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Explaning my anger towards Christians...

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posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 07:45 PM
Well LOBO its yoursellf lead it how you want to. I'm not the Thought Police or the Morality Police (even though it seems like I am). I have a similar story,but it did'nt end in violence.

I don't agree 100% with the Church.I think sex out of marriage (for adults) is ok,masturbatiuon is ok, and most porn is ok. I like watching violent bloody movies, and playing bloody violent video games (Half-life :up
and many of the movie I love the Church thinks are immoral. So because of this a Catholic blow-hard critized me,and called me the greatest sinner that he ever saw. Yet he prays for Osama bin Laden taht he will be forgiven. That I never could understand taht. Anyway he was no shining Catholic like he tought he was,he made fun of people,he was racist. So I told him I did'nt care what he thought of me as a person of faith, thats God's decsion.

So as I see it do what ever makes you happy as long as its within the law. If you like to drink on Friday nights go ahead no one is going to stop you. If you like to see hot nude chicks go ahead I dont care. Your life not mine.

Ill all religions have fanatics,look at al-Qaida Islamic extremists.

Back to that blow hard he and people like him think that you can do whatever you want and God will forgive you. Accroding to him Tim McVeigh,OBL,and Saddam are going to do Ti-Bo with Jesus in Heaven. Thats bull. I hated people thinking for me like he was doing making me be like him and follow his law (The blowhard not God's law). I see God and his law differnt so what? I don't murder I follow his basic 10 Commandments, I just view other things differntly.

You did what you wanted LOBO and I congradulate for that.Your life,God gave you free will.

[Edited on 10-17-2003 by JediMaster]

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 08:10 PM
I dont care what you beleave in, just as long as you are happy and not attacking me for what i beleave in.

Thats the way it is at my puplic high school in san bruno *sfo is in san bruno*

noone gives a sh*t in what you beleav in, every typ of relegen is there, so many i CANT list

everyone gets along fine, its how there person's personality is here

even thoughe its one of the pissporest schools around this area becouse of the gov's cost cutting.

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 08:42 PM
I've heard you tell that story several times before and it still saddens me. If some people beat me like that... I would have hunted them down and made them BEG their God for help

[Edited on 17-10-2003 by maynardsthirdeye]

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 08:58 PM
Strange, I grew up in a heavily Christian orientated environment as a ahteist. I even put forth my atheist beliefs and hade many debates in high school. (Damn those kids should have been better prepared in apologetics.) I never had a problem due to my beliefs. Also some of the figures I have seen here do not just jibe with my experiences. Perhaps there are other factors involved.

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by tracer
Doubt very seriously that they were true Christians who treated you like that....

Personal beliefs cannot be mixed with church membership and obligations. Church has a power with specific for those rite religious laws enforcement systems. Most are institutions; some are engraved inside of humans during education.

What it means �true Christian�??? There is nothing like Christian outside of Church! Something not approved by Church is heresy by definition in all Judeo-Christian sects.

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:08 PM
Has it crossed your mind that not everything is actually about religion, mostly its about being different.

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:08 PM
aye... not again

So many "Christians" are not Christians!

The Jehovah's Witnesses are not.
The Roman Catholic's are not.
The Mormon are not.
The Raelians are not.
The Jesuits are not.
The Seventh Day Adventists are barely there, bordering on salvation...

Evangelistic Baptists?
That's odd though... Most "conservative Christians" are lazy as hell. Once they get saved, they are like screw everyone else, I'm going to heaven. Where as eveangelistic cults such as JW's, Mormons, Roman Catholic's, etc... believe in salvation by works, thus, they go out and preach lies.

Why did you denounce Christ?
- Tass

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
However, I have met a handful of outstanding ones, and the reason you dont run into them is because they arent out in public ranting and abusing. Once such person was my friend SSG Cox in the army, a really upright guy who didnt judge, was good natured, and felt that living an example of a Christian spoke volumes before condemnations, thumping, and preaching did. His kind are few and far netween.

...I personally don't feel 'his kind' are few and far between at all. Its just, as you said, those who are peaceful in their beliefs aren't out ranting and raving, so they pass by you in the street relatively unseen. It is the radicals, the hate-mongers, who wield the Bible like a blazing sword who get is those who believe they may attack due to some Righteous decree...but ultimately all they do is turn the faces of others away from God

Holding a belief in the teachings of Christ, holding a love for Christ and through that a love for others is NOT something we who follow that path wear on our is not a hat we put on when we feel like it...nor is it a rod with which we may use to beat others...doing so is pure hypocracy in my eyes.

There are indeed passages in the Bible that can be seen to encourage abuse/attack against those who don't walk the same path as you...but there are also many passages that speak of love and acceptance...those are the passages I choose to take onboard. Am I 100% successful in the application of that? No...I am human, I still fail, I still make mistakes - we all do - the difference comes when we can see those mistakes, acknowledge them and then do our best to put it right...the difference is that I am conscious that my actions can be either negative or positive, and focussed on trying to make them positive. Whether you do that because its simple humanity, or whether you do that because of some God belief...does it really matter??

I do not preach my beliefs to others (well, I kinda did here, sorry about that), I do not force my beliefs upon others...for they are MINE, they are personal, they are between God and myself. It is through actions, not words, that the inner-person is can pass on much simply by DOING...rather than by getting in anyones face about it. There is a saying I love "Going to Church makes you about as much a Christian as standing in a garage makes you a car", I would ask, are those who speak of peace yet act with hate REALLY to be considered 'Christians'?

On a side note, I wonder if God will hold those types of people accountable for their actions. In my eyes one of the greatest sins must surely be driving another person away from Him.


posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:13 PM

What it means �true Christian�??? There is nothing like Christian outside of Church! Something not approved by Church is heresy by definition in all Judeo-Christian sects.

