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Steven Speilberg's "Taken": fact or fiction?

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posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 06:21 PM
Great series but its just a story.

Man created aliens when he lost faith in god, somebody had to fill in.

We looked around and saw ourself and we learned how incompetent we are, there just had to be somebody smarter out there.

We started with gods and when this fell threw we looked else were.

Dont get me wrong I would love to find a gray looking in my window buts its a timing issue.

Man has only been able to tie his shoes for a couple hundred years out the millions we have all been flying around the sun.

So what are the odds of somebody else flying by the split second we pop our hear of the primordial soup? Not very good at all.

Im sure we are not the only intelegent lifeforms ever to spring forth Im just affraid the odds are so great ( the timing issue) we will never pass in the night. Rather sad.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 06:24 PM
xspook, have u ever seen the mexico UFO video or pics???

ill like to see a sceptic debond a ufo the size of 4 blocks and seen by 1000's of people and vide taped by over 100 video camras

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Dmsoldier
xspook, have u ever seen the mexico UFO video or pics???

ill like to see a sceptic debond a ufo the size of 4 blocks and seen by 1000's of people and vide taped by over 100 video camras

~If it's that one video where the ship flys behind tall buildings in mexico city, that I believe is a hoax.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 06:44 PM
I have seen lots of videos, even the ones suggested.

Strange things happen everyday and are caught on video, some nice and wonderfull - sometimes tragic.

Im not saying all UFO images are faked, the U stands for unidetified, they could be just about anything and a very small chance its possible its life from another world, but I wouldnt bet on it.

The main reason this UFO stuff got out of hand is it was a nice cover up for the military and they didnt have to spend a dime on it. They let peoples minds wander to far off space, it took there wandering eyes away from earthly classifed projects. All the military had to do was sit back and play stupid (they are good at that)

I know of one project were the military did have a few UFOs in it position. They were built out of plywood and fabric and were wheeled in and out of hangers once in a while just to give the soviets "eyes in the sky" something to look at. Misdirection is the first rule in magic.

Were I worked we had a schedule that told us who was over head at any given time so we could transport the good stuff when no one was looking.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 07:13 PM
i know that ones fake jeff,

im talking about the HUG one, must have been a mother #, nothing on this EARTH could be stored somewere,, it was huvering

give me MSN or AIM name i even have yahoo, ill send it

on a tv show it showed about at least 15 diff views of it, and it clearly showed that i was a flat squery ship..

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 11:44 PM
alright, Spielberg made how many movies? Tons i suppose but only 3 were alien movies. So let's not jump the gun here and say he is supposed to bring us the truth. That's just plain silly

Either way, I just finished the series last night and i have to say it is probably the best 20 hours i have ever invested into TV.

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by THENEO
What is it with Spielberg and aliens and ufos anyways?

I mean he has been at this before hasn't he?

Is this his job to get us ready for what is coming up?

He's either a spin doctor for the gov't, or he's a spokesman for the resistance, IMO. Which it is, I'm not sure.

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 09:01 PM

on this we both agree, which is it?

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 01:38 AM
"TAKEN" has some elements of truth.
1. Abductions DO HAPPEN in family lineage. (Whether the abductees realize it or not) My family's ET/Government connections go as far back as my grrandparents.
2. Some hybrids DO have psychic abilities. I do. I am a hybrid. In fact, I am more ET than human. I LOOK human.
3. Some humans get greedy or obsessed with the topic of aliens. Fortunately, I did not meet any evil people like the ones in TAKEN.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by THENEO
I'm guessing he is a big time mason and globalist elitist and possibly satanist?

Huh?!?! Did I miss something?!?

You draw this conclusion....HOW?

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 03:25 PM
I thought it was a very well put together story. As for it being real, probably not.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Imzadi
"TAKEN" has some elements of truth.
1. Abductions DO HAPPEN in family lineage. (Whether the abductees realize it or not) My family's ET/Government connections go as far back as my grrandparents.
2. Some hybrids DO have psychic abilities. I do. I am a hybrid. In fact, I am more ET than human. I LOOK human.
3. Some humans get greedy or obsessed with the topic of aliens. Fortunately, I did not meet any evil people like the ones in TAKEN.

every time i see you post i see you going

"im a alein" but can you prove this?

can you prove that your psychic abilities

did you get your dna done? do you have pics from when your skin changed color?

doi you have any evence that you said you have that you could show us?

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 04:46 AM
Yes, I am a hybrid. I also have an alien soul. And the ETs and government did genetically engineer me. I am now a sr. citizen.
I don't have to "prove" it to you. I have handlers and bodyguards. SOMEONE is spending money on protecting me. It has already been "proven" to the right people.
My website is:
Many movie directors/producers have been influenced by ETs to make ET movies. The ETs I am in contact with like actors because they are GOOD COMMUNICATORS.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 04:59 AM
I was in an experiemnt on "Strange Universe" (TV show) and of the 4 finalists in the COUNTRY, I was the closest! It was an experiment in remote viewing.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 04:45 PM
I believe, having read somewhere, that the series was based on true facts from abductees and the dairies of the families of abductees from world war 2 who had died.

But had names and even some of the places names changed to conceal the full truth of the actual time frame involved, and spiced up some events like when the daughter was taken without the parents, which if �they� were at all concerned about the girl they might have had a thought of the knowing that ANY government would never have let the parents alone and they would have been ask to accompany them for �free board and lodge� for some test to ensure that �they� hadn�t done anything else to them.

I do believe that the series was fact based fiction.

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