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If the NWO is satanic, then why is their puppet Bush a Christian fanatic?

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posted on May, 5 2006 @ 10:13 AM
G'day all,

Just thought I'd post an idea that has perplexed me lately - If the NWO is controlled by the illuminati and the illuminati's plans are to bring about a one world dictatorship government, then why is their little puppet Bush such a christian extremeist? It sort of doesnt go together unless the illuminati also has their hands in the pockets of fundamentalist muslims in Iran too and is forcing both to a head so they destroy each other.

Also, can someone please explain to me, why does the US government so vehmantly defend the rights of Israel? They don't have any natural resources, they dont manufacture anything for export to the US, they just basically exist in the middle of the middle east and Americans sons and daughters are dying on their behalf for unjust wars.

Would it be because half the American congress is jewish in faith? Should religion play such a large part in foreign policy when no one can prove that their religion and/or their god actually exist. This in a world of scientific discoveries, you'd think that there would be some sort of evidence of it's existence, proving it plausible.

The world is generally made up of sheep, people who follow the rest because they are told to or see others doing the same thing. When will people see the truth?

We are being duped by all our government and religious leaders towards an amaeghedon that we dont have to have. Overthrow all government and install people power before its too late!


posted on May, 5 2006 @ 10:35 AM
G'day 'Mate' lol

This is Adelaide, Melbourne do you copy? over?...

look NWO is all about money at the end of the day. Thats all they care about..who has the most oil, gold, its one big global monopoly...

And if the *arsh falls out of the US economy, the US own the media so can start a war! yay!!! and they can pick a country who has lots of oil! yay!!! And that will give the US a reason not to do anything at all in Sudan, yah!!! Cos US are too busy fighting the war... yay!!! And Coward and Flair have to go along with it cos they owe the US too much money.. yay!!!

yay!! one big happy NWO and Bush, the good Christian mouthpeice has another holiday... yay!!

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia
Also, can someone please explain to me, why does the US government so vehmantly defend the rights of Israel? They don't have any natural resources, they dont manufacture anything for export to the US, they just basically exist in the middle of the middle east and Americans sons and daughters are dying on their behalf for unjust wars.

Well, a pro-conservative, pro-Israel jouranlist, Mr.Hitchens, says that a few "high energy Jews" (an actual quote!) in the US leadership are very vocal in their support fo Israel and all. So, he says, that's normal.

They way I read it, our country has been hijacked by the Jewish special interest.

I hope that answers your question.

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 12:59 PM
"they owe the US too much money"

I think you should take a look at that debt you have to the rest of the world It's over 8 trillion dollars and rising. Americans are mad to beleive they are superior they have gotten soft.

"US government so vehmantly defend the rights of Israel?"

It isn't a jewish conspiracy if that's what you think. They need Israel it is a strategical position in the middle east for western forces. It also happens to be the one that wants to cooperate the most. In return they get guns, money and fuel how else do you think Israel raped Palestine and got away with it. From Israel you can mount attacks on any middle eastern country easy and effectivly.

"Would it be because half the American congress is jewish in faith?"

This is the first time I have heard of this...

Even if it was it is no proof of conspiracy.

Jews wanting to support Israel only makes sense... It's like pot smokers supporting Holland. no proof of conspiracy in regards to Jews or zionism.

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 02:06 PM
Ever heard of the "token Christian" technique used by shabby scholars debating NT theology? Same thing here on a bigger scale.

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by The_Doctor
"Would it be because half the American congress is jewish in faith?"

This is the first time I have heard of this...

Even if it was it is no proof of conspiracy.

Jews wanting to support Israel only makes sense... It's like pot smokers supporting Holland. no proof of conspiracy in regards to Jews or zionism.

You are right here. There is no conspiracy because conspiracy involves secrecy. Wait, there is some of that, too. I believe somebody serves a prison term for passing classified US documents to the member of AIPAC (in secrecy, of course) who immediately passed them on to Israeli intelligence.

As to your last statement, no, it doesn't make sense. Our allegiance should only be to one nation, which is US of A. If we are led to support Israel to the detriment of our own country, this is a betrayal. And that's what's happening.

[edit on 5-5-2006 by Aelita]

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 06:35 PM
What makes you think Bush is a Christian, or even religious for that matter? Sure he plays one on TV, but if he's truly a satanist, he's all about deception.

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 10:01 PM
g'day folks,

I deeply feel sorry for the once proud American people - a people who have fought many a battle to protect the rights of democracy, both at home and abroad, and helping other nations obtain democracy by in a way, leading by some sort of example if not perfect as could as can be.


