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The 2006 list of endangered species

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posted on May, 2 2006 @ 05:54 PM

Polar bears and hippos have joined the ranks of species threatened with extinction from climate change, unregulated hunting, habitat destruction and other man-made dangers, leading researchers said Tuesday in a listing of the world’s wildlife.

Today the 2006 list of endangered species was released from IUCN (The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) This is not very plesant reading. According to this research we face the extinction of:

  1. Every fourth mamal
  2. Every eight bird
  3. Every third toad
  4. Every fourth coniferous tree

I just find this very sad reading.


[edit on 2/5/06 by Vaak]

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 02:10 AM
Ok lets kick this of with a lesson on the people who did this estimate. The IUCN is not a reliable source its main job is to twist there clams to put pressure on politics to get there insane views done. They are not endorsed by any government agency and its own missions statement shows its intention to influence governments. Wow a extremist group that’s main purpose is to change governments…sounds like a definition of a terrorist though this one destroys your mind not your body.

Ok moving away from politics to the facts. We are in the middle of a mass extinction event. At the peak HALF of all species are expected to die off. Even better guess what has happened to 99.95% of all species that has ever been on earth ARE EXTINCT. This is just another case of half facts trying to get people to do something.

1. Half of every species that we know will become extinct by the end of this mass extinction event.

And again this is not from humans this is nature. Even better, I love the fact that global warming harming conifers. Ok besides having toxic runoff to them lets see what global warming would do to pine trees. Heat increasing the heat index of plants makes most all grow faster. More rain and CO2….do I even have to explain that one. And acid rain, now not going over board but increasing acidity of the soil would increase its growth. Its common since that specialized species that can not adapt will die out.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by engenerQ
Ok lets kick this of with a lesson on the people who did this estimate. The IUCN is not a reliable source its main job is to twist there clams to put pressure on politics to get there insane views done. They are not endorsed by any government agency and its own missions statement shows its intention to influence governments. Wow a extremist group that’s main purpose is to change governments…sounds like a definition of a terrorist though this one destroys your mind not your body.


The World Conservation Union is the world’s largest and most important conservation network. The Union brings together 82 States, 111 government agencies, more than 800 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and some 10,000 scientists and experts from 181 countries in a unique worldwide partnership.

The Union’s mission is to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.

The World Conservation Union is a multicultural, multilingual organization with 1000 staff located in 62 countries. Its headquarters are in Gland, Switzerland.

What is the World Conservation Union?

And looky here:

See, also:

IUCN Donors

Oh, and in addition to the US Dept of State, make sure not to miss those other two "extremist" organizations found in the list.... The Ford Foundation and Shell International...

Originally posted by engenerQ
Ok moving away from politics to the facts. We are in the middle of a mass extinction event. At the peak HALF of all species are expected to die off. Even better guess what has happened to 99.95% of all species that has ever been on earth ARE EXTINCT. This is just another case of half facts trying to get people to do something.

1. Half of every species that we know will become extinct by the end of this mass extinction event.

And again this is not from humans this is nature. Even better, I love the fact that global warming harming conifers. Ok besides having toxic runoff to them lets see what global warming would do to pine trees. Heat increasing the heat index of plants makes most all grow faster. More rain and CO2….do I even have to explain that one. And acid rain, now not going over board but increasing acidity of the soil would increase its growth. Its common since that specialized species that can not adapt will die out.

Unmitigated, shameful, specious dribble...


At least hide your lies better....

[edit on 4-5-2006 by loam]

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 03:24 AM

Unmitigated, shameful, specious dribble...

ok there are volunteers from the state department not any environmental agencies ya think it would have been the EPA but why would the section of the government that deals with the environment and natural resources not the state department humm

what lies other then the validity mass extinction event half of the species dieing off 99.95% of all species that have ever been on earth are extinct?

if im so wrong prove me wrong

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 03:24 AM
plz delete dubble post ...thx

[edit on 4-5-2006 by engenerQ]

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by engenerQ
prove me wrong

You're kidding right?

And by the way, do you know what a donor is?

[edit on 4-5-2006 by loam]

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by loam

Originally posted by engenerQ

Unmitigated, shameful, specious dribble...


At least hide your lies better....

Great adjectives loam.

Don't you love the way he "critiques" without posting any references?

BTW - Great work guys.

My little contribution:

"Biodiversity cannot be saved by environmentalists alone — it must become the responsibility of everyone with the power and resources to act," he explained. "To succeed on a global scale, we need new alliances across all sectors of society."

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 10:36 PM
I know what a donor is but the US government is not it has set up a trust fund with them. Witch is completely different then giving free money. The point I was trying to make it no where in there website do they clame that the us government has ever supported there organizations data or way of thinking. This leads me to think that it is a somewhat of a bias statements.

And just for mr.(or mrs.) crow ill add lots of links for you this one is for more information about trust funds

Ok where to begin lets start with the ELE we have had five and are mid way through the sixth each steadily increasing in the amount of species becoming extinct.
this one says 90% are expected to die off

those are a couple much more out there. I was wrong it was 50-90% of all species will become extinct. It started 100,000 years ago you know those global things sneaking up and just killing everything off over night. The current commonly called sixth is contributed to many causes witch do not belong in this thread.

Ok next the 99.95 lets just go with 99.9%

hope those clear that subject up

no offence subject matter expert if you where talking about those “shamefull things” there seems to be a mountain of facts on my side. And honestly this stuff is in intro to bio, ecology, or history nothing I thought I had to PROVE to you but there I have/ whats so shamefull about the truth?

And let me inform you that no where in what you have quoted says “donor” it was under the donor section but it is talking about a standard Trust fund not a monetary donation. And if there where going to show off support from the US wouldn’t they go for the EPA instead of the part that assists foreign policy and businesses. Though it really does not matter about where it came from it is old news.

[edit on 4-5-2006 by engenerQ]

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by engenerQ

...we have had five and are mid way through the sixth each steadily increasing in the amount of species becoming extinct.

From your first source:

Present day — the Holocene extinction event. A 1998 survey by the American Museum of Natural History found that 70% of biologists view the present era as part of a mass extinction event, the fastest to have ever occurred. Some, such as E. O. Wilson of Harvard University, predict that man's destruction of the biosphere could cause the extinction of one-half of all species in the next 100 years.


[edit on 4-5-2006 by soficrow]

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 10:59 PM
im sorry i dont see your point here its wiki give it a brake its betwene a blog and a science paper read on my friend i sugjest the PBS one that says that 90% could die off

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by engenerQ

im sorry i dont see your point ...

Many scientists believe we are in the midst of the Sixth Mass Extinction - and said extinction is caused by man's destruction of the planet's biosphere.


posted on May, 4 2006 @ 11:27 PM
Umm good job? I don’t recall ever saying whose fault it was just that we are in the middle of one. I went out of my way to show booth sources that say its science and that it is humans to make sure that both sides of the argument say that the numbers that I said are to be expected.

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