posted on May, 8 2006 @ 01:15 PM
I do know that several high-end games seem to prefer Intel, but the AMD will work just about as well while shaving off a few dollars. Also, do you
really need the 7900? I've got a single 6800 in my pc that really gets the job done. My advice (depending on how serious you are about cutting edge)
is to save yourself some serious dough and stay just off the pace with a 7600 or a 7800. I couldn't help but notice that a dual 6800 rig was $750
cheaper on Dell's site. That's quite a bit of dough saved, and you still have a SLI dual configuration. Like I said my single 6800 is very nice.
I don't have any experience with Alienware, but I know that Dell has always been good for me.