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The first Illigal imigration in the U.S

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posted on May, 1 2006 @ 06:54 AM
What i find on this board that i think is terribly hipocritical, is that all the folks complaining and wailing about imigration to the U.S by the meaga-super-duper-evil mexicans are ignoring the fact that (if they are decended from the US colonists) their ancestors ilegally emigrated to the States on such a large scale that the Native american indians were almost eradicated, not to mention the slaughter of buffalo ect. (sorry off-topic) and invasions of central america.

The Mexicans (AND OTHER IMIGRANTS, which, contrary to the views on this board exist) are coming to the USA for a BETTER life! And are they atempting to eradicate the American population.NO. Are they destroying American settlements.NO.Are they destroying the US culture through Propoganda.NO.Soooo....before you complain about imigrants think about YOUR past, becasuse the Mexican imigrants are going to IMPROVE the US economy, imigrants work on average 30% longer hours doing the jobs YOU dont want to do.

Rant done....



posted on May, 1 2006 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by Crackity_Jones
becasuse the Mexican imigrants are going to IMPROVE the US economy, imigrants work on average 30% longer hours doing the jobs YOU dont want to do.

Actually, it's ILLEGAL immigration that currently does what you say. Once an illegal immigrant receives, as is being discussed, some sort of amnesty, this will change.

Once legal, that very same immigrant won't work that average 30% longer -- he will be limited, by law, as to the amount of hours that he/she can work. And since that immigrant is now legal, he/she will go and find a better job leaving a vacancy in a job that NOONE wants to do.

I have always wondered why the illegal immigrants who have organized this spectacular political demonstration can't do the same in their home countries? Perhaps by having mass demonstrations in Mexico, the demands for better working conditions, higher wages and basic human freedoms can force their own governments to be responsive to their needs. The illegal immigrants have, in a sense, given up trying to change things for the better in their own countries. Perhaps it is time to organize and to attempt to force their own governments to bend to the will of their people?

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 08:59 AM
Ok fine. Then the ancestors of those Native Americans displaced by the colonists were also illegal when they crossed over from Asia during the last Ice Age via the Berengia land bridge. How far back do you want to go?

Migration is a fact of life, its been happening for thousands of years. The people who are being overrun fight it in one of two ways: 1) by being conquered and assimilated by the victors. or, 2) successfully resisting, and/or assimilating the invaders. Both have happened more or less equally throughout history. To call resisting an invasion hypocritical is well...hypocritical.

No one is denying them the right to attempt to better their lives. What they need to do is do it legally, by the rules as they currently are written. If the rules change, as I believe they should, then they play by those rules. Or better yet, stay in their own countries and attempt to improve the conditions that are apparently so bad they feel it neccessary to risk their own, and their childrens, lives to come here. If all the illegal immigrants stayed home and were as loud there as they are here, then change could indeed be fomented in their own homelands.

As I have said in numerous posts elsewhere conserning this issue, if they want to come here legally, come on over. Do it legally, first and only.

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by seagull
Ok fine. Then the ancestors of those Native Americans displaced by the colonists were also illegal when they crossed over from Asia during the last Ice Age via the Berengia land bridge. How far back do you want to go?

WEll, i think im right in saying that there was no human life over there when they migrated, im not sure though...

Just to clear up my position, i have no problem with the mass migration to the Americas, my problem is how they forcebly took land, in a perfect world, the Conolists and Native americans could have shared the land.

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 10:29 AM
Crackity. Sorry I got a bit snarky there. Yes, in a perfect world, they would have indeed shared the land. Unfortunately, man is a very imperfect beast, and conflict will arise over the silliest of issues. It has happened, and will continue to happen, well into the foreseeable future. Immigration, or migration if you prefer, happens when the land overthere seems to offer more than the land overhere. What has differed in the current mass migration/invasion is the responce by the ones being overrun/invaded. Our responce has been most forbearing, when we could have started shooting long ago. No I am not advocating shooting anybody, counterproductive at best. I choose to view our lack of violent responce as a positive sign. Lack of anysort of responce is, however, not a positive.

Again, my apologize to Crackity for my somewhat intemperate responce.

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Crackity_Jones
What i find on this board that i think is terribly hipocritical, is that all the folks complaining and wailing about imigration to the U.S by the meaga-super-duper-evil mexicans are ignoring the fact that (if they are decended from the US colonists) their ancestors ilegally emigrated to the States

What were the immigration laws when our ancestors immigrated? To be 'illega'l, a law must have been broken. What laws did our ancestors break?

I'm not defending the morality of the people who took the Native American's land, but I don't believe you can call it "illegal".

And just because someone is against illegal immigration does not make them bigots or racist as your post implies.
I don't care what color the person breaking the law is.

[edit on 1-5-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by Crackity_Jones
What i find on this board that i think is terribly hipocritical, is that all the folks complaining and wailing about imigration to the U.S by the meaga-super-duper-evil mexicans are ignoring the fact that (if they are decended from the US colonists) their ancestors ilegally emigrated to the States

What were the immigration laws when our ancestors immigrated? To be 'illega'l, a law must have been broken. What laws did our ancestors break?

I'm not defending the morality of the people who took the Native American's land, but I don't believe you can call it "illegal".

And just because someone is against illegal immigration does not make them bigots or racist as your post implies.
I don't care what color the person breaking the law is.

[edit on 1-5-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

Er...where plaese, did i imply that someone against illegal imigration is bigoted or racist...??? Also, i was not talking necesarily about illegal against illegal imigration! What i dont like (as i thought i made clear-sorry if i didnt) is people against imigration per se. And what i was doing was not calling them bigoted or racist-i was ridiculing them, and how they make mountains out of mole-hills. And i did not even get on to the subject of racism, although i could have, i klnew it would provoke this reaction, and that is why i did not.


And yes i agree, it was not stricktly speaking illegal, i was talking more about the morality of it. Sorry for not making that clear

Crackity out

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Crackity_Jones
Er...where plaese, did i imply that someone against illegal imigration is bigoted or racist...???

Originally posted by Crackity_Jones
the meaga-super-duper-evil mexicans

I may have misunderstood, but "super-duper evil Mexicans" sounds a bit racist to me.

And it was your use of the term "illegal" when speaking of the original immigrants, that led me to think you were speaking of illegal immigration.

I have no problem with immigration at all, it's breaking the law that I take issue with.

Originally posted by Crackity_Jones
What i find on this board that i think is terribly hipocritical, is that all the folks complaining and wailing about imigration to the U.S

Just where have you seen people complaining about legal immigration?? I haven't seen it at all.

[edit on 1-5-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 01:47 PM
Ive seen several threads about people complaining generally about imigrants, although they were (thatnkfully) met with opposition. I remember one about people at Subway being all mexican, that they cant talk englkish, and that all imigration from mexico should be stopped.

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