I saw a 911 conspiracy doco by Alex Jones that says George Dubya and John Kerry are 2nd cousins and both members of the skull and bones society - if this really is the case, then you americans are really being duped beyond your wildest dreams, for no matter who would of one the last election, you would have just ended up with a different face on the same New World Order puppet!

Where has the legitimate choice and opinion that makes up democracy gone?

You americans fought a civil war amongst yourselves in the past, but the battle you should have concentrated your energies on together should have been the battle against corruption and deceipt in the halls of the US congress, and throw those maggots you call your leaders out into the street where even a descent old school public hanging of the whole bunch of them would even be to good for them.

My hopes and dreams of a free society are with everyone of you poor Americans for I know how patriotic you can be, if only there was something or someone to stir the patriotic public sentiment towards the correct direction, not the one that smells of oil!


posted on May, 5 2006 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by CyberSEAL
What makes you think Bush is a Christian, or even religious for that matter? Sure he plays one on TV, but if he's truly a satanist, he's all about deception.

thats true cyberseal...... he is part of the antichrist movement. the antichrist is "christian" in all ways. purpose? to decieve. not saying bush is "the" antichrist....just saying this is how lucifer works.

thats the reason there is so many people against christianity....because they belive that what they see in the world as christianity is the real thing, but its not. its the false christianity that christ told us about. the antichristianity or antichrist. if you have studied your scriptures you would know the deal. anti means "against" (middle east) and it also means "in place of" (the mainstream christianity) in america and thruout the world..

just because someone calls themselve christian doesnt mean they are.

what a plan huh? lucifer is so obvious to the true christians its not even funny.
this "christianity" you see on stage today...better belive its the antichrist. hes on the move and he imitates everything christ has done and taught. pretty simple plan. i mean come on, surely you recognize the angle of light when you see him. he aint got nothin. just lies. pretty funny if you ask me.

sorry to say that time spent here on this planet isnt a game. this is for your soul. the only way to make it out is truth. thats what everyone on here is looking for and i just let you in on a big part of it.

the scriptures are very powerful. dont let ANYONE try and tell you different. i see people on here constantly try and say that this christ we have all heard of is merely a joke, but look around you. we as humans base time itself on christs life...and the warnings that he gave us are just as important. people who say otherwise have no idea about the powers they are dealing with.

these people who have no clue what the scriptures say and mean try to persuade others to come down in thier pile of ignorance with them. and the sad thing is it works. another antichrist lie.

bush and this mainstream religion is the movement to lure us down the broad path which many fall for. so are all the religions. its lucifer. the anitchrist. dont let this false christianity confuse you. he has all the so called everyday joe "christians" looking to the middle east for the antichrist, but he has other plans...there is no rest for the wicked. know the truth and the truth will set you free.

the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one." 1 John 5:19

[edit on 5-5-2006 by Funkydung]

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 02:19 AM
Bush and his pals are not Satanists they are more druidic in nature I will reference Bohemian Grove. At Bohemian Grove every July roughly 2k men show up burn a human in effigy to a giant red wood carved owl named Moloch. Moloch is older then Satan he is an ancient Cannanite diety that predates modern conceptions of the Devil and anti-christ by thousands of years. After they do the ritual called the Cremation of Care they party for 2 weeks straight having gay sex with prostitutes and get wasted. The Bohemian Club which apparently is nothing more then a gentlemens club founded in the 1800's just north of San Francisco in Sonoma County. Has an incredible guest list of the most powerful people on the planet. The club was infiltrated and the Cremation of Care video taped. It is authentic and admitted by even some members to actually happen but the dismiss these activities as being nothing more then harmless fun. Many geo-political and military decision are made there. has many documentaries including the Alex Jones infiltration of the Grove. since then others have snuck in.

Link to video here:

See it's not that these so called religeons have any real power or anything it's all hocus pocus. They give you a sense of power and control and security.

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 11:59 AM
1. Believing that Bush is a Christian extremist might be an indication that one would also easily believe all the other MSM (Main Stream Media) propaganda about a long list of topics.

2. Bush is not a Christian extremist. It's a worthy question as to how authentically Christian is he. I know friends who have prayed with him and are certain that he has a real relationship with God; that Bush reads MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST daily and prays an HOUR every day before leaving his private quarters. I hope he's right.

3. Bush's behavior and decisions toward Israel appear to be much more in line with the puppet masters' agenda than with the Bible.

4. I don't know if Bush is as complicit as his dad and Billdo Klintoon (Clinton) in furthering the NWO agenda or if Bush is seriously a Christian aware of END TIMES realities who is trying to stay alive as long as he can to do whatever good he can by obeying the NWO puppet masters on the things he has to.