Kronos, to which "Church" do you refer???

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67
Christianity is a abusive nature. They will shove a Bible down your throat until you say I believe in Jesus.

Although I do not agree with your practice, I think you did the right thing in fighting Christianity.

And don't stop doing that.

Yeah, really abusive. Nothing like those of your religion who offer you the chance to convert to Islam...and then slaughter your family until you do. And don't even think of converting from Islam in one of those nations of the religion of peeeeace!

Colonel, the Bible also speaks of judging people, and by you saying that they will go to Hell means you will be judged as well.

By the way, doesn't the Bible say something about lawyers?

I like Billy Shakepear's idea, myself!

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:20 PM

By the way, doesn't the Bible say something about lawyers?

I like Billy Shakepear's idea, myself!


I was waiting for someone to bring up the Islam stuff, and i didnt want to be viewed as the oppressive christian/jew.

You can convert from islam? i thought that sort of thing warranted a death sentence.

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:21 PM
I also have had problems with SOME Christians due to my beliefs, but for the most part, the people who follow a religion in my area do not tend to preach to a person, but will most likely pray for their forgiveness. For the most part, the Christians here tend to be more open minded, as long as I don't try to preach or profess my belief structure to them. I do feel your pain though LOBO, as I have had run-ins with some of what I call the "SuperChristians", those who are willing to beat a Bible verse into your ass because you believe differently from them. Basically now, I keep my mouth shut about my beliefs unless questioned directly, and that keeps me out of trouble.

*edit*I had another board member's name in place of LOBO's.

[Edited on 17-10-2003 by kaoszero]

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:25 PM
What does it say about lawyers Thomas?

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:26 PM


What it means �true Christian�??? There is nothing like Christian outside of Church! Something not approved by Church is heresy by definition in all Judeo-Christian sects.

Kronos, to which "Church" do you refer???

I am still waiting to find out who this "Church" is.

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by maynardsthirdeye
What does it say about lawyers Thomas?


Classic line.

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 10:51 PM
LOBO is seems very much like you was put through a lot but as someone mentioned here (in there own words) you can find bad people in every group.

A question that you should consider is how does reacting to them, the way they reacted to you; make your efforts to understand yourself any easier.

There is an innate tendency to react and by definition the word innate sugest what type of thinking is involved.

When I was a young man a person I knew told me that there were two ways's to remove an evil spirit, which had taken a human being. One was to kill the human being (which makes no sense) and the other, was to find a way to overcome the desire to kill the evil spirit.

He also told me that forgiving the evil spirit never works, even in the case of Christian exorcisms.

I think you understand where I am coming from, but if you do not, feel free to request that I elaborate.

Any thoughts?

[Edited on 18-10-2003 by Toltec]

posted on Oct, 18 2003 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by LOBO

Personally, I don't think modern Christians are "true" Christians, but I won't get into that right now. Maybe later.

Damn straight.

posted on Oct, 18 2003 @ 12:19 AM
i have had many run ins with christians even to the extreme point were they bombed the brotherhood of the lights school even now i live in a small city in arizona called pima it is run by lds me and a few of my brothers o out into the desert and do are prayers every night and do are work in solitude on several ocassions we were folowed by police and harrased saying we couldent pray out here i public when we were out in the middle of nowere proly about3 miles from any house and we walked out there. but i acept that people are ignorant and fear what they dont understand and the only way for me to be truly alighned and to listen to the answer given to my spirit is for me to maintain a balance of engeries at all times they no longer bother us for we go along or path quitly and there constant harassment would never anger us or change our moods in any way see man constantly tried to cance out some one else spirital light by saying their way of worship alone is right and ordained by god but who are to judge eachothers spirituallty each man spiritual path is dependant on were they are on the great work for the only thing we will take with us when we pass is the knowledge we gain spiritually i worship god but not in same light as others for in the end all paths lead to god some are just longer then others dont let the ignorance of other people make u hate are be angered.

here are some books u should read
intiation into hermetics
keys of enoch
book of pherlite
and anything by mouni sadhu and frances regardi

posted on Oct, 18 2003 @ 12:37 AM
I was born into a Catholic family and attended Catholic schools. I lost interest in going to church when I became a teenager (don't we all). I spent many years searching for that elusive something.

Now I am in my forties and attend the local baptist church. My family and I decided to attend one rainy sunday morning when we first moved to the area and have not looked back since. We were at once welcomed with open arms and made to feel part of one big family.

The reason we fit in so well?? Even the pastors admit they sin, have had marriage problems and doubts about their faith over the years. No one claims to be a perfect christian we are all sinners and all seeking forgiveness from God. God does not expect that we are all SIN FREE he knows we are not perfect and that even though we believe in Jesus, read our bibles and attend church every Sunday we will continue to sin. He loves us so much that he stands by us no matter what. Even the most evil person will be forgiven if he asks.

Yes there are many hippocrates around in all religions. We are taught to respect all religions and beliefs even if we may not agree with them.

We are taught that if someone does not wish to listen to preaching then we shall not force them but instead hope that by setting an example and telling how God has improved out lives they may change their views. If not it is their choice.

Since becoming a christian in this church I have been more at peace in my life. God has helped my be rid of my anger towards others and brought happiness to our family.

By the way, I smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol in moderation (the bible says its OK as long as you don't get drunk) and believe in aliens. My interpretation of the bible is that as long as I acknowledge my downfalls I will end up in heaven.

Thanks for listening!!!

posted on Oct, 18 2003 @ 12:44 AM
No comment.

Although I do understand that some Christians are very... strong willed, thick minded, and close minded. I am one myself, but I'm not close minded. At least I hope not, I think a better Christian would be one that is more open to other ideas, not "everyone that isn't like us is evil"

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