posted on May, 2 2006 @ 10:40 PM
They're in The Tomb now...
edit to add:
They're re-created the initiation ritual:
This is what they did for the ritual:
Pretap Night is an event before the Tapping of new candidates
Taken from bed to candlelight room,
Box with names and numbers of people that can answers questions about org shown
Candles blown out
Candidate rushed out. Presumably they take that box with contact information and can ask questions. Are told, however, to not tell anyone that they
have the box.
1 month later, tap night.
Someone shows up at their dorm room. The Candidate is asked "Skull and bones accept or reject"
If accept, taken to initiation. Another person says they are just told 'follow me', so that might be variable.
Might have to chase initiator, might be passed to many people. Seems that part is variable.
I don't know if the S&B calls it this, but the person bringing you to an initiation, at least in teh greek mysteries, is called a "Mystagouge",
teacher of mystery.
Get blindfolded, spun, lead off, to The Tomb.
Person in coffin, candles, skull, at least called Gernonimo;s. Taken to "Room 322", which is decorated with velvet. Spun til dizzy. Then
unblindfolded. Generations of bonesmen are there. They sing songs written about the fraternity.
Thats where they stop.
edit to add:
Now told the following:
No times peices allowed.
No TV or radio.
Drinking alcohol is not permited.
Secret names used, many from the novel "Trystan and Shandy" or some such.
Members have strong feelings of trust, and tell their life stories, details not normally given.
[edit on 2-5-2006 by Nygdan]