posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 08:53 AM
If you are asking me NEO, then yes I would have been. However the Russians are not there today, the soviet empire is dead. Today we have one
superpower and the US should lead by example, what is proved by aiding a brutal regime. Please enlighten me.
Sometimes I think you are insane NEO, other times when you highlight less talked about but just as important issues (Chechnya, Zimbabwe, Burma), I
think you are one of the good guys. The hypocrisy makes me sick, but I personally feel justified in criticising the US, I have family who live there,
friends who live there, friends from there that live here. Nothing ties me to Russia or Africa. I care about the US because I feel her actions have a
huge influence on world events, more than Russia's war in Chechnya or Mugabe's sickening actions.
The US is the superpower, she leads, the rest are more likely to follow, however you will be aware that Putin only supports the war on terror because
he has managed to include his war in chechnya. Makes you think.