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Hello From Another Michigander

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posted on May, 8 2006 @ 12:40 PM
Hello, folks. I was out killing some time at lunch looking for some 9/11 podcasts and stumbled on this site. I'm glad I did. There's a whole bunch of things I want to listen to/read about now. I just checked out a "Numbers Station" podcast, and it was fascinating. I've heard of them, but never knew what they were. Anyway, glad to be a part of this site. I'll try to contribute, but sometimes it's better just to keep quiet and listen!


posted on May, 8 2006 @ 12:42 PM
Hello ts8586 and welcome to ATS.

While you're getting to know your way about you might like to keep this as a helpful bookmark: Zedd's handbook of ATS Links.

Welcome again.


posted on May, 8 2006 @ 12:43 PM
Glad you could find us here at the great ATS, enjoy your long stay!
All The Secrets

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 12:46 PM
Welcome to ATS!

I hope that you enjoy your stay here, and have fun while doing so.

Don't forget to have fun while you're here.
Check out some of these forums on BTS:
General Chit Chat
General Entertainment Discussion
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Fantasy & Science Fiction
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Jokes, Puns, & Pranks
Food and Cooking

Mechanic 32.

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 12:53 PM
Another MichiGander to add to the list. This site has so much to offer that you may stay up a bit later at night catching up on daily postings here. Very fast site with many contributors and readers. A big Welcome to the club from Downriver Detroit.

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 12:58 PM
Hello ts8586, welcome to ATS.

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 01:04 PM
Wow, thanks everyone. Ah, downriver. The best Hooters I've been to is in Taylor. I've got the gut to prove it!

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 03:39 PM
Although I presently live in Canada -- London, Ontario, to be precise -- I am originally from Detroit, Michigan. I love living in Canada. Canada is a wonderful country and the Province in which I live, Ontario, is a beautiful place but my heart will always be in Michigan, the "water, winter, wonderland".

So I offer my own special welcome to "another Michigander". I can't help but notice just how many ATS members are from Michigan. There must be something in the water there that makes Michiganders especially keen, inquisitive, intelligent and just a tad paranooid (or maybe that's just me).


posted on May, 8 2006 @ 06:19 PM
Welcome to ATS, Good to have you around,

If you feel you have any questions visit my thread
Hey new members!! Come here if you need advice

Below is A hand book of links that may help you answer some questions you have, ie, what are points ect....this is Zedds great link book for ATS use

If you have any questions feel free to u2u me

You will find your u2u's in the member center

and also there is a message when you recieve a u2u

also need help getting your avatar up (or pic in your profile) check out this link
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AVATAR: The Ultimate Help

Want to post a pic in your thread.
how to post a pic on a thread

want to change your password to something you remember? look for this tab at the top of the page, there you can edit your profile and password

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