Okay people, I need your help. I'm trying to hunt down 3 VERY SPECIFIC sound effects that get used over and over again in movies and T.V., and I know
all of you are familiar with. It started out with a hilarious discussion I had with a buddy of mine, and we can't seem to find them on any online
resource sites. If any of you know where I can download them, or a direct link to the file, I would be in your debt forever.
I will describe the 3 different sounds as best as I can, along with an example of where it can be heard, to help alleviate confusion.
# 1. A long, blood-curdling scream of a guy that sounds like he's falling. If you remember the Nickelodean show "AHH! Real Monsters", it played at
the very end of the opening sequence when the title popped up. Also it can be heard in most "South Park" episodes when they show Hell. I've also
heard it in StarCraft, I believe. (NOTE: This is NOT the infamous Wilheim scream heard in the Star Wars movies, among others. I am familiar with that
sound effect.)
# 2. A generic, low-quality sound effect of a group of children shouting "Hooray". It can be heard in almost every single "Peanuts" animated
feature when the gang cheers for Charlie Brown or whatever.
# 3. That damnable, annoying baby coo which I have YET to ever hear a real baby make. Sounds like the baby is saying "Ah?..Ahhhhhh!" in a
high-pitched warble. Can be heard in %99.999 of commercials dealing with babies, but more specifically in the background of the song "Are You That
Somebody?" by Aailiyah.
As bizarre as my obsession with finding these sounds may seem to you, think about the last time an annoying song or soundbite rattled around in your
head, causing you to clench teeth and punch things until you were able to find its source. :bnghd: That, or I may have already slipped past the
threshold of sanity, so either way, I still look like a lunatic.
Whoever can help me find these, I will dub Thee my personal BTS Savior.
[edit on 8-5-2006 by PrototypeGamma]