5. Bush would be much wiser to be more concerned about displeasing God Almighty than displeasing the puppet masters.

6. Bush is one thing. Each individual must decide where they will draw the line in meekly following the demands and propaganda of the puppet masters. At some point, the choice will likely be very stark--martyrdom and eternal life with God or the SLAG chip implant and slavery to the NWO global tyranny government.

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 01:18 PM
To be simple and sweet, it's complicated. Like sugar. The simple thing is this, there's families in the States. Who've been here since Ronanoak or 1603, and 1, either made a smaller village in Virgina after some winters with the indians which has been the rumor for decades or have been here since the 1603 settlement of Jamestown, you know John Smith, Pocahontas, and Russell

Anyway, these families have made a pact, since their First, they come first. Yale happens to be related to these people, he starts a school, is a Free mason, and makes Skull and Bones, worshiping some deity who grants wealth, like in "Buffy".
So besides what Joss Whendon has already wrote into "Buffy", these societies create societies similar to the Freemasons(but the Freemasons are MORE open.), althrough(Skull and Bones, Elite Societies) their only open to "The Acadmemic Brightest" because their supposed to be best at holding their mouth shut, due to the Midevil beliefs of The Knights Templer.

So since they already have this beleif installed, their also suppose to protect the bloodline of Jesus in the States, so HIS family can become Kings again. This has already been mentioned in Steven Sosa book "Secret Societies" it's my source.

So Bush and Kerry already know a thing or 2 about this anyways. But the problem with these leaders, and all these other leaders, is they seem to think by bringing the World socially, economicly, politicly, and possibly physically to an end, they'll be able to have slaves, etc. or be exalted in some sort of Heaven. So they make one have to join all these circles and clubs, so the common people can't stop their power, riches, or anything.

Forgetting, that if we really wanted or had ENOUGH PROOF to, we could stop them like The Romanov Dynasty. Remember, they may have the money, but we GIVE THEM the POWER. But that's all I can add.

[edit on 6/5/2006 by cranefly]

posted on May, 7 2006 @ 05:04 AM
"their also suppose to protect the bloodline of Jesus in the States"

I am sorry but the "Da Vinci code" is a piece of fiction. If you think America Rules the world you will be in for a sad reality when the US is broken up and givin to foreign powers after it files for bankruptcy at the IMF.

posted on May, 7 2006 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia
g'day folks,

I deeply feel sorry for the once proud American people - a people who have fought many a battle to protect the rights of democracy, both at home and abroad, and helping other nations obtain democracy by in a way, leading by some sort of example if not perfect as could as can be.


I saw a 911 conspiracy doco by Alex Jones that says George Dubya and John Kerry are 2nd cousins and both members of the skull and bones society - if this really is the case, then you americans are really being duped beyond your wildest dreams, for no matter who would of one the last election, you would have just ended up with a different face on the same New World Order puppet!

Where has the legitimate choice and opinion that makes up democracy gone?

You americans fought a civil war amongst yourselves in the past, but the battle you should have concentrated your energies on together should have been the battle against corruption and deceipt in the halls of the US congress, and throw those maggots you call your leaders out into the street where even a descent old school public hanging of the whole bunch of them would even be to good for them.

My hopes and dreams of a free society are with everyone of you poor Americans for I know how patriotic you can be, if only there was something or someone to stir the patriotic public sentiment towards the correct direction, not the one that smells of oil!


THX for the kind thoughts MM, we truly are screwed by our own gov. I had
similar feeling about y'all when the gun confiscations were going on down under.

Bush is a Christian like I'm Florence Nightingale. He's playing a role in a global stage play which will soon end in a nuclear exchange. This is the endgame for the globalists. Bush and his counterpart in Iran will be shown to be the precipitating agents in this holocaust (sacrifice), and all that the globalists seek to eliminate from the earth will be blamed, beginning with 'religious extremism'. Also on their list will be national sovereignty, individual gun ownership, any standard of living above agrarian peasantry for us commoners, and of course we will no longer be able to afford individual rights. Bush is not as stupid as he appears to be, and often makes fun of his own supporters if you listen carefully. Bush has made himself a caricature of how the globalists want Christians portrayed; violent, vacuous and bordering on insanity.

The occult-elite are on the very precipice of attaining world domination. Hope you're prepared.

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 09:49 AM
Bush is just a patsy...

The guy clearly does not have the menatal capabilities to orchestrate these events. I would point my finger more towards Dick Cheney and others around him who play off of his stupidity and cut him out of the loop. Kinda like his dad was really in charge when Reagon was the president in the 80's.

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