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You take the day and we'll remember!

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posted on May, 1 2006 @ 10:12 AM
So, “immigrants” want to take today off and protest the pending immigration policies? Fine, tell you what, if you want to skip a day of work at your steady job, skip class at your public school, close down you employer’s business to make a point, you did!

You have shown the rest of us “immigrants” that you are ungrateful, unthankful and unappreciative. Illegal immigration is illegal and shouldn’t be placated or given amnesty. We continue to support Illegals with our tax dollars, and pay the price for our good will. Free education, (but we’ll teach our citizens your language so it won’t be so traumatic to live in this free society), free medical care that over taxes our local hospitals (not to mention the third-world diseases making their way into the us now), injuries to our citizens from uninsured drivers and workers, (that just go back over the border to escape prosecution) and the drug trade’s pipeline to the US.

Do you really think a 1 day boycott comes close to what you cost America and it’s legal citizens every hour of every day?!

I would be curious to see if the violence and drug use dips in our schools for the day. I can assure you that welfare, food stamps and free medical assistance will not. So, as you take the day to protest, a right that American Citizens have, enjoy and thanks for proving our point!

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 10:37 AM
You are right. It was like the advertising billboard shown here a few months ago.
It was titled Imagine a day without illegal imigrants, ok.

Crime goes down 65%, people are not shot in drive by shootongs, welfare now is solvent, everyone u run into speaks english.

the issue is simple, we are refering to ILLEGALS! They are criminals.PERIOD! they should be treated the criminals they are.

Since they are not citizens, or even LEGAL imigrents-0they should have no rights-period.

or we can simple shoot them all as they cross the boarder illegally. If mexico and mexicans in the us don't like it, they can sealup their boarder with the us. I think a few thousand bodies just across the boarder will serve as a lesson.

Also, revoke the law anyone born in us is citizen. If someone(s) are illegals, their born or unborn child is an illegal too and should be trewated as such and all removed from this country.

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 11:13 AM
Thank God you don't run this country....

It's racist and bigoted as it is without someone like you running things.

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 11:21 AM

It is the truth. ALL ILLEGALS are ciminals, Period!
They should be arrested and shipped home

Notice i didn't say all mexicans, just ILLEGALLS!

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 11:46 AM
Today would be the perfect day to do it. LOL, they are all gathered together to "protest" and to forece thier rights down our throats. (They have no right, they are ILLEGAL) I think it would be perfect if the National Gaurd showed up and arrested all their butts and had HUGE mass deportaions in every city the ingrate Illegals are protesting in.

I'm soooo flipping mad. This entire situation is disgusting! Send them all home!

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 11:51 AM
Most in our government continue to ignore the problem and the media and far left demonize those who demand a solution. The Bush administration and those before him have “neglected” this situation and it’s about to explode, or is that the plan.

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, chairman of the Immigration and Border Security subcommittee, discussed the latest on the immigration reform debate on Monday, including the protests across Texas. Sen. Cornyn also discussed how to bring down prices at the gas pump.

The key components of Cornyn’s comprehensive bill include enhanced border security and interior enforcement, employer accountability, and reform to address temporary workers and the current illegal population. He has said he will vote against any proposal that includes amnesty and rewards illegal immigrants.

FYI: Sen. Cornyn was not invited to a meeting with President Bush and his advisors last week. Strange isn’t it that a the Chairman of Immigration and Border Security was left out of the loop? It would seem the President doesn’t want a solution to this problem but chooses instead to favor amnesty for criminals and continues to allow the festering of this national security crisis.

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 12:13 PM
ummm any business that is affected by workers not showing up today, needs to be seriously investigated for their hiring practices and heavy fines should be imposed on any company who hires only illegal immigrants. Penalize the deep pockets before penalizing the hired help. would illegal immigrants continue to bypass the process if there were no jobs available to them and they really needed that Green Card to work here?

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 12:58 PM
We've had laws against these businesses hiring Illegals but it wasn't until last week that our government made a "show" of enforcing it in selected areas. Has anyone else heard of anymore crackdowns? either.

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 01:08 PM
This just in, heard from radio program a only 20 min ago.

A mexican worker called to warn his boss to lock the parking lot of his bus in LA. It seeems after the protest, they intend to riot.

I a strange, sick way i hope they do. This will give police the reason they need to arrest them and deport all the illegals present.

NOTE: I really hope they try to come to my home town-rioters.

I have several high powered rifl3s, several thousand rounds of ammo, lets see who wins at 500 yeards!

