posted on May, 3 2006 @ 10:46 PM
I'm sort of a returning member .. Originally, I set up an ATS account in September 2005, then was really swamped with work-related stuff ... have now
retired from a 30-year career in public safety communications ..
I've built a library on the topics of the Espionage, the Intelligence Community, Covert ops, Sigint, Comint, and Information Warfare.
Between 1973 and 2006, I've amassed roughly 550 volumes, most in hard-cover, and very interesting stuff. Piecing info from operations that are
discussed via different authors, and in different books proves very interesting at times.
Currently, I've been studying Information Warefare-related articles planted in National Geographic Magazine, and in Popular Communications Magazine..
These recently planted items are related to Venezuela and also Iran...
It is likely that the United States will be actively working to destablize the current regime in Venezuala since a 6-month notice has been given from
the Venezualan government about plans to nationalize their Oil resources.. Other targets will likely be Bolivia and Nigeria for the same reasons ..
Stay tuned..