posted on May, 2 2006 @ 12:00 AM
Has anyone ever considered the use of monetary units as a capsule for the spreading of disesase; intentionally.
Many people suspect AIDS of being biologically engineered, but couldn't something more efficient be created? Something that was transmitted on any
type of contact instead of sexual contact, and acted similarly to AIDS in terms of destroying the immune system. Of course the disease could also
have other deadly effects, but you get the drift. Money could then be mass-produced and "contaminated" with the virus and circulated around the
community or country. This could either be done by the host country in an attempt to target certain racial groups (questionably, as it could result
in the death of many, many others), or by an external group that illegally printed counterfeit money and contaminated it with the disease. It seems
somewhat logical since money seems to be the object in America that is circulated more than anything else, except perhaps water. This would also
provide the disease with a means to be somewhat covert for long periods of time, so that when scientists realized it was a mass epidemic, it would be
too late, and no cure would be present.
Sorry for sloppiness, another one of my crazy ideas that I just wanted to get down fast. Tell me what you think, and if you believe this is possible
and has crossed the minds of any individuals before.