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Research shows anticipating pain hurts

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posted on May, 5 2006 @ 11:56 AM

The MRI scans showed that a brain network that governs how much pain people feel became active even before they were shocked, particularly the parts of this "pain matrix" that are linked to attention - but not brain regions involving fear and anxiety. The more dread bothered someone, the more attention the pain-sensing parts of the brain were paying to the wait.

In other words, the mere information that you're about to feel pain "seems to be a source of misery," George Lowenstein, a specialist in economics and psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, wrote in an accompanying review of the work.

"These findings support the idea that the decision to delay or expedite an outcome depends critically on how a person feels while waiting," Lowenstein added.

Part of this is common sense, but I like the idea that they are mapping the brain to find out how the areas interact with one another during a stressor event.

I have to admit, I am one that would rather "get it over with" if I know that something painful or stressful is coming up for me.


posted on May, 6 2006 @ 06:32 AM
Well, the link seems to be down, but I tend to disagree with what this may mean for people about to under go a procedure. Everyone responds diffrently.

In my early 20's I was submitted to a cervical biopsy with no pain intervention or anesthsia of any kind. I was told I would not feel a thing, because there was no feeling where they were cutting. What I went through caused severe trauma.

In my case, had I been prepared for what I should truly expect I would have been mentally ready for it (I do tend to have a high threshold for pain). Instead I was lied to and shocked beyond the point of getting over it - ever.

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 04:08 PM
Relentless -

Hmm... just tried the link from my original post and it worked for me. They have had a "twitchy" website for a couple of days now, so maybe you hit the Indy Star at a bad time.

I had an EMG conducted on my arms a while back and it about brought me right off the bed. "Mild discomfort" wasn't a misnomer - it was a flat-out lie. Those electrical zaps H-U-R-T HURT!

Sorry about your experience.



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