The last riots i was scareed S__Tless, now i am armed and trained for them-LETS ROCK!


too many gun toting smileys

[edit on 5-1-2006 by worldwatcher]

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 01:18 PM
legal smegal, remember that time we stole all that land from the native americans and then killed off a fairly good chunk of them?

not even cinco de mayo yet.. mmmm beef vachitas.

rant forum?

[edit on 1-5-2006 by Lysergic]

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 01:31 PM
Here we go...we DESERVE it right? Wrong. Some seem to think that America has contributed nothing but misery to the world. Such viewpoints are neither accurate or relevant. The topic is Illegal immigration and the massive negative impact it is having on this nation. The fact that it has been ignored even encouraged by our leaders is inexcusable! Those who hire Illegals are damaging our nation and cheating our future generations. Want to be here? Follow the rules!

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by MrMicrophone
Here we go...we DESERVE it right? Wrong. Some seem to think that America has contributed nothing but misery to the world. Such viewpoints are neither accurate or relevant. The topic is Illegal immigration and the massive negative impact it is having on this nation. The fact that it has been ignored even encouraged by our leaders is inexcusable! Those who hire Illegals are damaging our nation and cheating our future generations. Want to be here? Follow the rules!

Did I say that? Chill out for a minute lol. Nobody seemed to mind all the illegals when we needed them to do all the crap jobs...

maybe those who hire illegals should pay a decent wage and hire a "legal"?

not like this problem sprung up over night

Just a thought, Capitalism ftw.

ps: while drugs do come through the mexican border I don't think its fair to blame it on illegals as they want to come over here and work opposed to mexican mafia who rather live it up in mexico but turn profit on drugs in america. And then you read things like this :

and you say to yourself 5.5 tons of coke?


[edit on 1-5-2006 by Lysergic]

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 01:50 PM
This has been a problem were I live for a long's just now enough people are raising their voice. I've never hired an Illegal, those who do should be held accountable and pay a fair wage to legals but it's all about taking the easy way. This may surprise you but I have worked in the fields and was paid a fair wage, that is the way it should be. Our medical and social infrastructure is overloaded and it's time for these folks to go home or be sent home.

posted on May, 2 2006 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by MrMicrophone
Our medical and social infrastructure is , overloaded and it's time for these folks to go home or be sent home.

Exactly. It's tough for me to take a stance on this issue, one way or the other, because I have sympathy for certain parts of each side's case.

But at the end of the day, when I see under-staffed police-departments, over-worked and overflowing hospitals, medical programs running at full capacity, prisons overflowing.... when we have all of these problems, it is not the time to be letting whoever wants in. Obviously, we cannot realistically stop immigration, nor should we. But we need to concentrate on Americans and American issues, patching up the holes etc. We need to help people who are already here and who didn't break the law in getting here.

I really don't think the majority of these marchers even understand the issue at-hand. It is not about recognizing immigrants' contributions and value to our society. It is not about oppresing Mexicans

trying to get in. It is not about labeling all immigrants as criminals, which many of these protesters believe. It has nothing to do with anything these people are in an uproar about-- at least, those that aren't just in it for the free lunch and day off from work.

It's about border-security. Plain and simple. No matter where you stand with Bush, the War on Terrorism, immigration etc. is irrelevent. The mere idea that people can just waltz into this country just because they feel like it, without following procedure and without being checked for security risk. What RIGHT do they have to do that?

Some will respon with "what right did the white Europeans have to invade North America in the first place?" While I can sympathize with that, it doesn't address current reality and today's issues. Even WITHOUT the War on Terror, the notion that we don't protect our borders is absurd. It's COMMON SENSE! Put up a FENCE!

THAT is what this issue is about. It has nothing to do with racism, when you get down to the core of it although people on both sides certainly make it out to be.

So the only other part of the problem is what do we do with the people who are here? I say we document them all. Give them a year to turn themselves in, get processed and be released as American citizens expected to pay taxes. Then, we go after illegals hardcore. We need to divert resources that SHOULD be taken from the War on Terror and use them to secure both borders. It CAN be done. Then, after that initial year of amnesty, we go after all illegals who are still here. We classify them as felons and we throw them in jail.

The only downside to this would be paying for it. As I said, we should divert some funds for whatever stash Bush and Co. has allocated for the WOT. It's ridiculous to think that we can drop bombs that are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not millions?) but we can't spare the change to properly secure the border which is ONE OF THE PRESIDENT'S MAIN DUTIES.

Sorry for the rant. Had to post my thoughts on this.


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