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posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 02:20 PM
I'm sure we've all herd the old adage that the freaks come out on a full moon. Everyone has heard the stories and theories that hospital emergency rooms always seem busier on full moon nights. Nothing substantiated of course.

There has long been a belief and a small amount of evidence that infrasound can cause strange sensations in people, particularly heightened emotions and fear.

What everyone's opinion on a possible link between the two. I propose that whatever factor it is about infrasound that affects people is somehow magnified by the moon or atmosphere. These infrasound occur naturally all around us. I know I feel different emotionally sometimes when out at night then I do during the day. This could be something that has an incredibly small effect, something that may not even be detectable at all in most people. Place that stimulus in a city population of hundreds of thousands, and if only a very small percentage are only effected a very small amount, it may be enough for a few of them to do that strange unexpected action. Sort of the straw that breaks the camels back effect on that group.

Well any opinions?

On another note, I wonder on the issue of ultrasound. Some researches make claims of small evidence that it can cause fear, but there has never been hard research on the subject. The military already uses loudspeakers in military situations to wear on the enemy. How much more effective would it be at demoralizing the enemy if we could play a frequency for a few nights before a battle that incited fear in the troops. I would think that if there is any evidence at all of this being a real response the military would be all over researching this.


posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 02:50 PM
elephants can also make a very low grunting noise. it's so low that we humans can't hear it. it's in the infrasound range. the elephants use it defencively to cause fear in any other predators. at least that's what i remember reading somewhere. i don't have any links on hand at the moment.


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