posted on May, 8 2006 @ 11:25 PM
Well really there are so many topics in so any subcategories. I didn’t know what topic to put it under. I’ve been studying what CERN is up to for
about 5 years now. There is just too much to talk about. Some of the things align with dates of significance with in manyof the things spoken of on
this site. I have personally found links for why haarp was put into existence… besides the weather controlling theory and Tesla’s Field theories /
writings. Everything is frequency. Let’s just say that they have had over 100 years to figure out and log many many frequencies and what they
control. Everything operates with in a narrow frequency range's, people include. (Makes you wonder why they turned HAARP on almost full power on
9-11-01 during the bombings.) But that’s for another post… regardless it is a fact that HAARP can tune our whole ionosphere to any frequency it
chooses. If everything is frequency and they have been playing with ULF’s (ultra low frequency) and UHF’s (ultra high frequency) for over a 100
years, im pretty sure they have the frequencies for the human mental and physical bodies and/or patterns. All which I will get too soon.
Now about CERN on July 2 2007 (is projected for the first collision) the LHC will create a black hole (if that’s not bad enough it “will be”
here on earth.)
Basic knowledge of black holes:
1. It sucks in all mater, even light…
2. it sucks all mater as a sphere (in 360) meaning that it has no side, (if it were possible to stand on one side of a black hole and walk around to
the other side of it, it would still be the side of the hole). Some people like to think it goes to another dimension. Basically it’s a puncture in
the fabric of your universe that def goes somewhere.
Now I don’t know if the first collision will be a success on the first try. But it won’t be to long after it’s all operational that they nail
One of the major differences in this collision, beside just the scale of it being the largest and most energetic experiment ever done and its goal of
recreating the big bang. The mater will not collide into a plate (a sheet of metal, as done in the other experiments from past decades with the
smaller collider) in this experiment Beams of lead nuclei will be accelerated to the speed of light smashing together with a collision energy of 1150
What their official spokes person says is: there is no danger and at the slightest sign of any thing going wrong they will simply shut it off…
1. It sucks in all mater!
2. if it was possible that a switch was still around to switch off , do you really trust some jerk off to be able to think, know and react at “the
speed of light” to turn it off. Man they must have someone really good.
To be continued….