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BBC said 'hijackers' were alive! pdf

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posted on May, 7 2006 @ 11:11 PM
An editorial written by the editor of TvNewsLies. links to this BBC article written only days after 9/11.

This is rarely shown anywhere else....and is in pdf format here for an easy download.

Check it out. The artilce claims that some of the 'highjackers' we've been told were responsible for the attacks of 9/11 are alive and well. Why has no one ever followed up on this?



posted on May, 7 2006 @ 11:56 PM
There have been numerous reports about this. One of them complained to the Saudi Arabian government for even being accused of such an act when he was alive and well within Saudi Arabia. I believe 9 of them have been proven to still be alive.

Thanks for the article though; always nice to have more 'proof'.

[edit on 7-5-2006 by Omniscient]

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 12:00 AM
...why people who read this are not totally dumbfounded into realizing that the US media refuses to even deal with 9/11.

Please spread this around.

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 01:11 AM
Nine people with similar names, or who had their identity stolen are still alive. IIRC one of them had his uniform or passport stolen while he was on a trip. He was a pilot for Saudi Arabian Airlines or an airline from the region. Another one had a very similar name, but it wasn't quite the same as on the FBI hijacker list.

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 03:25 PM
The most suspicious part is that they immediately knew all 19 hijackers names and had it up on the media so quickly. if you believe the bush administration all of this was because they miraculously found a bag belonging to the "hijacker" even though it wouldn't have made an earlier connecting flight that the crackers almost missed.

even to the most uninformed person 9/11 should be suspicious with the way that the bush administration moved to cover everything up. Demolition Inc.'s involvment and the speed it disposed of the evidence. WTC 7 and even Dan Rather saying for a third time today a building has been control demolitioned or something similar.

I mean we have engineers in the public forum now (demolitionists included) that are questioning the official story of the collapse. There is a growing outcry to investigate a portion of the government involved. I haven't payed much attention lately but I've just realized the 9/11 for Truth movement is really picking up pace. The Charlie Sheen affair was a big morale boost because after all the pathetic publicity hit pieces no one took Sheen's challenge about wtc 7 etc. The big media are scared dogs I bet at this point.

Oh yea and can't forget all the security video tapes the FBI has been hoarding. We really can't trust what the government is saying about 9/11. Actually part of the problem is they haven't been saying much. Just the edited media coverage of 9/11 and that corny hit piece from PMK. Which is a relative of Chertoff.

[edit on 8-5-2006 by Crazy_Mr_Crowley]

[edit on 8-5-2006 by Crazy_Mr_Crowley]

[edit on 8-5-2006 by Crazy_Mr_Crowley]

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Nine people with similar names, or who had their identity stolen are still alive.

You're right Zaphod...Stolen by the U.S. Government.

I guess some parts of the plan were not thought through too thoroughly, hmmmm?

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Nine people with similar names, or who had their identity stolen are still alive. IIRC one of them had his uniform or passport stolen while he was on a trip. He was a pilot for Saudi Arabian Airlines or an airline from the region. Another one had a very similar name, but it wasn't quite the same as on the FBI hijacker list.

Actually the one I'm referring to IS the one that the FBI though was a hijacker. This was proven through interviews in which he admitted he was in the U.S. and attended flight training and flight testing within the U.S. A year later, he moved back to Saudi Arabia.

[edit on 8-5-2006 by Omniscient]

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 09:32 PM

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 09:50 PM
So you see, its all been a freaking lie all along. The mourning of the dead, the facade of it all.

Nothing is at it seems. Nothing. :shk:

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Nothing is at it seems. Nothing. :shk:

Yes; a shame our world has come to this.

"The only things that are as they seem are those that are that do not exist."

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 10:23 PM

Instead pre-selected, early morning commercial flights would be electronically commandeered and crashed into redundant structures.

Why early morning? Predictably a media blizzard would commence while stunned Americans rubbed the sleep from their eyes. The emotional overload would continue for the entire day and well into the next. During that chaotic first day, disinformation (government-concocted stories) would be released, informing the shocked citizens exactly who perpetrated the treacherous deed.

The attacks were masterminded by a select few of interconnected insiders who, not surprisingly, remain in power today. Certain key members of Congress, the CIA, Mossad, Pentagon, and the White House organized the plan to perfection.

Secrecy was no problem. Anyone with foreknowledge of the plan, who considered revealing the daring operation out of guilt or misgiving, would be either threatened personally, have their family threatened and have their story ridiculed and denied. After all, who in the media would have believed 9-11 before it happened? Media complicity, among top directors of the US media, was understood well in advance.

How many were involved you ask? Probably not more than a couple dozen. No more than fifty perhaps at the upper levels of planning. A few Pentagon generals, a handful of US and Israeli intelligence insiders, a half dozen White House ideologues, and certain corrupt Congressmen and Cabinet members compromised by blackmail or debased patriotism.

Beneath them, a cadre of true believers, loyal footsoldiers and mercenaries actually did the dirty work. The flight school drop outs belonged to this later group.

A joint team of CIA and Mossad shadow warriors supervised contract laborers who planted the explosives in the weeks and months prior to the controlled demolitions. At the same time, electronic guidance systems were tested and retested on large airplanes. Nothing was left to chance.

Hijackers were not needed. Remote controls were used.

[edit on 8-5-2006 by dgtempe] EDIT: so i dont get in trouble, i shortened it.

[edit on 8-5-2006 by dgtempe]

posted on May, 10 2006 @ 09:52 AM
regardless what happened, investigation won't hurt, if the official version suddenly sways towards identity theft (as opposed to outright fabrication), they will have to investigate the real hijackers' identities, and reveal them when they're done.

posted on May, 10 2006 @ 02:04 PM
Too bad the FBI won't release the security videos from the airport of the terrorists boarding the planes or going through security checkpoints.

Just another indication that they have something to hide about 9/11 as in the case of the Pentagon where the 757 vs. remote A3 skywarrior debate could be solved.

[edit on 10-5-2006 by Crazy_Mr_Crowley]

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