is that it violated, in spirit and in letter, Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, under the authority of which it purported to be made. The Mandate violated Article 22 in three respects:
"(a) The Covenant had envisaged the Mandate as the best method of achieving its basic objective of ensuring the well-being and development of the peoples inhabiting the Mandated Territories.
"Was the Palestine Mandate conceived for the well-being and development of the inhabitants of Palestine? The answer is found in the provisions of the Mandate itself. The Mandate sought the establishment in Palestine of a national home for another people, contrary to the rights and wishes of the Palestinians ... It required the Mandatory to place the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as would secure the establishment of a Jewish national home. It required the Mandatory to facilitate Jewish immigration into Palestine. It provided that a foreign body known as the Zionist Organization should be recognized as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine in matters affecting the establishment of the Jewish national home. It is clear that, although the Mandates System was conceived in the interest of the inhabitants of the Mandated Territory, the Palestine Mandate was conceived in the interest of an alien people originating from outside Palestine, and ran counter to the basic concept of mandates. As Lord Islington observed when he opposed the inclusion of the Balfour Declaration in the Palestine Mandate: "The Palestine Mandate is a real distortion of the mandatory system". The same distinguished Lord added:
"When one sees in Article 22 ... that the well-being and development of such peoples should form a sacred trust of civilization, and when one takes that as the note of the mandatory system, I think your Lordships will see that we are straying down a very far path when we are postponing self-government in Palestine until such time as the population is flooded with an alien race."
"(b) The Palestine Mandate also ran counter to the specific concept of mandates envisaged by Article 22 for countries detached from Turkey at the end of the First World War. In the case of those countries, the intention was to limit the Mandate to the rendering of temporary advice and assistance. It is doubtful whether the people of Palestine, as also other Arab peoples detached from Turkey, were in need of administrative advice and assistance from a Mandatory. Their level of culture was not inferior to that existing at the time in many of the nations that were Members of the League of Nations. Such Arab communities had actively participated with the Turks in the government of their country. Their political maturity and administrative experience were comparable to the political maturity and administrative experience of the Turks, who were left to stand alone.
"Be that as it may, the framers of the Palestine Mandate did not restrict the Mandatory's role to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance, but granted the Mandatory 'full powers of legislation and administration' (Article 1). Such 'full powers of legislation and administration' were not laid down in the interest of the inhabitants, but were intended to be used, and in fact were used, to establish by force the Jewish national home in Palestine. Clearly this was an abuse of the purpose of the Mandate under the Covenant and a perversion of its raison d'être.
The ancient history you seem to understand well enough, but the last 1500 years or so seem to be a mystery to you.
For 1300 years the land was under Muslim Rule.
First the Romans, and thru history until as you note, the Ottoman and lastly British.