posted on May, 5 2006 @ 11:26 AM
It just never ceases to amaze me that American policy continues to dictate pissing off the rest of the world. We are supposed to be in a glorious age
of Peace and Understanding and Compassion for our neighbours, yet a person cannot turn around without hearing about Cheney or Rummy or Hedge mandating
policies which adversely affect the rest of the world.
A speech by Vice President Dick Cheney strongly critical of the Kremlin marks the start of a new Cold War that could drive Moscow away from its
new-found Western allies, the Russian press said on Friday.
In shocked reaction to the harshest U.S. criticism of Moscow for years, commentators said Washington had created an anti-Russian cordon of
Western-aligned states stretching from the Baltic almost to the Caspian Sea.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
Truly, the real madmen in this world are not Al-Queada or muslim extremists. It is apparent that current US administration does not advocate Peace of
any kind, anywhere and requires some sort of conflict in order to justify its existence, irregardless of the human suffering and consequences.
The definition of a SOCIOPATH is as follows:
also called Character Disorder, mental disorder that is marked by deeply ingrained and lasting patterns of inflexible, maladaptive, or antisocial
behaviour. A personality disorder is an accentuation of one or more personality traits to the point that the trait significantly impairs an
individual's social or occupational functioning.
What is missing is a clear, unerring vision of what the world looks like with the current US administration. If there were some apprent thoughts
expressed about where they were heading through this quagmire, it would be far easier for citizens to lend support and feel good about themselves.
When our leaders offer no explanation, or guiding principles behind their actions it becomes a dangerous situation while their people become fearful
and distrustful, emotions merely reflected back from their "elected" officials.
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[edited title to reflect it was an ATSNN submission -nygdan]
[edit on 5-5-2006 by Nygdan]