Originally posted by Xeven
The mission is over. Let Iraq figure out what it is going to do with Iraq.
The mission is for from over yet, has stability been reached? No, it only became worse after the invasion. The Ami's have a long way to go before
they can leave.
Originally posted by Xeven
It is far time to bring our AMERICAN boys and girls home. They have removed all weapons of mass destruction, caught Saddam and rendered the Iragi
armed forces useless.
You mean, Bush didn't give Blix time enough to come to the conclusion that no WMD's had been in the possession of Saddam's army. I've seen a
documentory about the US training programs for Iraqi servants, the Ami soldiers treat Iraqis with disrespect. They are for instance forced to shave
off their beirds, something which terrible in the opinions of Muslims.You're fighting in a Muslim country, together with Muslim allies, then respect
them, like they respect you!
Originally posted by Xeven
Thier mission is complete.
As mentioned before, their mission is far from complete.
Originally posted by Xeven
American soldiers did not sign up to support and defend the constitution of Iraq PERIOD. It is not in Americas national interest to "save face"
with the lives our our children, fathers and sons.
Did you forget Bush's reason for going to Iraq, wasn't it to protect the world of Saddam's WMD's, and therewith safe the American (and western)
Besides, the rich west has some kind of responsibility task. Simply as that, if you choose to create a mess in one's country, you're fully
responsible for it as well. Many countries warned the US, they wouldn't listen, then take your own responsibility!
As I have mentioned before, a soldier is a puppet, and isn't ought to judge about political matters.
Originally posted by Xeven
Can you please bring our soldiers home and let them patrol our borders and stop terrorist before they come across the border please?
I think you're quite late with this remark, as stated in other articles, there's a big chance there are already terrorist cells active on US soil.
Oh, and if you want to enter a country without authorization you'll come in anyway, no matter borders are heavily protected or not.
[edit on 3-5-2006 by Mdv2]