I think it is important for people to realize the total failure on so many levels of gov't, pyschochik. People need to understand what happened in
NOLA. It was bad, maybe my opinion is the way it is because I live here, too. There can be devastating natural disasters anywhere, and this was a
serious example of all that could go wrong. Personally, as someone who stayed here through it, I think that the TP should keep blasting anyone they
can on this. People should be in trouble, at all levels. Do you realize our president was strumming a guitar at his ranch when he should have been
prepping for this? It's like going into a test without studying. Personally I am pissed off, I am angry. Have you not noticed how things are still
falling apart in some ways?
Sure the "city" *ie, Garden District/French Quarter* are all that the tourists usually see anyway, and life is going on there, but everywhere else
it is really really messed up (I don't need to tell you that, I know).
Crime is rising up, its affecting different areas now, our wonderful police chief is stationing the police officers at traffic intersections to "wave
at folks" in order to improve the public view of NOPD, and our oldest healthcare provider is shut down (Charity).
Construction is going on, but do you realize that all these people that don't have insurance are more likely to not recieve that adequate health care
they would need if something happened at a jobsite?
People need to be angry, things need to be slammed. At the same time, positive change and reinforcement of those positive changes must occur, but
really, I don't want to take it out on the American people, but we must take it out on local, state, and federal officials who could have at least
"cared" a little more. Sure caring is not in a job title, but come on now, we are still human at the core. What I saw here after K was not human, it
was horrific.
To a lighter subject, happy you are here, and who knows, our world has gotten so much smaller here, we may know each other.
What part of the city you in?